
出版时间:2000-12  出版社:北京蓝色畅想图书发行有限公司(高等教育)  作者:李国芳 编  页数:241  


听力在英语学习诸技能中的重要性不言而喻,尤其对培养高年级学生的英语语言综合运用能力,提高交际能力,充实学生的社会文化知识,发展学生的逻辑思维和创新能力起着至关重要的作用。本套教材主要供高等师范院校本科(专科起点)英语专业听力教学使用。根据学生已具备了听力理解的基础技能,本书着重培养学生在听力过程中的思考能力和记忆能力。思考能力包括推断、猜测、联想、总结和概括等;记忆能力包括回忆听力材料的中心思想、主要论点和重要细节。本教材共分上、下两册。上册采用速度较慢的美国之音特别英语节目(Special English of the Voice of America)为教材主要内容,其中包括了文化、科技、教育、环保、医学等报道和美国英语词语掌故(Words and Their Stories),乃外还选用了一些英国英语的听力材料。全书具有内容广泛、知识丰富、词汇量大和实用性强等特色。本册共由18课组成,每课分三部分。第一部分为特别英语节目的各种报道,为教学用的精听材料;第二部分主要是美国英语词语掌故,为泛听材料;第三部分是听力理解强化练习,难度略大于前两部分,主要内容是较长的对话、谈话或演说、故事等等,可作为课后听力练习用。每部分都配有相应的练习供学习者预习、复习、巩固和提高。练习分主观题和客观题两种类型,有问答、要点摘记、复述、讨论、图表填允、单词填空、多项选择、是非选择等综合练习,以便学生通过练习掌握并巩固所学的内容。本书也可供非英语专业人员和广大英语爱好者自学英语之用。




Lesson OnePart Ⅰ First People in the AmericasPart Ⅱ American IndiansPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson TwoPart Ⅰ Martin Luther King JrPart Ⅱ Your John HancockPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson ThreePart Ⅰ All Fools' DayPart Ⅱ The Origin of the Word "Hello"Part Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson FourPart Ⅰ Labour DayPart Ⅱ VaselinePart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson FivePart Ⅰ Saturday Night in the U,S. (Ⅰ)Part Ⅱ Saturday Night in the U.S. (Ⅱ)Part Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson SixPart Ⅰ EI Nino and La NinaPart Ⅱ Lame DuckPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson SevenPart Ⅰ Atmospheric Conditions in AntarcticaPart Ⅱ t Ax to GrindPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson EightPart Ⅰ Chinese Giant Pandas (Ⅰ)Part Ⅱ Chinese Giant Pandas (Ⅱ)Part Ⅲ Imroving Listening ComprehensionLesson NinePart Ⅰ Indonesian Komodo DragonsPart Ⅱ The CatPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson TenPart Ⅰ The Universal Employment AgencyPart Ⅱ MuckrakerPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson ElevenPart Ⅰ Permanent Artificial HeartsPart Ⅱ Heart and Its PhrasesPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson TwelvePart Ⅰ Respiratory InfectionsPart Ⅱ From the EyePart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson ThirteenPart Ⅰ AIDS and Tuberculosis in Asia (Ⅰ)Part Ⅱ AIDS and Tuberculosis in Asia (Ⅱ)Part Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson FourteenPart Ⅰ Children and CompetitionPart Ⅱ BunkPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson FifteenPart Ⅰ Child-Care in the United StatesPart Ⅱ White-Haired BoyPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson SixteenPart Ⅰ The Westinghouse Science Talent SearchPart Ⅱ American Children's Favourite——SneakersPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson SeventeenPart Ⅰ Laser LightPart Ⅱ Hand and Its PhrasesPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionLesson EighteenPart Ⅰ ShoplifterPart Ⅱ Dog and Its PhrasesPart Ⅲ Improving Listening ComprehensionTapescriptAnswer Key


插图:The Westinghouse Science Competition is the oldest competition in the United States to honour student scientists. The winners receive money to help pay for a university education. This year more than 1,600 students entered the competition. Forty were invited to Washington D.C. for the final competition. The judges looked for creativity in the projects when choosing the ten winners. The second place winner was 17-year-old Jennifer Yufei Lin of New York. She won 30,000 dollars for her project about controlling cell-growth. The third prize was 20,000 dollars. It went to 19-year-old John Lorance Stobb of South Dakota. He studied the effects of different teaching methods on 8-year-old children's understanding and enjoyment of science. He found that children who were involved in learning activities gained more useful information than those who read the same information in books. Projects of other finalists included studies dealing with mathematics, engineering, medicine, chemistry and environment. Scientists question the students before deciding who will win the competition. The winning students must show skill in solving all kinds of scientific problems.The Westinghouse Electric Company began its science competition during World War Two. The company wanted to provide support for high school students who were interested in science. Through the years, more than 95 percent of the winners have completed university studies in science, mathematics or engineering. Five winners later received the Nobel Prize for Scientific Research.





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