
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:高等教育  作者:(美)  页数:821  字数:1020000  




为此,教育部要求由高等教育出版社首先开展信息科学和技术教材的引进试点工作。同时提出了两点要求,一是要高水平,二是要低价格。在高等教育出版社和信息科学技术引进教材专家组的努力下,经过比较短的时间,第一批引进的20多种教材已经陆续出版。这套教材出版后受到了广泛的好评,其中有不少是世界信息科学技术领域著名专家、教授的经典之作和反映信息科学技术最新进展的优秀作品,代表了目前世界信息科学技术教育的一流水平,而且价格也是最优惠的,与国内同类自编教材相当。    这项教材引进工作是在教育部高等教育司和高教社的共同组织下,由国内信息科学技术领域的专家、教授广泛参与,在对大量国外教材进行多次遴选的基础上,参考了国内和国外著名大学相关专业的课程设置进行系统引进的。其中,John Wiley公司出版的贝尔实验室信息科学研究中心副总裁Silberschatz教授的经典著作《操作系统概念》,是我们经过反复谈判,做了很多努力才得以引进的。William Stallings先生曾编写了在美国深受欢迎的信息科学技术系列教材,其中有多种教材获得过美国教材和学术著作者协会颁发的计算机科学与工程教材奖,这批引进教材中就有他的两本著作。    希望本书通过这些举措,能在较短的时间,为我国培养一大批高质量的信息技术人才,提高我国软件人才的国际竞争力,促进我国信息产业的快速发展,加快推动国家信息化进程,进而带动整个国民经济的跨越式发展。


作者:(美国)罗斯(Ross K.W.) (美国)库罗斯(Kurose J.F.) Jim Kuroseis a professor of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.Dr. Kurose has received a number of recognitions for his educational activities including Outstanding Teacher Awards from the National Technological University (eight times), the University of Massachusetts, and the Northeast Association of Graduate Schools. He received the IEEE Taylor Booth Education Medal and was recognized for his leadership of Massachusetts' Commonwealth Information Technology Initiative. He has been the recipient of a GE Fellowship, an IBM Faculty Development Award, and a lilly Teaching Fellowship.Dr. Kurose is a former Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Communications and of the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. He has been active in the program committees for IEEE Infocom, ACM SIGCOMM, and ACM SIGMETRICS for a number of years and has served as Technical Program Co-Chair for those conferences. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the ACM. His research interests include netork protocols and architecture, network measurement, sensor networks, multimedia communication, and modeling and performance evaluation. He holds a Ph.D.in Computer Science from Columbia University.Keith Ross is the Leornard J. Shustek Professor in Computer Science at Polytechnic University in Brooklyn. From 1985 to 1998 he was a professor in the Department of Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. From 1998 to 2003 he was a professor in the Multimedia Communications Department at Institute Eurecom in France. Keith Ross is also the principal founder and original CEO of Wimba, which develops voice-over-IP technologies for e-learning markets.Dr. Ross has published numerous research papers and has written two books. He has served on editorial boards on many major journals, including IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, and on numerous programming committees, including ACM SIGCOMM and IEEE Infocom. He has supervised 15 Ph.D. theses. His research and teaching interests include P2P systems, multimedia netvvorking, network protocols, and stochastic networks. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.


Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet 1.1   What Is the Internet?  1.1.1  A Nuts-and-Bolts Description  1.1.2  A Service Description  1.1.3  What Is a Protocol? 1.2   The Network Edge  1.2.1   End Systems, Clients, and Servers  1.2.2  Connectionless and Connection-Oriented Service 1.3   The Network Core  1.3.1  Circuit Switching and Packet Switching  1.3.2  Packet-Switched Networks: Datagram Networks and Virtual-Circuit Networks 1.4   Access Networks and Physical Media  1.4.1  Access Networks  1.4.2  Physical Media 1.5   ISPs and Internet Backbones 1.6   Delay and Loss in Packet-Switched Networks  1.6.1  Types of Delay  1.6.2  "Queuing Delay and Packet Loss  1.6.3  Delay and Routes in the Internet 1.7   Protocol Layers and Their Service Models  1.7.1  Layered Architecture  1.7.2  Layers, Messages, Segments, Datagrarns, and Frames 1.8   History of Computer Networking and the Internet  1.8.1  The Development of Packet Switching: 1961-1972  1.8.2  Proprietary Networks and Internetworking: 1972-1980  1.8.3  A Proliferation of Networks: 1980-1990  1.8.4  The Internet Explosion: The 1990s  1.8.5  Recent Developments 1.9   Summary  Road-Mapping This Book  Homework Problems and Questions   Problems   Discussion Questions   Ethereal Lab 1  Interview: Leonard KleinrockChapter 2 Application Layer 2.1   Principles of Network Applications  2.1.1   Network Application Architectures  2.1.2  Processes Communicating  2.1.3  Application-Layer Protocols  2.1.4  What Services Does an Application Need?  2.1.5   Services Provided by the Internet Transport Protocols  2.1.6  Network Applications Covered in This Book 2.2   The Web and HTTP  2.2.1  Overview of HTTP  2.2.2  Nonpersistent and Persistent Connections  2.2.3  HTTP Message Format  2.2.4  User-Server Interaction: Cookies  2.2.5  HTTP Content  2.2.6  Web Caching  2.2.7  The Conditional GET 2.3   File Transfer: FTP  2.3.1  FTP Commands and Replies 2.4   Electronic Mail in the Internet  2.4.1   SMTP  2.4.2  Comparison with  2.4.3  Mail Message Formats and MIME  2.4.4  Mail Access Protocols 2.5   DNS--The Internet's Directory Service  2.5.1   Services Provided by DNS  2.5.2  Overview of How DNS Works  2.5.3  DNS Records and Messages 2.6   P2P File Sharing 2.7   Socket Programming with TCP  2.7.1   Socket Programming with TCP 2.8   Socket Programming with UDP 2.9   Building a Simple Web Server  2.9.1  Web Server Functions 2.10 Summary  Homework Problems and Questions    ……Chapter 3 Transport LayerChapter 4  The Network LayerChapter 5  The Link Layer and Local Area NetworksChapter 6  Wireless and Mobile NetworksChapter 7  Multimedia NetworkingChapter 8  Security in Computer NetworksChapter 9  Network ManagementReferencesIndex


