
出版时间:2001-5  出版社:高等教育  作者:惠滕  页数:724  




本书为教育部高等教育司推荐,国外优秀信息科学与技术系列教学用书。   本次引进的系列教材的影印出版工作,是在对我国高校的信息科学和技术专业的课程与美国高校的进行对比分析的基础上展开的;所影印出版的教材均由我国主要高校的信息科学和技术专家组成的专家组,从国外近两年出版的大量最新教材中精心筛选评审通过的内容新、有影响的优秀教材;影印教材的定价原则上应与我国大学教材价格相当。   本书适合作为高等院校信息系统或商业类专业本科或研究生教材,亦适合于作为系统开发人员的参考书。




PART ONE The Context of Systems Analysis and Design  1 players in the systems game   2 information system building blocks  3 information systems development  4 project managementAPRT TWO Systems Analysis Methods  5 systems analysis   6 requirements discovery  7 data modeling and analysis   8 process modeling  9 feasibility analysis and the system proposal   10 systems designPART THREE Systems Dsign Methods  11 application architecture and modeling  12 database design  13 output design and prototyping  14 input design and prototyping  15 user interface designPART FOUR Beyond Systems Analysis and Design  16 systems construction and implementation  17 systems operations nd supportPART FIVE Advanced analysis and Design Method A object-oriented analysis and modeling B object-oriented design and modelingGolssaryIndex


插图:The system designer’S view of data consists of data structures,database schemas,fields,indexes,and other technology-dependent components.Most of these technical specifications are tOO complex tO be reasonably understood by system users.The systems analyst and/or database specialist design and document these technical views of the data.As shown in Figure 2.4.the system designers’view of data is a database schema.A database schema iS the transformation of the data requirements(system users'view)into a set of data structures that can be imple  mented using the chosen DBMS.Once again,this book will teach tools and techniques for transforming user data requirements into database schemas.System Builders View of DATA The final view of data is relevant to the system builders.In the DATA column of Figure 2.4,system builders are closest to the actual database lnanagetnent systenl(DBMS)technology.They must represent data in very precise and unforgiving languages.The most commonly encountered data base language is SQt(Structured Query Language).Alternatively,many database management systems,such as Access and FoxPro,include proprietary languages or facilities for constructing a new database.Not all information systems use database technology to store their business data.Older legacy systerns were built with flat-file technologies such as VSAM.These flat-file data structures were constructed direcfly within the programming language used to write the programs that use those files.For example.in a COBOL pro gram the flat-file data structures are expressed as PICTURE clauses in a DATA DIVI SION.This book will not teach either database or flat-file constmction languages,only place them in the context of the DATA building block of information systems.






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