
出版时间:2003-01-01  出版社:高等教育  作者:[美]PhilipJ.Prat  页数:260  译者:铁军  


  SQL (Structured Query Language) is a popular computer language that is used by diversegroups such as home computer owners, owners of small businesses, end users in largeorganizations, and programmers。 Although this book uses the SQL implementation in Oracle8 as a vebucle for teaching SQL, the chapter material, examples, and exercises in thisbook are designed to be completed using any soL implementation。  A Guide to SQL, Fifth Edition is written for a wide range of teaching levels, includingstudents taking introduaory computer science classes to those students in advanced infor-mation systems classes。This textbook can be used for a stand-alone course on SQL or inconjunction with a database concepts textbook where students are required to learn SQL。  The chapters in this textbook should be covered in order。 Students should completethe end-of-chapter exercises and the examples within the chapters for maximum learning。Because the content of Chapter 8 assumes that the reader has had instruction in or experi-ence with at least one programnung language, the instructor should determine whetherstudents will understand the concepts。 Students without a programming background willhave difficulty understanding the topic of embedded SQL。 Instructors can ea8ily omitChapter 8 from the textbook in situations where students are not comfortable with pro-gramming examples。


Preface1 Introduction to Database ManagementObjectivesThe Premiere Products DatabaseThe Henry Books DatabaseSummaryExercises2 An lntroduction to SQLObjectivesIntroductionRelational DatabasesDatabase CreationSQL CommandsDropping a TableData TypesNullsLoading a Table with DataViewing Data in a TableCorrecting Errors in the DatabaseAdditional TablesDescribing a TableSummaryExercises3 Single-Table QueriesObjeaivesIntroductionSimple QueriesSortingUsing FunctionsNesting QueriesGroupingNullsSummaryExercises4 Multiple-Table QueriesObjectivesIntroductionQuerying Multiple TablesUsing an AliasMore Complex JoinsSet OperationsALL and ANYSummaryExercises5 Updating DataObjectivesIntroductionCommit and RollbackChanging Existing Data in a TableAdding New Rows To An ExistingTableDeleting Existing Rows From A TableCreating a New Table From an ExistingTableChanging a Value in a Column to NullChanging a Table‘s StructureSummaryExercises6 Database AdministrationObjectivesIntroductionViewsSecurityIndexesThe System CatalogIntegrity in SQLSummaryExercises7 ReportsObjectivesIntroductionConcatenating ColumnsCreating and Using ScriptsCreating a View for the ReportExecuting a Select CommandChanging Column HeadingsChanging Column Formats in a ReportAdding aTitle to a ReportGrouping Data in a ReportIncluding Totals and Subtotals in a ReportSending the Report to a FileA Complete Script to Produce the ReportSummaryExercises……8 Embedded SQLObjectivesIntroductionData DivisionProcedure DivisionA SQL ReferenceB “How do l” ReferenceC Answers to Odd-Numbered ExercisesIndex



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