出版时间:2001-8 出版社:高等教育 作者:苏布拉马尼亚 页数:644 字数:985000
本书作者在网络管理、工程及操作上有着丰富的经验,他将这些宝贵的经验与现实世界中的实例相结合,介绍了网络管理的基本概念及最新技术。本书不是仅讲述某一特殊专门的网络技术,而是涉及了网络管理的基础,包括背景知识、技术、工具等,这些是所有网络管理者必须了解的。本书内容包括三个部分:第一部分提供连网及网络技术的背景知识,如集线器、路由器、网桥、转换器等;第二部分重点介绍了网络管理结构和协议,讨论了SNMP管理、宽带管理及TMN;第三部分介绍了一些用于监控网络参数、网络管理应用程序、管理网络及系统等的工具。 内容:I.背景知识(1. 数据通信与网络管理概述 2. 计算机技术回顾)II.SNMP、宽带与TMN管理(3. 基本概念:标准、建模与语言 4. SNMPv1:组织与信息5. SNMPv1:通信6. SNMPv27. SNMPv38. RMON9. 宽带网络管理:ATM网络10. 宽带网络管理:访问网络11. 电信管理网络)III.管理工具、系统及应用(12. 网络管理工具及系统 13. 网络管理应用程序 14. 基于Web的管理附录 OSI管理) 作者简介:MANI SUBRAMANIAN is a professor at Georgia Institute of Technology,where he teaches a Network Manage-ment course based on his years of industry experience.He has led Research and development at several networking corporations and has practical knowledge of networking and netowrk management.In1989,he has elected Tech-nical Kirector of the OSI Network Management Forum and was responsible for the first release of OSI NM specificatiions.Dr.Subramanian received his Ph.D.from Purdue University.
MANI SUBRAMANIAN is a professor at Georgia Institute of Technology,where he teaches a Network Manage-ment course based on his years of industry experience。 He has led Research and development at several networking corporations and has practical knowledge of networking and netowrk management。 In1989,he has elected Tech-nical Kirector of the OSI Network Management Forum and was responsible for the first release of OSI NM specificatiions。Dr.Subramanian received his Ph.D.from Purdue University。
PART 1 Background Chapter 1 Data Communications and Network Management Overview 1.1 Analogy of Telephone Network Management 1.2 Data (Computer) and Telecommunication Network 1.3 Distributed Computing Environments 1.4 TCP/IP--Based Networks: The Internet and intranets 1.5 Communications Protocols and Standards 1.5.1 Communication Architectures 1.5.2 Protocol Layers and Services 1.6 Case Histories of Networking and Management 1.6.1 Case History l: The Importance of Topology ("The Case of the Footprint") 1.6.2 Case History 2: Filtering Does Not Reduce Load on Node 1.6.3 Some Common Network Problems 1.7 Challenges of information Technology Managers 1.8 Network Management: Goals, Organization, and Functions 1.8.1 Goal of Network Management 1.8.2 Network Provisioning 1.8.3 Network Operations and the DOC 1.8.4 Network Installation and Maintenance 1.9 Network and System Management 1.10 Network Management System Platform 1.11 Current Status and Future of Network Management Chapter 2 Review of Computer Network T6chnology 2.1 Network Topology 2.2 Local Area Networks 2.2.1 Ethernet 2.2.2 Fast Ethernet 2.2.3 Gigabit Ethernet 2.2.4 Full-Duplex Ethernets 2.2.5 Switched Ethernet 2.2.6 Virtual LANs 2.2.7 Token Ring 2.2.8 Fiber Distributed Data interface 2.3 Network Node Components 2.3.1 Hubs 2.3.2 Bridges 2.3.3 Remote Bridges 2.3.4 Transparent Bridges 2.3.5 Source Routing Bridges 2.3.6 Routers 2.3.7 Gateways and Protocol Converters 2.3.8 Multiprotocol Routers and Tunneling 2.3.9 Half-Bridge Configuration of Routers 2.3.10 Switches 2.4 Wide Area Networks 2.5 Transmission Technology 2.5.1 Wired Transmission 2.5.2 Wireless Transmission Media 2.5.3 Transmission Modes 2.6 Integrated Services: ISDN, Frame Relay, and Broadband PART 2 SNAP, Broadband, and TAN Management Chapter 3 Basic Foundations: Standards, Models. and Language 3.1 Network Management Standards 3.2 Network Management Model 3.3 Organization Model 3.4 Information Model 3.4.1 Management information Trees 11 1 3.4.2 Managed Object Perspectives 112 3.5 Communication Model 3.6 Abstract Syntax Notation One: ASN.1 3.6.1 Terminology, Symbols, and Conventions 3.6.2 Objects and Data Types 3.6.3 Object Names 3.6.4 An Example of ASN.1 from ISO 8824 3.7 Encoding Structure 3.8 Macros 3.9 Functional Model Chapter 4 SNMPv1 Network Management: Organization and Information Models Chapter 5 SNMPv1 N6tWork Management: Corn Communication and Functional Models Chapter 6 SNW Management: SNWPv2 Chapter 7 SNMP Management: SNMPv3 Chapter 8 SNMP Management: RMON Chapter 9 Broadband Network management: ATM Networks Chapter 10 Broadband Network Management Chapter 11 Telecommunications Management Network PART 3 Management Tools, Systems, and Applications Chapter 12 Network Management Tools and Systems Chapter 13 Network Management Applications Chapter 14 Web-Based Management Appendix A OSI Network and System Management Appendix B Project Suggestions Selected BibliographyIndex
