出版时间:2000-1 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:郭兆康 主编 页数:152
迎着新世纪的曙光,中国的改革开放伟业已进入了一个全新的时期。越来越多的外国人士来华旅游、经商、投资、执教、打工、留学。常驻我国的外国政府机构、外资企业、办事处中的外籍人员及其家属与日俱增。他们无论是在宾馆饭店下榻,还是在小区别墅安家,或是在官邸、校园长住,这些人士,出于其文化传统、生活习惯、养生理念,大多是旅游休闲、文化娱乐、康体健身活动的积极参与者。这个巨大的客源市场,加上国内大众对康体娱乐活动日益增长的需求,为发展我国新世纪的文化娱乐业提供了无穷的机遇。各地的健身房、夜总会、度假村、游乐场、歌舞厅、娱乐总汇、健美中心、各类球馆、野营基地、美容美发院、高尔夫球场、水上运动场及众多星级宾馆的康乐部如雨后春笋般遍布全国大中城市及度假胜地,喜迎八方嘉宾。为了适应这一发展,娱乐业从业人员的英语水平,尤其是口语交际能力亟待提高。但是,我国迄今尚无一本较完整、系统地反映我国社会主义文化娱乐业的英语教材。为了适应我国文化事业和旅游产业的发展需要,为了切实提高从业人员的英语水平和服务质量,为了填补我国专用英语教学(ESP)中的一大空白,我们编写了《文化娱乐业情景英语》一书。 本教材遵循ESP教学规律,密切结合文化娱乐业的行业特点,充分注意到本行业从业人员英语水平参差不齐、起点普遍较低的实际情况,紧紧抓住口头交际这一关键,以本行业各类经营场所及一线岗位的从业人员为主体,以接待服务为主线,解决对外接待中从业人员应知、应会、应说的问题,尤其是说什么和怎么说。此外,本书以各种显性和隐性的形式,用英语进行职业道德和有关服务规范的教育。
本书分为:康体、娱乐、健美、休闲四篇,每篇有4个会话单元,然后是词汇、常用短语表,注释和相关口、笔头练习。本书适应我国文化娱乐业发展的实际,题材新颖、实用,突出听说训练,以培养本行业员工的口头交际能力为主要目标。 本书是中等职业学校饭店服务、美容美发等专业的选学教材,也可供文化娱乐业岗位培训使用,还可供自学者选用。本书配有录音带。
PART Ⅰ RECREATION&SPORTS康体篇 UNIT 1 Table Tennis&Badminton(乒乓球与羽毛球) 1-1 The Kingdom of Pingpong(乒乓球王国) 1-2 Getting a Coach(请教练) 1-3 Getting Started(准备开始) 1-4 About Badminton(关于羽毛球) Exercises(练习) UNIT 2 At the Bowling Room(在保龄球馆) 2-1 Bowling Etiquette(打球须知) 2-2 Making Preparations for Bowling(准备打球) 2-3 How to Score at the Bowling(计分) 2-4 Claiming for Damage(索赔) Exercises(练习) UNIT 3 Keep-fit&Swimming(健身与游泳) 3-1 Introducing Gym Facilities(介绍健身房设施) 3-2 About Taijiquan and Qigong Exercises(关于太极拳与气功) 3-3 The Swimming Pool(游泳池) 3-4 Getting Ready for Swimming(准备游泳) Exercises(练习) UNIT 4 The Membership(会员制) 4-1 Introducing the Club Membership(Ⅰ)(介绍会员制Ⅰ) 4-2 Introducing the Club Membership(Ⅱ)(介绍会员制Ⅱ) 4-3 How to Become a Club Member(如何入会) 4-4 Paying the Bill(结账) Exercises(练习)PART Ⅱ ENTERrAINMENT&AMUSEMENT娱乐篇 UNIT 1 Night Club(夜总会) 1-1 Inquiring Information(信息咨询) 1-2Arrangementsfora Fashion Show(安排时装表演) 1-3 At the Show Hall(在表演厅) 1-4 In the Chess?Poker Room(在棋牌室) Exemises(练习) UNIT 2 Singing(唱歌) 2-1 At the KaraOke Bar(在卡拉0K吧) 2-2 Using the Pad(使用留言簿) 2-3 In the KaraOke Room(在KTV包房) 2-4 Hiring a Singer(聘请歌手) Exercises(练习) UNIT 3 Dancing(跳舞) 3-1 Organizing a Dance Party(组织舞会) 3-2 Ways of Paying(付款方式) 3-3 Offering First Aid(急救) 3-4 Cooling off a Persistent Guest(摆脱客人纠缠) Exemises(练习) UNIT 4 The Amusement Park(在游乐场) 4-1 Talking about the Amusement Park(谈论游乐场) 4-2 Bungee Jumping(蹦极跳) 4-3 ln the Arche~Hall(在射箭厅) 