
出版时间:1900-01-01  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:沈爱珍  页数:163  




Unit OnePart ⅠA. BrokersB. A Product ManagerPart ⅡA. Relationships with Different Kinds of PeopleB. Relationships between the EmployeesC. Business PracticeD. Workers' RolePart ⅢA. AccountantB. How to Be a Successful BusinessmanThe World of HumorUnit TwoPart ⅠA. Contract Law and WarrantyB. Trademark, Patent and Agency LawPart ⅡA. Two Managers Accused of Embezzling Hotel FundsB. Metro Sued in Station AccidentC. Court Orders Redress in Unfair Firing CaseD. Pizza Hut May Deliver Big BucksPart ⅢA. How to Claim DamagesB. Hire a Personal LawyerThe World of HumorUnit ThreePart ⅠA. PartnershipB. Corporate ChainsPart ⅡA. Supermarket and IBM Have Teamed UpB. Nokia Signed Contracts with China UnicomC. Siemens Will Increase Its Investment in AsiaD. Cooperation PactPart ⅢA. Which One Is More Profitable?B. Joint VentureThe World of HumorUnit FourPart ⅠA. CorporationsB. Transnational CorporationsPart ⅡA. Beverly Hilton Comes to TowB. FedEx Expands DeliveryC. World's Top Retailers to Invest MoreD. Promoting Trade Ties with AfricaPart ⅢA. Italian and German Companies Merge into Giant FirmB. Nations to Seek More Trade TalksThe World of HumorUnit Five Part ⅠA. ManagementB. The Modern Corporation……Unit SixUnit SevenUnit EightUnit NineUnit TenUnit ElevenUnit TwelveUnit ThirteenUnit FourteenUnit Fifteen



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