出版时间:2007-7 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:高等职业学校英语改编组 改编 页数:163 字数:290000
本教材以全新的视角体现了目前国内外外语教学研究的成查,以与学生生活贴近的“话题”为主线,以形式多样而又便于操作的“活动方式,创设有意义的语言情境,循序渐进地训练学生听、说、读、写四英基本技能,培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力,具体说本书有以下突出特点: 1.综合训练听、说、读、写等技能 2.体现以教师为主导,学生为主体的教学原则 3.培养科学的学习方法与学习技巧 4.培养“跨文化意识” 跨文化交际中的文化因素在外语教学中具有特殊意义。本教材注意语言材料与文化内容的融合。大量介绍了英美等的文化风俗、名胜古迹、成语典故、史实铁事等。
UNIT 1 Family and Friends Speaking Listening Reading & Writing Informal letter (I) —— to describe a situation/event, a building, an object orpeopleUNIT 2 Adventure Speaking Listening Reading & Writing StoryUNIT 3 Learning English Speaking Listening Reading & Writing Formal letter (I) to ask for information and make a requestUNIT 4 Travel Speaking Listening Reading & Writing Article (I) -- to describe placesUNIT 5 Food and Drink Speaking Listening Reading & Writing Formal letter (11) —— to make a complaintUNIT 6 Crime and Punishment Speaking Listening Reading & Writing Essay (type I)UNIT 7 Entertainment Speaking Listening Reading & Writing Report (I)——to assess the good and bad points of a place and make suggestions/recommendationsUNIT 8 Everyday Life Speaking Listening Reading & Writing Informal Getter (II)——to give news, invite, accept-refuse an invitation, give directions, apologise, ask for advice, give advice/suggestions explain a situationUNIT 9 Health and Fitness Speaking Listening Reading & Writing Article (II)——to give information, make suggestions, list problems or solutionsto problemsUNIT 10 Art and Culture Speaking Listening Reading & Writing Informal letter (III)——to give information and make arrangementsUNIT 11 EducationUNIT 12 WorkUNIT 13 SocietyUNIT 14 Practice TestVOCABULARY