
出版时间:2003-9  出版社:高等教育出版社图书发行部(兰色畅想)  作者:楼迎宪 编  页数:162  


  随着改革开放的不断深化、国际交往的日益频繁、新兴产业的涌现和发展,我国对大学生英语应用能力的要求也越来越高、越来越具体。教育部研究制订的《2003-2007年教育振兴行动计划》,决定把实施“高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程”作为其中的重要内容。该项“工程”第二条专门谈到大学英语教学改革,明确提出要进一步提高大学生的英语实用能力。为此,高等教育出版社立即策划推出一套行业英语系列教材,为经过英语基础阶段学习的大学生,特别是高职高专学生提高专业英语应用能力创造条件。《物业英语》就是在此背景下应运而生的。  《物业英语》讲述一家美国企业(Founder Limited)在竞争中求生存、求发展的故事。故事在该物业管理公司老板Charles David,办公室主任Lucy,物业经理Bob Bm‘ns,营销主任Thomas,维修主管Mark和新雇员Lily之间展开,情节引人入胜,语言生动实用。全书以连续剧的形式出现,共分10集,涉及到物业管理的历史、概念、机构及职能、房屋的维修、纠纷处理环境管理等方面。每集配有词汇学习、名词解释及背景知识,还配有大量语言练习,书末附有Tapescripts及参考答案。  《物业英语》的编写突出语言实用能力的培养。课文的选材、练习的配备,都围绕英语在物业管理这一行业中的实际运用展开,听、说、读、写的安排也是根据实际需要产生。使用者在学习过程中会逐渐沉浸于剧情里,寓学于乐,轻松掌握物业管理中的英语专业术语及基本知识,为将来从事这一领域的工作打下良好的基础。  《物业英语》由上海第二工业大学的资深英语教师编写,主编为楼迎宪、华茜,参加编写的有王录、杨任明。




Series I History of Founder LimitedAct 1 Introduction of the Management TeamAct 2 InterviewAct 3 Evolution of Property ManagementSeries 2 Organization of Founder LimitedAct 4 Meeting Her Potential BossAct 5 Positions in Founder LimitedSeries 3 Relations with the OwnerAct 6 Lilys First WorkdayAct 7 A Referee Between Buyer and SellerSeries 4 Finding a Tenant Who Will Pay on TimeAct 8 Second Workday in the Business DepartmentAct 9 The Relationship Between the Property Manager end the TenantSeries 5 Some Specific Advice on Dealing. with TenantsAct 10 Asking for AdviceAct 11 Dealing with the Angry CallerSeries 6 LeasesAct 12 in the Leasing DepartmentAct 13 Rights and Responsibilities of Lessees and LessorsAct 14 A Case to RememberSeries 7 ContractAct 15 Elements for a Valid ContractAct 16 Rights and Responsibilities of Lessees and LessorsAct 17 Sallys StorySeries 8 Collecting the RentAct 18 Thomas HeadacheAct 19 Rent CollectingAct 20 A Run-away TenantSeries 9 MaintenanceAct 21 Maintenance DepartmentAct 22 Who Is Responsible for the RepairsAct 23 Maintain the Lawn in Good ConditionSeries 10 Commercial PropertyAct 24 Buildings & FeaturesAct 25 Suite OptionsAct 26 Office PropertiesAppendix I Supplementary ReadingAppendix Ⅱ TapescriptsAppendix Ⅲ Key for Reference


  fair housing and landlord/tenant relations. I really think that working in such a company is both challenging and rewarding. If Im lucky enough to be accepted, I will be very happy and of course I will work hard. Good, you seem to have prepared well before you came here. What else do you know about the property management? Property management, according to Robert Kyle of the Institute of Real Estate Management, achieves the objectives of the owner while preserving or increasing the value of an investment property and generating income for the owners. The primary aims of a property manager are to 1) achieve the objectives of the owners or shareholders;  2) preserve or increase the value of a property; 3) generate income for the owners. It is obvious that the property must attract buyers and tenants or otherwise the owners will not be able to recover investment or attain the desired profit and return on investment. Quite right. By the way, do you think that you are qualified for the post? Of course. A successful property manager will use strong interpersonal communication skills as he has to interact with a wide range of people, including tenants, contractors, landscapers, plumbers and so on. I am quite confident with my ability in this respect because I was once the chairman of the students union for two years.



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