出版时间:2000-7 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:教育部电力英语教材编写组 编 页数:197
专门用途英语系列教材是教育部规划的高等学校专业英语阶段的英语教材。本系列教材从高等技术应用型人才培养的总体目标出发,结合学生毕业后的工作实际,力求向学生提供其未来工作岗位所需要的专业英语知识和技能,培养学生使用涉外业务英语的能力。 本系列教材每一品种都由10个单元组成,每单元包括阅读与翻译、模拟套写和听力与会话三部分。 本系列教材主要供高等院校(包括高等专科院校和高等职业院校)专业英教学使用,也可供电大、各类成人院校及广大专业人员学习专业英语,提高涉外业务交际能力使用。 《电力英语》系专门用途英语系列教材中的一种, 旨在提高电类专业的学生和电力行业从业人员在其行业中的涉外业务英语交际能力,包括专业阅读、翻译、写作和口头交际的能力。 《电力英语》共10个单元,每单元分为以下三个部分: 1. 第一部分为“专业阅读”(Technical and Practical Reading),旨在培养学生阅读电力类专业英语的能力。本部分包含A、B两篇文章,所收入的文章既展示当今高新技术在电力企业的应用和前景,又涉及电力系统的各个专业。 2. 第二部分为“模拟套写”(Simulated Writing),旨在培养学生参照范例用英语拟写和翻译商业信件、涉外合同、产品广告等应用文的能力。 3. 第三部分为“交际会话”(Communicative Speaking),旨在培养学生的口语交际能力。内容涉及参观电厂、制定计划、谈判及技术交流与咨询等。 本书在各单元末尾安排有一则英语广告,在各单元写作部分之前、后分别收录了与电力行业有关的图表及常用表达语等,供使用者阅读参考。 本书构思独特、实用性强,尤其突出了电类专业的涉外业务实际需要:选材新颖、点面结合、内容丰富、语言规范;练习的设计兼具实用性和针对性,书末附有练习答案和参考译文,便于学习者学中用,用中学。 《电力英语》的总主编为大连理工大学孔庆炎教授。 北方交通大学包兰宇担任本书的主编,并编写了第1、2单元和全部10个单元的交际会话部分;沈阳电力高等专科学校刘然编写了第3至6单元;长春工程学院景志华编写了第7至10单元。 华北电力集团公司外事局董汉杰局长、北京戴尔特商务培训中心(Beijing Delter Business Center)外籍教师 John Bell和Hugh Kay先生对全稿的交际会话部分进行了审校,有关专家及各校的专业教师为课文的译文做了许多校订工作,在此一并表示感谢。 由于编者水平有限,加之时间仓促,疏漏和不妥之处在所难免,恳请读者不吝指正。
Unit 1 SpecificProucts inPlant OperationsPart Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:Passage A: Through the IT Looking Glass Appears a New Kind of CompanyPassage B: Use the Web to Manage InventoryPart Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Advertisement (1)Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: InterviewUnit 2 Automation of the AnalysisPart Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:Passage A: Automating the Analysis of Faults andPower QualityPassage B: Analyzing the TrendsPart Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Advertisement (2)Part Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Visiting aPowerPlantUnit 3 Electronic Measuring JnstrumentsPart Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:Passage A: Electronic Measuring InstrumentsPassage B:Putting High Voltage Cables to the AC TestPart Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Inquiry and QuotationPart Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Fixing MeetingsUnit 4 ElectricPower QualityPart Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:Passage A: ElectricPower QualityPassage B: Test and SurvivePart Ⅱ Simulated Writing: OrderPart Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: NegotiationUnit 5 ThePower to Cransform a NationPart Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:Passage A: ThePower to Transform a NationPassage B: Control CircuitsPart Ⅱ Simulated Writing: InstructionsPart Ⅲ Communicative Speaking:ProjectPlannerUnit 6 How to Test TransformerPart Ⅰ Technical andPracticalReading:Passage A: How to Test A-4 TransformerPassage B: Jordan Controls, Inc.Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Invitation for BidsPart Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Working with Your Foreign ColleUnit 7 CircuitProtectionPart Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:Passage A: Key to Safer CircuitsPassage B: Suppliers Lure Customers with NewPower SerPart Ⅱ Simulated Writing: Form of TenderPart Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Technical Consultations and ExchUnit 8 New Engine Design TechnologyPart Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:Passage A:Poppet-free Engine DesignPromises HigherGenerating EfficiencyPassage B: EC Aims for 20 000MW of RenewablePowerPart Ⅱ Simulated Writing: MemoPart Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: TrainingUnit 9 Turbine MaintenancePart Ⅰ Technical andPracticalReading:Passage A: Turbines Require High Tech MaintenancePassage B: InteractivePower System SimulationPart Ⅱ Simulated Writing: AgreementPart Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Business ConsultationsPart Ⅰ Technical andPractical Reading:Passage A: Sutter Receives 1st CEC ApprovalPassage B: GE Energy Services OpportunitiesPart Ⅱ Simulated Writing: ContractPart Ⅲ Communicative Speaking: Travelling Around
A.What exactly do you want form us?Describe your ideal job. B.Why did you leave your last job? C.Why are you switching careers? D.What’S your greatest accomplishment? E.What are your weaknesses? F.Will you get along with your potential boss? G.How old are you?How is your health?Are you married?Any children? Speaking Out Sample dialogue 1 A:Good afternoon. B:Good aftemoon. A:Shall we start? B:Yes.I’d like to start by introducing myself to you. A:Please go ahead. B:Igraduated oDm Xinxin Electric Power College.My major is relay protection in electric power system. A:Would you please name some of the main courses you took at college? B:Certainly.I have taken… A:Can you use a computer7. B:Yes.I’m quite familiar with up.to-date word processing software and other office software. Sample dialogue 2 A:Now please tell me what qualifications you have got. B:0 graduated frOm X Electric Power University in 1 996.0 majored in automation control system. A:What foreign language do you speak? B:I can speak English fluently. A:What about reading and writing? B:I’m also good at them. A:Why did you leave your last job?