出版时间:2012-7 出版社:科学出版社 作者:(以)奥尔特曼 等编著 页数:611 字数:1014000
Arie AltmanRobert H.Smith Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture Hebrew University of Jerusalem Rehovot,IsraelPaul Michael HasegawaBruno C.Moser Distinguished Professor Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Department Purdue University West Lafayette,Indiana,USA
第一部分 植物生物技术简介
1 作物驯化的遗传学和基因组学
1.1 植物和驯化
1.1.1 涉及领域
1.1.2 驯化过的作物
1.1.3 杂草
1.1.4 外来人侵物种
1.1.5 模式品种和作物科学
1.2 对驯化过程的了解
1.2.1 早期驯化过程的相关证据
1.2.2 驯化过程的相关基因
1.2.3 驯化和遗传变异
1.2.4 与物种的形成和遗传多样性相关的遗传控制
1.2.5 玉米的驯化过程
1.2.6 豆类作物的驯化过程
1.2.7 产量性状
1.3 驯化过程中产生的杂交种和新多倍体
1.4 驯化后的选择
1.4.1 作物性状的改良
1.5 新的驯化
1.5.1 驯化产生的品种
1.5.2 消亡的作物
1.5.3 树木和生物燃料
1.5.4 适应新需求的遗传学和育种学:生态系统服务
1.6 驯化作物基因组的特性
1.7 超级驯化过程
1.8 致谢
2 鸟瞰:生物技术的新天地
第二部分 育种生物技术
第三部分 植物种质资源
第四部分 控制植物对环境的反应:非生物和生物胁迫
第五部分 利用生物技术改良农作物的产量性状和品质性状
版权页: 插图: Data pre-processing The first step for the data pre-processing procedure is to deconvolute the signals and detect the peaks under each deconvoluted signal.Figure 5.4 shows an example of a deconvoluted total ion chromatogram (TIC).Each colored peak underneath the TIC peak represents an individual ion detected at a similar time that can now be related to its accurate mass in the mass spectrum shown in Figure 5.4.A similar approach is taken when GC-MS data are deconvoluted;however,in that situation it is important to consider that each compound is represented by more than one ion due to the electron impact ionization process used in GC-MS. The next step is to distinguish between noise and the "real" signal from the sample.It is important to always run blank samples with each experiment (e.g.,an empty tube treated the same as all other samples),because they will provide estimates of background noise that will be subtracted from experimental samples.The next process is to align all detected signals across all samples within an experiment to account for retention time shifts between runs.Most instrument vendors offer this capability in their instrumentspecific software;however,this operation can also be performed using open-source software packages (e.g.,XCMS,Smith et al.,2006;or MZmine,Katajamaa et al.,2006;for review see Katajamaa and Oresic,2007). Normalization and data transformation Deconvolution,peak identification,and alignment result in a data matrix in table format,which then undergoes adequate normalization and subsequent transformation prior to statistical analysis.Depending on the properties of the data matrix different normalization procedures are applied for metabolomics data.Most biological data are characterized by heteroscedasticity (i.e.,where the standard deviation of each metabolite determined in replicate samples changes with themean of the signal;e.g.,Arneberg et al.,2007;Herberich et al.,2010),which can substantially affect results (Kvalheim et al.,1994).Therefore,it is important to normalize data.