
出版时间:2003-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:金阳  页数:224  


  随着社会经济的不断发展,商品生产和贸易在经济生活中的地位日益重要,而在生产、贸易中处于领先地位的市场营销的重要性也日益突出。在某种程度上,企业生产运营的成败关键,取决于营销部门的运行情况。作为WTO的新成员,中国在国际经济中的地位不断提高,世界著名企业纷纷涌入中国投资、办实体、做贸易。因此,如何恰当、地道地与外商沟通以及在外资企业内部进行有效的沟通是当今营销人员亟需解决的重要问题。  本书依据市场营销的各个重要环节,取之精华编写而成,强调英语作为语言在各营销环节的运用,突出灵活多变性。本书不是一本理论性的教科书,而是一本极具操作性、注重语言灵活运用的实践性教材。  每个单元主要分三大板块,第一部分(Part A)为基础理论部分,主要介绍该部分的原理、相关知识及背景,为Part B和Part C提供铺垫。第二部分(Part B)为课文的主体——会话部分,主要从营销从业人员的角度出发,着重体现在各个营销环节中,营销管理人员之间以及营销人员与客户和公众之间的沟通,力求提供具有特色的典型个案和营销工作中经常碰到的情景。第三部分(Part C)为扩展练习部分,结合前两部分,学生可在此部分利用所学的理论知识及个案举一反三。各项活动均以学生为中心,让学生在各种练习活动中巩固已有的知识,并创造性地运用于自己的模拟实践中。  本书一大特色是:与传统的课本不同,本书既包含了营销业的基础知识,也有来自一线从业人员的宝贵经验。每个部分均以生动活泼的形式展现在读者面前,各个部分的形式各不相同,甚至各个单元的形式也根据内容与素材的差异而迥然不同。例如,在广告(Advertising)单元中,我们不仅提供了成功广告的范例,还让读者辨别效果好的广告与效果差的广告之区别所在。又如,分销(Distribution)单元中,我们通过各种形式的练习让读者更加深刻地去领会分销的意义和作用。




Chapter 1 Social and Cultural Envi ronment 1Part A Basic Knowledge 1Part B Dialogues 10Part C Extended ActiVities 75Chapter 2 Marketing Planning 22Part A Basic Knowledge 22Part B Dialogues 31Parl C Extended ActiVities 34Chapter 3 Marketing Research 37Part A Basic Knowledge 37Part B Dialogues 41Part C Extended Activities 46Chapter 4 Distribution 49Part A Basic Knowledge 49Part B Dialogues 55Part C Extended ActiVities 60Chapter 5 Price 66Part A Basic Knowledge 66Part B Dialogues 70Part C Extended Activities 76Chapter 6 Promotion(1):Advertising 80Part A Basic Knowledge 80Part B Dialogues 86Part C Extended Activities 90Chapter 7 Promotion(2):Personal Selling 96Part A Basic Knowledge 96Part B Dialogues 101Part C Extended Activities 106Chapter 8 Promotion(3):Fair Promotion 110Part A Basic Knowledge 110Part B Dialogues 116Part C Extended ActiVities 122Chapter 9 Promotion(4):Public Relations 127Part A Basic Knowledge 127Part B Dialogues 131Part C Extended Activities 741Chapter 10 Promotion(5):Festive Promotion 146Part A Basic Knowledge 146Part B Dialogues 152Part C Extended Activities 757Chapter 11 Promotion(6):Promotion of Service Industry 163Part A Basic Knowledge 163Part B Dialogues 169Part C Extended Activities 775Chapter 12 After-sales Service 178Part A Basic Knowledge 178Part B Dialogues 183Part C Extended Activities 787Reference Keys 192


  If you’re selling herbs,for instance,perhaps you want to increase your monthly sales by 25 percent.If you’re a realtor(房地产经纪人),a good goal might be to get 10 new listings each month.My own goal is to gain a new client each week. Whatever goal you set,be sure it’S realistic;you need to be able to achieve the goal if it’S going to motivate you or serve as a good benchmark(基准)to evaluate your success.  Now the hard part.Under each goal,write as many specific things as you can.If I want to increase my monthly sales by 25 percent,one thing I might do is place some ads.But when Im working on my goal list,I need to take the time to think it through SO I’ll be able to follow through effectively.Just “placing some ads”isn’t specific enough.I have to consider what type of ads and where I might place them tO increase my monthly sales.  Go over the list of specific activities youve brainstormed and check them against your marketing plan.Choose the ones that fit best with your goals and do the best job of targeting your potential clients or customers.  Then,using your calendar,decide which promotional activities you’re going to do and when.You can break your marketing plan down by month or by quarter,but be sure you include not only a description of the activity or event,but also a reference to which marketing goal the promotion activity or event iS related to,and a cost estimate.  Once you set up your marketing plan,remember that it needs to be an organic,living document,not something you put into a nice folder and file somewhere and never look at again.Take 15 minutes every day to review your goals and specific activities.what did you do that particular day to help you achieve the marketing objectives youve set?What do you need to do tomorrow? Too often we make plans or list goals and then get SO enmeshed in all the things we have to do to run our businesses that we shunt them aside.Taking 15 minutes a day to review goals,plans,and activities goes a long way towards helping you stay focused and on track.



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