应用Use Cases方法

出版时间:2003-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:施奈德  页数:245  字数:320000  


实际案例分析是一种从用户角度定义软件系统外在特征的方法。本书对这种前沿的软件开发技术提供了清晰、实用的介绍。通过诸多实例和详尽的案例学习,指导读者在软件系统开发中运用实际案例分析方法。此版包括更多复杂的、精确的实例,对各种实际案例文档制作技巧的前置条件和结论进行描述,并讨论其他建模方法如何同实际案例关联。本书引导读者体会软件开发过程,阐述实际案例如何应用于项目初期、需求与风险分析、系统体系结构、调度规划、回溯与测试、文档制作。主要论题包括:识别实际案例并描述其成分,编制事件流(包括基本路径与替代路径),实际案例的完全性与正确性检查,以活动图和序列图将实际案例图例化,整合用户界面描述与数据描述文档,以实际案例为例测试软件体系结构模式与设计,在项目规划、原型设计与项目评测上应用实际案例,从实际案例中识别并图示分析类型,在用户指南、测试实例与培训材料中应用实际案例。本书用相当篇幅讲解如何识别常见错误并给出相应结论。本书另一特征是给出了易用文档模板集、UML符号简缩指南。本书适用于软件学院应用软件开发、系统工程实际案例分析类课程。作者简介:Geri Schneider is a senior consultant and trainer at Andrews Technology,Inc.,in the areas of iterative development,software project mangement,object-oriented analysis and design,softward architecture,design patterns,and use cases.In addition,she teaches in the softward engineering management certificate program for the University of California Santa Cruz Extension.She previously worked for Rational Software Corporation mentoring customer in the areas of iterative development.object technologies,and use case analysis.Jason P.Winters is a staff design engineer for Cadence Design Systems,Inc.He was previously with Lucent Technologies as a staff engineer.At Lucent,he designed adn built specialized tools,promoted the use of modern software development practices and tools throuthout the company,and mentored projects on object-oriented analysis and edsign,UML,adn use cases.


Foreword Preface to Second Edition PrefaceChapter 1 Getting Started  An Iterative Software Process  An Example Project  The Project Description  Starting Risk Analysis  Chapter Review Chapter 2 Identifying System Boundaries  Identifying Actors  Identifying Use Cases  Describing Actors and Use Cases  Handling Time  Potential Boundary Problems  Scoping the Project  Chapter Review  Chapter 3 Documenting Use Cases  The Basic Use Case   Pre- and Postconditions   Flow of Events  Guidelines for Correctness and Completeness  Presentation Styles  Other Requirements  Handling Complex Use Cases   The Basic Path  Alternative Paths  Detailing Significant Behavior  Documenting Alternatives  Scenarios  Adding Direction to the Communicates Association  Chapter Review Chapter 4 Advanced Use Case Documentation Techniques  Include  Extend  Inheritance  Interfaces  Chapter Review Chapter 5 Diagramming Use Cases  Activity Diagrams  Simple Sequence Diagrams  Diagramming the User Interface  Chapter Review Chapter 6 Level of Detail  Determining the Level of Detail  Traceability between Use Cases  Use Cases for Business Processes  Chapter Review Chapter 7 Documenting Use Cases Chapter 8 Reviews Chapter 9 Dividing Large Systems Chapter 10 Use Cases and the Protect Plan Chapter 11 Constructing and Delivering a System Appendix A Resources Appendix B Documentation Templates Appendix C UML Notation Appendix D Sending Results of the Use Case Estimator Appendix E Order-Processing System  Order-Processing System  Risk Factors System-Level Use CasesArchitecture Index




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