插图:transport problem from the client's workstation to the server platform. The former is asystem problem and falls under the category of system management. The latter is a connectivity problem and falls under network management. We can generalize systemmanagement as the management of systems and system resources in the network. Network management is concerned with network resources such as hubs, switches, bridges,touters, and gateways, and the connectivity among them via a network. It alsoaddresses end-to-end connectivity between any two processors (not application processes) in the network. As we saw in Section 1.1, a network consists of network components and their interconnections. The vendor who manufactures a network component or set of network components is best qualified to develop a network management system for that product or setof products. This involves getting the data from each instance of a component in the network to one or more centralized locations and displaying its status on a network management system. For example, failure of a bridge would set up an alarm in the network management system to alert the operations personnel of the failure. This would enable the operations personnel to follow up on the problem and restore the service, even before the user calls in a complaint.As we mentioned, each type of component is managed most efficiently by the respec tive management system, a network management system manages all the components that are connected to a network. Again, it is relatively simple for a vendor to develop a network management system to manage a network of components it produced. However, a user, such as a global corporation, buys components from different vendors and theinformation systems manager of the corporation has the responsibility to maintain the network of all vendor components. This might require installation of multiple network management systems for an enterprise, or a network management system that can manage multiple vendor components. Thus, a common management system, as well as the integration of different management systems and their interoperability, has played a majorrole in the network management arena in the past decade. Professional organizations andindustrial communities have been establishing standards for this purpose, which are stillevolving. The two major standards are the Internet and the OSI standards. We will lookat the former in detail in this book. A network management dumbbell architecture for interoperability is shown in Figure1.23(a) where vendor systems A and B exchange common management messages. Themessages consist of management information data (e.g., the type, id, and status of managed objects) and management controls (e.g., setting and changing the configuration ofan object)The protocols and services associated with the dumbbell architecture are presented in Figure 1.23(b) Application services are the managementrelated applicationssuch as fault and configuration management. The management protocols are CMIP for the OSI model and SNMP for the Intemet model. Transport protocols are the first four layers of the OSI model and TCP/IP over any of the first two layers of the seven-layer OSI model.Figure 1.24 models a hierarchical configuration of two network agents monitoring two sets of managed objects. A network management system (NMS) is at the top of the hierarchy. Each network agent monitors its respective objects. Either in response to a polled query from the NMS or triggered by a local alarm, the agent communicatesthe rel evant data to the NMS.