
出版时间:2000-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:程刚 编  页数:179  字数:280000  


《计算机英语》按照“广、浅、用、新”原则,主要介绍了有关计算机软硬件的基础知识;结合计算机专业基础课程和专业课程教学,选取了计算机科技文献、硬件产品说明书、应用软件的帮助文件等;介绍了计算机发展的现状和趋势。教学重点是扩大学生的计算机专业英文词汇和术语,使学生掌握计算机应用中常用英文提示信息的阅读理解和正确运用,并学会从产品说明书、应用软件的帮助文件以及从Intemet上获得硬件或软件应用方法,使学生提高计算机科技文献的阅读理解水平并掌握初步的翻译技巧,为进一步学习计算机知识打下基础。    本教材适合作为高职高专院校计算机及相关专业的英语教材,也可作为广大计算机应用技术人员和其他专业人员的参考用书。


Lessonl  PC Concept    Words& Expressions    Grammar科技英语词汇及句法特点    Exercises  Reading Material 1 CPU Chips           Reading Material 2 Memory Introduction     Lesson2  Programming Languages        Words& Expressions        Grammar科技英语词汇中一些常用的词缀    Exercises  Reading Material l Turbo C Readme File(Extract)  Reading Material 2 Object-oriented Programming    Lesson3  The Operating System         Words&Expressions       Grammar不定式(一)        Exercises        Reading Material l  MS DOS       Reading Material 2 Windows 95         Lesson4  Data Structure:Stacks,QueueS and Linked Lists        Words&Expressions    Grammar不定式(二)      Exercises        Reading Material 1 The Array Type      Reading Material 2 Trees          Lesson5  office Automation        Words&Expressions        Grammar不定式(三)      EXercises       Reading Material The Microsoft Office Word Processor            Lesson6  Understanding SCSI Device    Words&Expressions             Grammar分词(一)     Exercises                  Reading Material Mouse       Lesson 7  Database Management System                    Words&Expressions       Grammar分词(二)     Exercises   Reading Material l Access 2000   ReadingMaterial 2 CreatingfortheWebwithFrontPage 2000Lesson 8  Software Tools:WinBench,Winzip,Ghost    WOrds& Expressions    Grammar动名词    Exercises    Reading Material 1 WmBench:Minimum Requirements and    WmBench 99's Enhancement          Reading Material 2 Compression Software:WInRAR    Lesson 9  Introduction PII 100B Processor                Words&Expressions                  Grammar被动语态         Exercises                                    Reading Material MachOne EVl935—PCI Sound Card Configuration and Hardware User Manual  Lesson 10  Computer Viruses                               Words&Expressions                     Grammar as的用法及汉译(一)         Exercises                    ReadingMaterialWhat'sNewinMcAfeeVLrusScanv4 0 2for Willdows 95 and Willd0WS 98   Lesson 11  Computer Network                                    Words &  Expressions     Grammar as的用法及汉译(二)         Exercises                                                    Reading Material 1 How to Search the Internet?     Reading Material 2 All about E—mail    Lesson 12  Adobe Photoshop 5 0                        Words& Expressions         Grammar科技英语翻译方法举要(一)        Exercises                                         Reading Material How to Use AutoCAD Release 14            Lesson 13  Multimedia                                Words &  Expressions       Grammar科技英语翻译方法举要(二)       Exercises                             Reading Material Multimedia on the Web             Lesson 14  Intemet Security                              Words & Expressions      Grammar科技英语翻译方法举要(三)        Exercises                           Reading Material WinGate         附录1  总词汇表    附录2  参考译文     附录3  练习参考答案




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