出版时间:2000-7 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:高等职业学校英语改编组 编 页数:221
《英语2(教师用书)》为系列教材之一。为了适应高等职业教育领域英语教学的改革和发展,高等教育出版社引进了英国PLUS系列英语教材,委托熟悉高等职业学校英语教学的专家及教师根据教育部2000年制订的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》进行了改编。本系列教材共3册,1、2册供高等职业学校两个学期使用,(《高等职业学校英语预备级》可供低起点的学生选用。本系列教材可前接由PLUS系列教材改编的《中等职业学校英语》,供初中毕业入学的5年制高职学生使用;后接《实用业务英语》,形成一个完整的教学体系,供2-3年高职高专学生使用。 本教材以全新的视角体现了日前国内外外语教学研究的成果,以与学生生活贴近的“话题”(topic)为主线,以形式多样而又便于操作的“活动”(activity)方式,创设有意义的语言情境,循序渐进地训练学生听、说、读、写四项基本技能,培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。具体说《英语2(教师用书)》有以下突出特点: 1.综合训练听、说、读、写等技能 听、说、读、写四项语言技能是相互联系的统一体。本教材注重对学生进行听、说、读、写等技能的综合训练,使学生的各项语言技能得以协调发展。 2.体现以教师为主导,学生为主体的教学原则 本教材以教学活动的方式,使学生通过独立思考、成对及小组活动协作完成学习任务,改变了教师chalk and talk,学生机械记忆的教学模式,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的团队精神以及自我管理、自我评价意识,从而建立起学习的自信心与成就感。 3.培养科学的学习方法与学习技巧 本教材在编写及改编的过程中,有意识地培养学生科学的学习方法与学习技巧,如听力活动中的泛听与精听,阅读活动中的略读、跳读、抓大意与读特定细节等。 4.培养“跨文化意识”跨文化交际中的文化因素在外语教学中具有特殊意义。本教材注意语言材料与文化内容的融合,大量介绍了英美等国的文化风俗、名胜古迹、成语典故、史实轶事等。
1 Family and Friends2 Adventure 243 Learning English4 Travel5 Food and Drink6 Crime and Punishment7 Entertainment8 Everyday Life9 Health and Fitness10 Art and Culture11 Education12 Work13 Society14 Practice Test
Question 1 Man: In my opinion co-educational schools are great for boys, but not for girls.Woman: So, do you suggest we send Bill to the co-ed school and have poor Suzie commute to the girls school? Shell have a fifty-minute train journey, you know... Man: Well, Ive been reading about this... Girls do really well in these schools because they dont have boys to worry about or boys to tell them how stupid they are...Woman: Come to think of it, life with boys at school was a hassle...they always teased us...and if I asked a question in maths theyd laugh...and some of those teachers didnt help...but then, that was quite some time ago...Who knows what its like nowadays... Man: Dont think that things have changed that much...Question 2 Julie: I cant believe the student union is at it again. Brett: Yes, I know...I mean, were all interested in issues concerning our school, but was this meeting really necessary in the middle of the day? Julie: I reckon some of them thought it was a good way to get out of a lesson. Brett: Well, what can you do ... when even the teachers tell us we have to go ... I think its because theyre concerned about cuts in funds, too. Julie: Yeah ... but still, we could have met after school.Question 3Woman: Yeah, you know the type...all superior like...just because hes got a music school charging high fees...I couldnt believe this teacher —— if one can call him that ... Do you know what he said to rne?..,"Wouldnt you agree, Mrs Philips, that children should be seen and not heard?"...Well! I said to him..."and I suppose women should still be stuck in the home" ..."and wouldnt you agree that for the amount of money Ill be paying, I could find another school, where the policy is a little more to my liking?"