
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:高教  作者:奥古斯特  页数:781  字数:1300000  




PREFACE   CHAPTER 1  Introduction to International and Comparative Law A.What is International Law? B.The Making of International Law C.Sources of International Law    Treaties and Conventions    Case 1-1  Legal Status of Eastern Greenland     Custom          Case 1-2  The Asylum Case     General Principles  D.The Scope of International Law in Actual Practice     The Practice in International Tribunals     The Practice in Municipal Courts     Case 1-3  Sei Fujii v.State  E.International Persons  States   Case 1-4  Matimak Trading Co.v.Khalily and D.A.Y.Kids Sportswear Inc.   Case 1-5  The Trail Smelter Arbitration   Case 1-6  Arab Republic of Syria v.Arab Republic of Egypt  International Organizations   Case 1-7  Arab Monetary Fund v.Hashim and Others(No.3)   Case 1-8  Eunomia di Porro & Co.v.Italian Ministry of Public Education   Case 1-9  S.A.Roquette Freres v.Council of the European Community  E The Rights of Individuals under International Law      Case 1-10  De Sanchez v.Banco Central De Nicaragua  G.Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems  The Romano-Germanic Civil Law System   Case 1-11  Raulin v.Fischer       The Anglo-American Common Law System  The Islamic Law System   Case 1-12  Libyan American Oil Company(LIAMCO) v.Government of the Libyan Arab Republic  Chapter Questions  Review ProblemCHAPTER 2  State Responsibility and Environmental Regulation Introduction A.State Responsibility  Doctrine of Imputability     Case 2-1  Youmans v.United Mexican States  Nonimputable Acts     Case 2-2  Home Missionary Society Case  Fault and Causation     Case 2-3  The Kummerow and Fulda Cases B.Standard of Care  The National Standard   Case 2-4  Cantero Herrera v.Canevaro & Co.  The International Standard  Expropriation   Case 2-5  ACSYNGO v.Compagnie de Saint-Gobain(France), SA   Case 2-6  Case Concerning Barcelona Traction, Light, and Power Company, Ltd.(Second Phase)  Denial of Justice   Case 2-7  Chattin v.United Mexican States C.Objections  Lack of Standing  Lack of Nationality  Lack of a Genuine Link   Case 2-8  Case Concerning Barcelona Traction, Light, and Power Company, Ltd.(Second Phase)  Failure to Exhaust Remedies  Other Objections D.Relief  Case 2-9  Re Letelier and Moffitt E.Insurance  Private Insurers  National.Investment Guarantee Programs   Case 2-10  In the Matter of Revere Copper and Brass, Inc.and  Overseas Private Investment Corporation  Multilateral Investment Guaranty Programs F.Environmental Regulation  Regulation of Pollution     Case 2-11  Werkgroep Noordzee et al.v.Minister for Public Health and Environmental Matters  Protection of Natural Resources  Liability for Environmental Damage  Chapter Questions  Review ProblemCHAPTER 3  Dispute Settlement A.Settlement of Disputes through Diplomacy  Negotiation  Mediation  Inquiry   B.Settlement of Disputes in International Tribunals  nternational Court of Justice  Case 3-1  Case Concerning the Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua(Jurisdiction and Admissibility)(Dissenting Opinion)  World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Procedures   Case 3-2  European Communities--Customs Classification of Certain Computer Equipment   Case 3-3  Japan--Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages  International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes   Case 3-4  AMCO Asia Corp.et al.(United States) v.Indonesia(Provisional Measures)      Other Arbitration Tribunals  ……CHAPTER 4 The Multinational EnterpriseCHAPTER 5 Foreign InvestmentCHAPTER 6 Money and BankingCHAPTER 7 Trade in GoodsCHAPTER 8 Services and LborCHAPTER 9 Intellectual PropertyCHAPTER 10 SalesCHAPTER 11 TransportationCHAPTER 12 FinancingCHAPTER 13 TaxationCase IndexStatutory IndexTopical Index




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