插图:RTP Packet Header FieldsAs shown in Figure 7.9, the four main RTP packet header fields are the payload type, sequence number, timestamp, and the source identifier fields.The payload-type field in the RTP packet is 7 bits long. For an audio stream, the payload-type field is used to indicate the type of audio encoding (for example, PCM, adaptive delta modulation, linear predictive encoding) that is being used. If a sender decides to change the encoding in the middle of a session, the sender can inform the receiver of the change through this payload-type field. The sender may want to change the encoding in order to increase the audio quality or to decrease the RTP stream bit rate. Table 7.1 lists some of the audio payload types currently supported by RTP.For a video stream, the payload type is used to indicate the type of video encoding (for example, motion JPEG, MPEG l, MPEG 2, H.261). Again, the sender can change video encoding on the fly during a session. Table 7.2 lists some of the video payload types currently supported by RTP. The other important fields are the following.


"This book is a gem——Kurose and Ross take a flesh top-down approach and get the complex networking story right! It will be invaluable for students and professionals alike."    ——Leonard Kleinrock, University of CaliJornia, Los Angeles"I think Kurose/Ross communicates to students well, and also keeps the focus on the essential concepts and principles that truly matter in the long run."    ——hivkumar Kalyanaraman, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"This book is an invaluable resource for networking professionals who need to understand how the Intemet actually works. The author's approach to explaining the technology underlying so many of today's communication services is both engaging and easy to understand. This is a must-have book."    ——Jennifer Rexford, IP Network Management and Performance, A T& T Labs


《计算机网络:自顶向下方法与Internet特色(第3版影印版)》:教育部高等教育司推荐国外优秀信息科学与技术系列教学用书。一流的品质,优惠的价格。本套教学用书的特点:权威性——教育部高等教育司推荐、教育部高等学校信息科学与技术引进教材专家组遴选。系统性——覆盖计算机专业主干课程和非计算机专业计算机基础课程。先进性——著名计算机专家近两年的最新著作,内容体系先进。经济性——价格与国内自编教材相当,是国内引进教材价格最低的。Revised to reflect the rapid changes in the field of networking, Computer Networking provides a top-down approach to this study by beginning with application-level protocols and then working down the protocol stack. An early emphasis is placed on application-layer paradigms and application programming interfaces to allow readers to get their "hands dirty" with protocols and networking concepts in the context of applications they will use in the industry. Networking today is much more (and far more interesting) than standards specifying message formats and protocol behaviors. Professors Kurose and Ross focus on describing emergingprinciples in a lively and engaging manner and then illustrate these principles with examples drawn from Intemet architecture.Highlights of the Third EditionContains a new chapter on wireless and mobile networking, including in-depth coverage of Wi-Fi, Mobile IP, andGSM.Offers a total of twelve labs, including six programming labs and six new Ethereal labs to provide students withhands-on networking experienceHas expanded and revised sections on peer-to-peer networking, BGP, wireless security, DNS, and more.Includes access to the Companion Web site with interactive applets, quizzes, and detailed, graphical PowerPointpresentations for every chapter.For more information, please visit www.PearsonEd.com.




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  •   计算机专业的经典教材啊,深入浅出,实用。
  •   计算机网络——自顶向下方法与这本书是计算机网络非常好的教科书。
  •   我们的教材,英文版的很好懂,就是太厚了点,一个学期下来看完了前6章。
  •   讲的很详细,适于教学的一本书,做参考书的话略显冗余.
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  •   讲解很详细~例子很多很简单易懂。
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  •   很不错的一本书,浅显易懂,注重internet的讲述。不过中文书名的翻译貌似很不准确
  •   书是老师推荐的,不知道好不好呢
  •   正在学习看英文资料,还可以,不是很难懂,不过看起来还是比中文版的效率低点,但是觉得原版写的比翻译的好。
  •   内容是全英的……本来以为是中文版。
  •   这本教材以实用角度为主对我们工科来说挺好的!~~
  •   本书的译本是由陈鸣一个人翻译的,英语基础差的可以看一看译本,里面的一些用词不太习惯,比如“传输层”翻译成了“运输层”,“路由算法”翻译成了“选路算法”。推荐看原版的。
  •   经典就是经典,无容置疑。
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  •   CSIT561课程的教科书,推荐一个
  •   A top-down approach, 说的是这本书的讲述方式,是从OSI最顶端的应用层一级一级地往下,最后到最底端的物理层;这里的approach指的是“一段旅程”,而不是什么莫名其妙的“自顶向下方法”。Featuring the Internet:是一个状语。... 阅读更多
  •   千万不要去看翻译的版本,翻译质量很差,看影印版很好。但是,现在已经有第四版了,国内还没有引进……

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