出版时间:1989-8 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:过珊珊 页数:163 字数:120000
本书是受国家旅游局委托,为旅游中等专业技术学校编写的试用教材。全书共3册。 本书为第二册,分16个单元,每单元有A、B两篇课文。A课文为内容生动、引人人胜的短文。B课文则采用对话形式,内容多为旅游外事服务中的情景会话。课后除设置了旨在掌握基础语法知识的练习外,还设置了增强实用服务会话能力的补全对话练习及在各种情况下的应答练习。最后是一篇与课文A难度相近或稍难的阅读材料,以训练学生的阅读能力。 本书还可作为各种旅游英语培训班的基础教材。 本套教材承蒙北京第二外国语学院戴宗显副教授审阅。
Unit One Text A: American Meals Text B: In the Cafeteria Reading practice: American SchoolUnit Two Text A: Merry Christmas Text B: A Long-Distance Call Reading practice: What's Your Name?Unit Three Text A: What Will the World Be Like? Text B: The Post Office Is Closed Reading practice: Room ServiceUnit Four Text A: Two Cousim Text B: Booking a Table Reading practice: Applying for a JobUnit Five Text A: A Letter Text B: A Delightful Room Reading practice: A Trip to SpainUnit Six Text A: A Birthday Gift Text B. The Room is too Cold Reading practice: Mother Was ConfusedUnit Seven Text A: A Good Hotel Text B: Planning a Picnic Reading practice: At the HotelUnit Eight Text A: Smell and Sound Text B: Taking Clothes to the Cleaners Reading practice: A Roadside RestaurantUnit Nine Text A: What a Day! Text B: Too much Noise Reading practice: The Art to Be PoliteUnit Ten Text A:Shanghai and Beijing Text B:The Bill Reading practice: Who's the Silly Man?Unit Eleven Text A: Our Basketball Team Text B: The Barman in Action Reading practice: In a BarUnit Twelve Text A: Disney and Mickey Mouse Text B: Check out Reading practice: Sir Isaac Newton's EggUnit Thirteen ……Unit FourteenUnit FifteenUnit SixteenVocabulary不规则动词变化表
插图:The Routine of a ChefI work in a small, high class restaurant. I' ve been theresince last March. I was lucky to get the job because they'd hada boy before. They didn't advertise for a girl and it was a bigdecision for them to hire me. It's harder for a girl to be accept-ed because men are better able to cope physically. For example,I find it difficult to lift big pots and the heat affects me morethan the men.As I work shifts, my clay starts at different times. Oneweek I get up at quarter to eight, the next I can lie in as longas I like.I wear white clothes, a white coat and checktrousers, and I have to tie my hair back for hygiene's sake. Bythe time I arrive for the early shift, the restaurant owner hasalready been to the markets at dawn. My first task is to do everything that needs doing to the vegetables, from peeling andwashing to preparing the Gratin.The vegetables take me until 11. Then it' s time for thepeth fours which we serve with the co{fee. Next I check thateverything is in position in the store cupboard and the fridge. Iprepare staff lunch for 11 : 30, generally steak because the endof the fillet is never served to the customers. We have to finishbefore 12 because that's when the doors open.Because it is a very small restaurant, I've had a lot of op-portunity to prepare main dishes even though I'm only number three in the pecking order. Although it is a very heavy work load, and I have to be on duty every Saturday evening, I prefer to be in a small place, because it' s so much more varied. If I were in a large one, I'd probably stick to peeling potatoes from morning to night.