4-4 Giving Archery Instructions(射箭指导) Exercises(练习)PART Ⅲ BODY BUlLDING&BEAUTY CREATING健美篇 UNIT 1 Sauna(桑拿浴) 1-1 Receiving lhe Client(接待顾客) 1-2 Before Sauna(桑拿浴前) 1-3 During Sauna(桑拿浴中) 1-4 Al the Sauna Bar(在桑拿吧) Exercises(练习) UNIT 2 Massage(按摩) 2-1 IntrodIJc Jng Massage(介绍按摩) 2-2 Before the Massage(按摩前) 2-3 During lhe Massage(按摩中) 2-4 The Wake-up(叫醒服务) Exercises(练习) UNIT 3 Hair Dressing(美发) 3-1 Hair Dressing for Ladies(女士美发) 3-2 Having a Hair Perm(烫发) 3-3 Al the Barber's(在理发店) 3-4 Recommending Hair Tonic(推荐生发水) Exercises(练习) UNIT 4 Cosmetology(美容) 4-1 A Reservation Call(预订电话) 4-2 Face cIeansing(面部清洁) 4-3 Make-up(I)(化妆I) 4-4 Make-up(II)(化妆II) Exercises(练习) PART Ⅳ LEISURE&OUTDOOR ACTlVITIES 休闲篇 UNlT 1 Golf&Tenn’ls(高尔夫球与网球) 1-1 Receiving Golf PIayers(接待高尔夫球客人) 1-2GMng lnstructions(提供指导) 1-3 Renting Te nnis Rackets(租借网球拍) 1-4 During lhe IntervaI(比赛间歇) Exercises(练习) UNlT 2 Camping(野营) 2-1 Enter‘i rlg for the Camping(报名参加野营) 2-2 Preparalions before Going(出发前准备) 2-3 Renting lhe Tent(借帐篷) 2-4 Safely First(安全第一) Exercries(练习) UNIT 3 WaLterside AclMljes(水上活动) 3-1 Enjoying Four“S”(享受四S) 3-2 DiVing(潜水) 3-3 Al the Seaside Resort(在海滨胜地) 3-4 Angling(垂钓) Exercises(练习) UNIT 4 Other OutdoorActivities(其他野外活动) 4-1 Receiving the Skiing Clients(接待滑雪客人) 4-2 Al the Primary Ski Slope(在初级滑雪道) 4-3 Horse Riding(骑马) 4-4 Scaling the Rock Surface(攀岩) Exercises(练习)APPENDIX PHONETICS AND BASIC GRAMMAR英语语音和基础语法 Section A Phonetics(语音) Section B Basic Grammar(基础语法)
3.1Introducing Gym Facilities Scene:Mr. Black (B) comes to the gym. An attendant (A) greets him. A:Welcome to our gym, sir. May I help you? B:Yes. I hear that your gym is one of the best of its kind in the country. Could you tell me what facilities you have got here? A:With pleasure, sir. Our keep-fit gym is equipped with all the latest recreational sports apparatus. B:Are they imported or made in China? A:Some of them are home-made, but most are imported. B:I see. But could you tell me some more details? A:Certainly, sir. We have here the rowing machine, muscle builder set, chest expander, bar bell, dumb bell, spring grip, wall bars and so on. B:Im very much interested in the chest expander. But I wonder if there is a coach around here supervising the exercises. A:Yes. Do you see the man over there? He is our coach who supervises all the activities.