
出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:(美)安德鲁斯 著  页数:338  译者:杜红兵  


  当今,在微机中使用的众多操作系统各领风骚,用户各有偏爱。在具体使用某种操作系统时,总会遇到一些这样或那样的实际问题。读者迫切需要有一本能引导他们快速掌握有关某种操作系统的安装、管理、维护和调试的实际操作以及在操作中常见问题的处理方法的书。  《计算机操作系统实训教程》正是一本极好的微机常用操作系统的实训教材。该书精选了70多个针对具体的操作系统(Windows 98、Windows NT Professional、Windows 2000 Professional、Windows XP Professional、Mac和Linux等)在使用时的具体操作和可能会遇到的各种实际问题作为实验内容,每个实验由实验目的、实验环境、实验说明、实验步骤和实验作业等五个基本部分组成。通过详尽的实训步骤,读者可熟练掌握实训内容。通过课后的实训作业,可进一步巩固所学内容。




Chapter OneIntroducing and Comparing Operating Systems Lab 1.1 Determine Hardware Compatibility with Windows XP Lab 1.2 Examine Files and Directories Lab 1.3 Compare Windows Versions using the Microsoft Web Site Lab 1.4 Investigate Linux Lab 1.5 Explore the Macintosh Operating SystemChapter TwoHow an Operating System Work with Hardware and Other Software Lab 2.1 Examine System Resources with Device Manager Lab 2.2 Use Shareware to Examine a Computer Lab 2.3 Create a Windows 98 Startup Disk Lab 2.4 Use Microsoft Diagnostics with Windows Lab 2.5 Install Windows ComponentsChapter ThreeUnderstanding the Boot Process and MS-DOS Mode Lab 3.1 Learn to Work from the Command Line Lab 3.2 Examine Windows Configuration Files Lab 3.3 Modify Configuration Files and Observe the Results Lab 3.4 Learn File Naming Convention Lab 3.5 Examine and Adjust CMOS SettingsChapter FourInstalling and Using Windows 9x Lab 4.1 Use Windows Keyboard Shortcuts Lab 4.2 Customize your Desktop Lab 4.3 Update Drivers with Device Manger Lab 4.4 Examine the Windows 9x CD Lab 4.5 Perform Custom Windows 98 InstallationChapter FiveSupporting and Troubleshooting Windows 9x Lab 5.1 Manage Windows File Associations Lab 5.2 Update Windows Lab 5.3 Optimize Windows Lab 5.4 Modify System Configuration Files Lab 5.5 Save, Modify and Restore the Registry Lab 5.6 Critical Thinking: Sabotage and Repair Windows 98Chapter SixUnderstanding and Supporting Windows NT Workstation Lab 6.1 Analyze a System with Windows NT Event Viewer Lab 6.2 Manage User Accounts in Windows NT Lab 6.3 Creating Windows NT Setup and Repair Disks Lab 6.4 Repair NT Workstation Lab 6.5 Observe and Repair Video Problems Lab 6.6 Critical Thinking: Sabotage and Repair Windows NTChapter SevenInstalling and Using Windows 2000 Lab 7.1 Install or Update to Windows 2000 Lab 7.2 Use Windows Help and Troubleshooters Lab 7.3 Create a Group Account  Lab 7.4 Set Disk Quotas Lab 7.5 Use EncryptionChapter EightSupporting and Troubleshooting Windows 2000 Lab 8.1 Install and Use Windows 2000 Support Tools Lab 8.2 Use the Windows 2000 Setup Manage Wizard Lab 8.3 Use Task Manager Lab 8.4 Use the Microsoft Management Console Lab 8.5 Use Disk Management Lab 8.6 Critical Thinking: Sabotage and Repair Windows 2000Chapter NineUnderstanding and Supporting Windows XP Lab 9.1 Allow Two Users to Log on Simultaneously Lab 9.2 Restore the System State Lab 9.3 Install Recovery Console as an Option on the Startup Menu Lab 9.4 Use Recovery Console to Copy Files Lab 9.5 Monitor the Memory Counter Lab 9.6 Critical Thinking: Sabotage and Repair Windows XPChapter TenSupporting Hard Drives Lab 10.1 Perform Hard Drive Routine Maintenance Lab 10.2 Research Data Recovery Services Lab 10.3 Use Do-It-Yourself Data Recovery Software Lab 10.4 Back Up and Restore Files in Windows 2000 Lab 10.5 Critical Thinking: Use Debug to Examine Disk InformationChapter ElevenWindows on a Network Lab 11.1 Share Resources on a Network Lab 11.2 Use NetBEUI Instead of TCP/IP Lab 11.3 Use a Parallel Port for Direct Cable Connection Lab 11.4 Install a Network Printer Lab 11.5 Configure and Use Dial-In ServerChapter TwelveWindows on the Internet Lab 12.1 Install Software to Delete Cookies Lab 12.2 Use FTP to Download a Browser Lab 12.3 Download and Install Internet Explorer and Install Netscape Lab 12.4 Set Up NetMeeting Lab 12.5 Configure a Browser So It Doesn’t Download ImagesChapter ThirteenLinux, Macs, and Notebooks Lab 13.1 Examine a Macintosh Lab 13.2 Download and Install Shareware on a Mac Lab 13.3 Explore the GNOME Environment in Linux Lab 13.4 Use the vi Editor in Linux Lab 13.5 Use Linux Commands Lab 13.6 Battery Calibration and Power ManagementGlossary


当今,在微机中使用的众多操作系统各领风骚,用户各有偏爱。在具体使用某种操作系统时,总会遇到一些这样或那样的实际问题。读者迫切需要有一本能引导他们快速掌握有关某种操作系统的安装、管理、维护和调试的实际操作以及在操作中常见问题的处理方法的书。    作者Jean Andrews博士所著的《计算机操作系统实训教程》正是一本极好的微机常用操作系统的实训教材。该书精选了70多个针对具体的操作系统(Windows 98、Windows NT Professional、Windows 2000 Professional、Windows XP Professional、Mac和Linux等)在使用时的具体操作和可能会遇到的各种实际问题作为实验内容,每个实验由实验目的、实验环境、实验说明、实验步骤和实验作业等五个基本部分组成。通过详尽的实训步骤,读者可熟练掌握实训内容。通过课后的实训作业,可进一步巩固所学内容。



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