
出版时间:1990-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:过珊珊,王莉娜 编  页数:215  字数:140000  




《旅游实用英语》是受国家旅游局委托,为旅游中等职业技术学校编写的试用教材。全书共3册。    本书为第3册,共有16个单元。每单元有A、B两篇课文。课文A多为结合旅游服务的文章,课文B则都是与旅游服务有关的情景会话。课文后为语法和难句注释及各种形式的练习,还有一篇与课文A体裁和难度相仿的阅读材料。    本书的语法重点为定语从句、名词性从句、非谓语动词的用法和虚拟语气等。    书后附有生词表、与旅游服务有关的常用词语和英美旅游词汇对照表。    本套教材承蒙北京第二外国语学院戴宗显副教授审阅。


Unit One  Text A: Good Food  Text B: Booking a Room by Telephone  Reading practice: A Good Travel AgentUnit Two  Text A: The Guitar  Text B: Coffee or Tea?  Reading practice: Red Wine and White WineUnit Three  Text A: Mr White's Bookstore  Text B: A Complaint  Reading practice: Lantern FestivalUnit Four  Text A: Food and Beverage Service  Text B: Room Service  Reading practice: Who Is the Better Cook?Unit Five    Text A: Back in Fashion  Text B: Something about a Hotel  Reading practice: A Polite DriverUnit Six  Text A: They Missed Fmh  Text B: At the Barber's  Reading pracuce: Who Is the Worst Barber?Unit Seven  Text A: Making Preparations to Travel  Text B: The Missing Wallet  Reading pracuce: The Start of Mr Brown's TourUnit Eight  Text A: Going around the Hotel  Text B: Paying the Bill  Reading practice: What Is a Hotel?Unit Nine  Text A: The Postman  Text B: Today's Special  Reading practice: ADoormsn's JobUnit Ten  Text A: A Good Trip  Text B: Looking for a Hotel  Reading practice: Was It Steve's Fault?Unit Eleven  Text A: A Customs Official's Job  Text B. A Mistake?  Reading practice: Security CheckUnit Twelve  Text A: Good Manners  Text B: Putting up in a Hotel  Reading practice: Manners with Hats and GlovesUnit ThirteenUnit FourteenUnit FifteenUnit SixteenAppendixes


插图:Another part of the job is to keep traffic moving infront of the hotel. A good hotel is often situated in a busVarea.Many cars,buses,and taxis arrive 8nd l田ve.Anairport bus that moves and carries passengers or g00dsneeds special help to park at the curb BusestruCks.au-tomobiles, and taxis are vehiles。 An airplane is an airbomevehicle. Because there is often much luggage to unload fromthe bus,the doorman likes to make room for it at the Curbin front of the hotel.If the bus Can pull up to the CuTb.the doorman can put the baggage right on a handcart t。bring it into the hotel.If the bus unloads the baggage outin the street, away from the curb, the doornan’s wDrkbecomes harder.The doorman often tells people: I’m a doorkeeper atthe hotel,but I also open doors to all of the city for guestswho stay at the hotel.My job is to help people get t0 thCplaces they want to visit.”He feels he Can do his iob bet-ter because he sp~ks and understands English.He’s tbefirst person guests see when they come to the hotel.





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