出版时间:2012-6 出版社:科学出版社 作者:Madhavan Swaminathan 页数:471 字数:707000
About the Autho
Chapter 1
Basic Concepts
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Functioning of Traisto
1.1.2 What Are the Problems with Power
1.1.3 Importance of Power Delivery in
Microprocesso and ICs
1.1.4 Power Delivery Network
1.1.5 Traients on the Power Supply
1.2 Simple Relatiohips for Power Delivery
1.2.1 Core Circuits
1.2.2 I/O Circuits
1.2.3 Delay Due to SSN
1.2.4 Timing and Voltage Margin Due to SSN
1.2.5 Relatiohip between Capacitor and
1.3 Design of PDNs
1.3.1 Target Impedance
1.3.2 Impedance and Noise Voltage
1.4 Components of a PDN
1.4.1 Voltage Regulator
1.4.2 Bypass or Decoupling Capacito
1.4.3 Package and Board Planes
1.4.4 On-Chip Power Distribution
1.4.5 PDN with Components
1.5 Analysis of PDNs
1.5.1 Single-Node Analysis
1.5.2 Distributed Analysis
1.6 Chip-Package Antiresonance: An Example
1.7 High-Frequency Measurements
1.7.1 Measurement of Impedance
1.7.2 Measurement of Self-Impedance
1.7.3 Measurement of Trafer Impedance
1.7.4 Measurement of Impedance by Completely
Eliminating Probe Inductance
1.8 Signal Lines Referenced to Planes
1.8.1 Signal Lines as Tramission Lines
1.8.2 Relatiohip between Tramission-Line
Paramete and SSN
1.8.3 Relatiohip between SSN and Return Path
1.9 PDN Modeling Methodology
1.10 Summary
Chapter 2
Modeling of Planes
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Behavior of Planes
2.2.1 Frequency Domain
2.2.2 Time Domain
2.2.3 Two-Dimeional Planes
2.3 Lumped Modeling Using Partial Inductances
2.3.1 Extracting the Inductance and Resistance
2.4 Distributed Circuit-Based Approaches
2.4.1 Modeling Using Tramission Lines
2.4.2 Tramission Matrix Method (TMM)
2.4.3 Frequency-Dependent Behavior of Unit-Cell
2.4.4 Modeling of Gaps in Planes
2.5 Discretization-Based Plane Models
2.5.1 Finite-Difference Method
2.5.2 Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
2.5.3 Finite-Element Method
2.6 Analytical Methods
2.6.1 Cavity Resonator Method
2.6.2 Network Representation of the Cavity
Resonator Model
2.7 Multiple Plane Pai
2.7.1 Coupling through the Vias
2.7.2 Coupling through the Conducto
2.7.3 Coupling through the Apertures
2.8 Summary
Chapter 3
Simultaneous Switching Noise
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Methods for Modeling S SN
3.2 Simple Models
3.2.1 Modeling of Output Buffe
3.3 Modeling of Tramission Lines and Planes
3.3.1 Microstrip Configuration
3.3.2 Stripline Configuration
3.3.3 Conductor-Backed Coplanar Waveguide
3.3.4 Summary of Modal Decomposition
3.4 Application of Models in Time-Domain Analysis
3.4.1 Plane Bounce from Return Currents
3.4.2 Microstrip-to-Microstrip Via
3.4.3 Split Planes
3.5 Application of Models in Frequency-Domain Analysis
3.5.1 Stripline between a Power and a Ground
3.5.2 Microstrip-to-Stripline Via Traition
3.5.3 Reduction of Noise Coupling Using Thin
3.6 Exteion of M-FDM to Incorporate Tramission Lines
3.6.1 Analysis of a Complex Board Design
3.7 Summary
Chapter 4
Time-Domain Simulation Methods
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Rational Function Method
4.2.1 Basic Theory
4.2.2 Interpolation Schemes
4.2.3 Properties of Rational Functio
4.2.4 Passivity Enforcement
4.2.5 Integration in a Circuit Solver
4.2.6 Disadvantages
4.3 Signal Flow Graphs
4.3.1 Causality
4.3.2 Trafer-Function Causality
4.3.3 Minimum Phase
4.3.4 Delay Extraction from Frequency
4.3.5 Causal SignalFlow Graphs
4.3.6 Computational Aspects in SFG
4.3.7 Fast Convolution Methods
4.3.8 Cosimulation of Signal and Power Using
4.4 Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA)
4.4.1 What Is MNA?
4.4.2 Frequency Domain
4.4.3 Time Domain
4.4.4 MNA Formulation with S-Paramete
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
5.2 High-Speed Serve
5.2.1 Core PDN Noise
5.2.2 I/O PDN Noise
5.2.3 Summary
5.3 High-Speed Differential Signaling
5.3.1 Test Vehicle Description
5.3.2 Plane Modeling
5.3.3 Modeling of Master and Slave Islands
5.3.4 Rational Function Modeling
5.3.5 Modal Decomposition and Noise
5.3.6 Summary
5.4 Analysis of IC Packages
5.4.1 Simulation of a Multilayered Package Using
5.4.2 Causal Simulation of HyperBGA
5.4.3 Summary
5.5 Extraction of Dielectric Cotant and Loss Tangent
5.5.1 Problem Definition
5.5.2 Corner-to-Comer Plane-Probing Method
5.5.3 Causal Model Development
5.5.4 Summary
5.6 Embedded Decoupling Capacito
5.6.1 Embedded Individual Thin- or Thick-Film
5.6.2 Why Embed Individual Capacito
5.6.3 Design of an Embedded Thick-Film Capacitor
5.6.4 Integration of Embedded Capacito into IBM
5.6.5 Embedded Planar Capacito
5.6.6 Summary
5.7 Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Structures
5.7.1 Basic Theory
5.7.2 Respoe of EBG Structures
5.7.3 Dispeion-Diagram Analysis
5.7.4 Modification of M-FDM Using Fringe and Gap
5.7.5 Scalable Design of EBG Structures for
Power Plane Isolation
5.7.6 Digital-RF Integration
5.7.7 ADC Load-Board Design
5.7.8 Issues with EBG Structures for Digital
5.7.9 Summary
5.8 Future Challenges
Appendix A
A.1 Multiport Networks
A.2 Matrix Representation of Tramission Lines
A.3 Spectrum of Digital Signals
Appendix B Software list