出版时间:2012-6 出版社:科学出版社 作者:Chiara Buratti、Marco Martalo、Roberto Verdone、Gianluigi Ferrari 页数:249 字数:365750
Part Ⅰ Fundamentals1 Wireless Sensor Network1.1 Wireless Sensor Networks Fundamentals1.1.1 Main Features of WSNs1.1.2 Issues Related to Energy Management1.2 Applications1.3 IEEE 802.15.4 Technology1.3.1 IEEE 802.15.4 Physical Layer1.3.2 IEEE 802.15.4 Network Topologies and Operational Modes1.3.3 IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Layer1.3.4 Data Transfer Protocol and MAC Frames1.3.5 The IEEE 802.15.4 Topology Formation Procedure1.4 Zigbee Upper Layers1.4.1 Zigbee Topologies1.4.2 The Zigbee Tree-Based Topology1.4.3 The Zigbee Mesh Topology1.5 Current and Future Research on WSNs1.5.1 Application-Agnostic Research Trends1.5.2 Market-and Application-Driven Research Trends1.6 Further ReadingsReferencesPart Ⅱ Distributed Processing2 Distributed Detection of Spatially Constant Phenomena2.1 Distributed Detection in Clustered Sensor Networks2.1.1 Preliminaries on Distributed Binary Detection2.1.2 Analytical Framework2.1.3 Communication-Theoretic Characterization2.1.4 Joint Communication/lnformation-Theoretic Characterization2.1.5 Realistic Clustered Networks with Data Fusion2.2 Extending the Lifetime of Clustered Sensor Networks2.2.1 Sensor Network Lifetime under a Physical Layer QoS Condition2.2.2 Analytical Computation of Network Lifetime2.2.3 Numerical Results2.2.4 Energy Budget2.2.5 Noisy Communication Links2.2.6 Throughput and Delay with Varying Sensor Network Lifetime2.3 Impact of Different SNRs at the Sensors2.3.1 Ideal Communication Links2.3.2 Noisy Communication Links2.3.3 Sensor SNR Profiles2.3.4 Numerical Results2.3.5 Experimental Validation2.4 On the Interplay Between Decoding and Fusion2.4.1 Distributed Channel Coding and Detection/Decoding/Fusion Strategies2.4.2 Ideal Observations at the Sensors2.4.3 Noisy Observations at the Sensors2.4.4 Impact of Noisy Communication Links Towards the Relay2.4.5 Numerical Results2.5 Concluding Remarks2.6 Further ReadingsReferences3 Distributed Detection of Spatially Non-Constant Phenomena3.1 Ideal Communication Links3.1.1 MMSE Fusion Rule3.1.2 Simplified Fusion Rule with a Single Boundary3.1.3 Simplified Fusion Rule with Multiple Boundaries3.2 Noisy Communication Links3.2.1 MMSE Fusion Rule3.2.2 Simplified Fusion Rule3.3 Numerical Results3.3.1 ldeal Communication Links3.3.2 Noisy Communication Links3.4 Computational Complexity3.5 Concluding Remarks3.6 Further ReadingsReferencesPart Ⅲ MAC and Connectivity4 Tree-Based Topologies for Multi-Sink Networks4.1 Aims of the Study4.2 Channel and Link Models4.3 Connectivity Properties in PPP Fields4.4 Reference Scenario4.5 On the Design of Optimum Tree-Based Topologies4.5.1 The Multi-level Tree: Mathematica1 Analysis4.5.2 Mathematica1 Ana1ysis Results4.5.3 The Three-Level Tree:Simulation Environment4.5.4 Simulation Results4.6 Connectivity of Multi-Sink Multi-Hop WSNs in Bounded Regions4.6.1 Connectivity in Unbounded Single-Hop Networks4.6.2 Connectivity in Bounded Single-Hop Networks4.6.3 Connectivity in Bounded Multi-Hop Networks4.6.4 Energy Consumption4.6.5 Numerical Results4.7 Concluding Remarks4.8 Further ReadingsReferences5 Performance Analysis of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Protocol5.1 The Non Beacon-and Beacon-Enabled MAC Protocols5.2 Reference Scenario and Model Assumptions5.3 The Non Beacon-Enabled Model5.3.1 Node States5.3.2 Formulation of the Mathematical Model5.3.3 Performance Metrics Derived from the Model5.3.4 Numerica1 Results5.4 The Beacon-Enabled Model5.4.1 Performance Metrics Derived from the Model5.4.2 Formulation of the Mathematica1 Model of the CSMNCA Algorithm5.4.3 Performance Metrics Related to the CAP Portion5.4.4 Numerica1 Results:The Star Topology5.4.5 The Tree-Based Topology5.4.6 Numerica1 Results:Tree-Based Topology5.5 Comparison Between the Beacon-and Non Beacon-Enabled Modes5.6 Concluding Remarks5.7 Further ReadingsReferences6 Area Throughput for Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks6.1 Aims of the Model6.2 Assumptions and Reference Scenario6.3 Evaluation of the Area Throughput6.3.1 Joint MAC/Connectivity Probability of Success6.3.2 Area Throughput6.4 Numerical Results6.4.1 The Optimum Aggregation Strategy6.4.2 Comparing Beacon-and Non Beacon-Enabled Modes6.5 Concluding RemarksReferencesPart Ⅳ Cross-Layer Design7 Decentralized Detection in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks7.1 Preliminaries7.1.1 Decentralized Detection7.1.2 The Access to the Channel7.2 Impact of MAC on Decentralized Detection7.3 Numerical Results7.4 Concluding RemarksReferencesIndex
科学出版社引进一批国外知名出版社的优秀著作,使我国从事信息技术的广大科学工作者和工程技术人员能以较低的价格购买,对于推动我国信息技术领域的科研与教学是十分有益的事。Chiara Buratti、Marco Martalo、Roberto Verdone、Gianluigi Ferrari所著的《IEEE802.15.4系统无线传感器(影印版)》为丛书之一。