
出版时间:2003-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:(美国)弗登伯格等编  页数:246  字数:330000  


本书以用户对最终产品或系统的所见及所感为出发点考虑设计方法,所涉及的产品从数据库软件到语音识别软件,在众多项目(医疗保健、金融证券、航空事业、保险业、汽车制造业及零售业等)中得到验证。内容包括:能带来突破性增益的针对UCD的完整的周期化方法;现有产品评测、机构评定以使其适用UCD方法;提高用户感知舒适度;在外延型/内适型应用环境下的软件设计、硬件设计、网站建设和服务中应用UCD;当前UCD优化及未来影响产品因素的趋势预测。本书适用于计算机系统用户界面设计、人机工程、系统设计类课程。作者简介:KAREL VREDENBURG,Architect and Corporate Chapmion User-Centered Design at IBM,led the creation of the integrated version of UCD presented in this book.


ForewordPrefaceAcknowldgmentsIntroduction1 Taking Stock Your Current Organization and Products Your Preliminary Road Map  Dealing with the "Yeah,Buts"2 The Integrated Approach What's in a Name? What Are the Benefits of Integrated UCK? What Types of Projects Can Benefit from the Approcah? What's the Primary Target of UCD? The Six Principles of UCD Multidisciplinary Design and User Feedback Project Optimization Providing Universal Access with UCD Summary3 Introducing the Approach Make the Message Simple Spend Time on Education Get On "Every Train Leaving the Station" Eet the Right and Best Skills  Include the Right Methods Carefully Select Pilot Project Identify a Champion Optimize Your Organization Structure Secure Appropiate Funding Create the Infrasturcture  Track Progress Recognize and Celebrate Success Communicate,Communicate,Communicate The History of UCDat IBM Frequently Asked Questions Is the Goal to Have Developers Automatically Incorporate UCD into Their Timeline? Some People About Usability Testing.Is That the Same Thing as UCD? Can You Explain How Certain UCD Tools Can Benefit Designers? Is UCD Only Appropriate for Products with Pervasive Graphical User Interfaces? Doesn't UCD Involve a Lot of Heavy Process and Complicated Methods? Who Needs to Know about UCD in an Organination? Does UCD Involve aDecreasing Management Control over Projects? Do All Product Teams Need to Invest in UCD at the Same High Level? What Is Presented in UCD Executive Review Meetings? How Should Fix Rate Models and Ease of Use Objectives Be Determined? What Are the Top Five User Problems After You Fix All Level 1 Problems? Do User Problems Have to Come from Users? What If My Organization Has Four Levesl of Severity of Problem? What If My Prject Doesn't Have a True UCD Multidisciplinary Team?  What Is the Difference Between UCD and Market Research?4 Deploying the Approach5 Optimizing Your Implementation of the ApproachAppendices Bibliography IndexAbout the AuthorsAbout the CDIMB Licens Agreement




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