
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:高等教育  作者:陈建平  页数:337  


  随着我国对外开放力度的不断加大,特别是在商贸活动日益全球化以及中国加入WTO这一国际性商贸组织的大背景下,英语学习已从单纯的语言交流走向多元化,对既熟悉国际商务又熟练掌握英语的高级复合型人才的需求也越来越大。因此,熟练掌握商务英语,并且在商务活动中灵活地运用商务英语是新经济时代的商务人员必须具备的专业技能之一。在商务英语教学所注重培养的听、说、读、写、译五项基本技能中,听说是最基本的技能。随着企业和个人面对面地与外商进行商务交际活动的机会增多,对商务英语听说能力的培养已显得日趋重要,因此,这一领域很值得我们去认真研究和探讨,也正是基于此需求,我们编写了《商务英语听说》。  《商务英语听说》是为培养高等院校的英语+专业(如商务管理、国际贸易、国际经济法、国际金融等)以及专业+英语等复合型涉外人才而专门开设的复合型课程,旨在培养学生在各种商务环境下熟练运用英语知识与技能的能力。  本教程以高等院校英语专业新教学大纲所规定的复合型涉外人才的培养为依据,以简洁易懂的语言生动、系统地介绍了涉外商务活动中常用的英语对话和技巧。本着“在商务环境中学习语言,通过语言提高商务知识与技能”的宗旨,我们在教程中为学生提供了各种商务英语听说情景,让学生有充分的机会将商务知识与技能以及语言知识与技巧融会贯通,为将来更好地从事跨文化商务交际奠定良好的基础。  本教程注重实用性和可操作性,特别是英语听说技能在各种商务活动中的实际运用。其特点主要包括:  1.实用性强:本教程每单元的选题都紧扣当今商务活动的某一个方面,每个章节的各项练习都围绕学生在该领域的交际实践中将要面对并应该有所了解和掌握的问题的顺序展开;每一个选题都基于一个模拟的商务交际活动情景,使得学生在掌握语言技能的同时,能够在模拟商务场景中操练商务交际技能,并了解相关的商务知识。  2.可操作性强:每单元从既关键又容易理解的语言知识和技巧切入主题,从不同的角度使学生得以举一反三地学习英语听说技能,同时了解商务知识,提高商务业务能力。




Unit 1 Making EnquiriesUnit 2 Neqotiating PricesUnit 3 Placing OrdersUnit 4 Terms of PaymentUnit 5 PackingUnit 6 ShippingUnit 7 InsuranceUnit 8 Complaints and ClaimsUnit 9 Marketing and SalesUnit 10 AccountingUnit 11 TaxationUnit 12 Stocks and BondsTranscriptsReference KeyReferences


  As pricing is often the most sensitive issue in business negotiations, the subject should usually be postponed until all of the other aspects of the transaction have been discussed and agreed upon. It is estimated that about 80% of the issues negotiated are of a non-price nature. Decisions to place export orders involving a long-term commitment are in any case rarely made on the basis of price alone but rather on the total export package. This is particularly so in markets where consumers are highly conscious of quality, style and brand names, where marketing channels are well structured, and where the introduction of the product in the market is time consuming and expensive.  By presenting a more comprehensive negotiating package in a well planned and organised manner, exporters should be able to improve the effectiveness of their business discussions and in the long term the profitability of their export operations. Tactics in negotiations  An importer may reject an exporters price at the outset of the discussions simply to get the upper hand from the beginning of the negotiations, thereby hoping to obtain maximum concessions on other matters. The importer may also object to the initial price quoted to test the seriousness of the offer, find out how far the exporter is willing to lower the price, seek a specific lower price because the product brand is unknown in the market, or demonstrate a lack of interest in the transaction as the product does not meet market requirements.




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