C++ 程序设计语言(特别版)(英文影印版)

出版时间:2001-8-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:[美] Bjarne Stroustrup  页数:1019  字数:1536000  




专门用途英语系列教材是教育部规划的高等学校专业英语阶段的英语教材,可供高等院校本、专科学生及高等职业院校学生第二学年或第四学年使用,也可供电大、各类成人院校及广大社会从业人员学习英语、掌握相关行业实用写作文体、实用口语,提高涉外业务交际能力使用。      文秘英语》足该系列教材之一。本书从文秘专业人员实际工作的需要出发发进行设计和编写。选材新颖、点面结介、内容丰富、语吉规范;练习兼具实用性和针对性,易于操作。      本书由10个单元组成,每单元包括“阅读与翻译”、“模拟套写”和“听力与会话”三部分。书后附有练习参考答案和课文参考译文。


作者:(英国)斯特朗斯特鲁普(Bjarne Stroustrup)Bjarne Stroustrup is the designer and original implementor of C++and the author of The C++Programming Lan-guage ,The Annotated C++Reference Mannual,and The Design and Evolution of C++ A graduate of the University of Aarhus,Denmark,and Cambridge University,England .


Unit 1 Professlonal Secretary  Reading and Translating    Reading A: US Professional Secretarial Job Description    Reading B: Resume  Simulated Writing-Business Letters  Listening and Speaking-Meeting PeopleUnit 2 Oserving Proper Office Etiquette  Reading and Translating    Reading A: Observing Proper Office Etiquette    Reading B: Receiving Visitors  Simulated Writing m Letters of Invitation  Listening and Speaking-Telephone callsUnit 3 making your Employees More Creative  Reading and Translating    Reading A: How to Adapt to Various Work Styles    Reading B: Employee Performance Appraisal Form in XYZ Cor  Simulated Writing-Notice  Listening and Speaking-Exchanging informationUnit 4 Establish SOund Profiles for the Company  Reading and Translating    Reading A: Managing People and Organization    Reading B: Product Questionnaire  Simulated Writing-Memo  Listening and Speaking-ReportingUnit Effective Communication  Reading and Translating    Reading A: The Importance of Communication    Reading B: Making Appointments / Arrangements  Simulated Writing-Welcome / Farewell Speech  Listening and Speaking-Effective CommunicationUnit 6 Contact the World  Reading and Translating    Reading A: The Hunt for the Global Manager    Reading B: Employee Training  Simulated Writing-Office Management  Listening and Speaking-Making ArrangementsUNit 7 Agenda  Reading and Translating    Reading A: The Art of Negotiation    Reading B: Agenda Composition  Simulated Writing-Minutes of meeting  Listening and Speaking-Company VisitUnit 8 New Business  Reading and Translating    Reading A: New Product Planning    Reading B: Questionnaire of New Products  Simulated Writing-Letters of Reservation  Listening and Speaking-Business TravelUnit 9 Multinational Corporation  Reading and Translating    Reading A: Multinational Corporation    Reading B: Company Overview  Simulated Writing-Press Release  Listening and Speaking-Preparation for a MeetingUnit 10 Eisten to your Customers  Reading and Translating    Reading A: Post-sale Service    Reading B: Tips for Making a Customer Satisfaction Survey  Simulated Writing-Proposals  Listening and Speaking-ReceivingGlossary参考答案参考译文


插图:Object-oriented programming is a technique for programming - a paradigm for writing "good"programs for a set of problems. If the term "object-oriented programming language" means any-thing, it must mean a programming language that provides mechanisms that support the object-oriented style of programming well.There is an important distinction here. A language is said to support a style of programming if it provides facilities that make it convenient (reasonably easy, safe, and efficient) to use that style.A language does not support a technique if it takes exceptional effort or skill to write such pro-grams; it merely enables the technique to be used. For example, you can write structured programs in Fortran77 and object-oriented programs in C, but it is unnecessarily hard to do so because these languages do not directly support those techniques.Support for a paradigm comes not only in the obvious form of language facilities that allowdirect use of the paradigm, but also in the more subtle form of compile-time and/or run-time check sagainst unintentional deviation from the paradigm. Type checking is the most obvious example of this; ambiguity detection and run-time checks are also used to extend linguistic support for para-digms. Extra-linguistic facilities such as libraries and programming environments can provide fur-ther support for paradigms.






    C++ 程序设计语言(特别版)(英文影印版) PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   影印版效果应该没原版好但价格实在给同学带的我也没看到原样呵呵~~
  •   这是世界上第一部关于C++的著作,是关于C++语言及其程序设计的最重要的著作,是在C++领域有着无法替代的地位。作者BjarneStroustrup博士是C++语言的设计者和最初实现者,AT&T实验室的大型程序设计研究部的首脑。作者是牛人,书是大作,值得收藏。虽然中文版也有,但看原版的更好些。
  •   发货快,书也不错
  •   收到书了,感觉还不错,个人推荐想编程发烧友都阅览一些英文教材。
  •   全英文的,只是缺少有些个别较难翻译的单词的注解,还有书的质量不是很好,翻了几页后前几页有将要掉的样子

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