出版时间:2012-3 出版社:科学出版社 作者:(德)斯特赖特,(德)丹尼尔 著 页数:341
Molecular Methods to Study Complex Microbial Communities
Construction of Small-Insert and Large-Insert Metagenomic
Construction and Screening of Marine Metagenomic Libraries
Metagenomic Analysis of Isotopically Enriched DNA
Wide Host-Range Cloning for Functional Metagenomics
Cloning and Expression Vectors for a Gram-Positive Host,
Streptomyces lividans
Heterologeus Gene Expression in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon
Sulfolobus solfataricus
Novel Tools for the Functional Expression of Metagenomic DNA
Screening of Functional Promoter from Metagenomic
DNA for Practical Use in Expression Systems
Substrate-Induced Gene Expression Screening: A Method
for High-Throughput Screening of Metagenome Libraries
Screens for Active and Stereoselective Hydrolytic Enzymes
Screening for Cellulase-Encoding Clones in Metagenomic
Screening Metagenomic Libraries for Laccase Activities
Screening for N-AHSL-Based-Signaling Interfering Enzymes
Identification of Molecular Markers to Follow Up the
of Sites Contaminated with Chlorinated Compounds
Methods for the Isolation of Genes Encoding Novel PHB
Cycle Enzymes from Complex Microbial Communities
Metagenomic Approaches to Identify and Isolate Bioactive
Natural Products from Microbiota of Marine Sponges
Screening for Novel Antibiotic Resistance Genes
Novel Metal Resistance Genes from Microorganisms:A Functional
Metagenomic Approach
Retrieval of Full-Length Functional Genes Using Subtractive
Hybridization Magnetic Bead Capture
Detection and Isolation of Selected Genes of Interest from
Metagenomic Libraries by a DNA Microarray Approach
Application ofDNA Microarray for Screening Metagenome Library
MetaGenomeThreader:. A Software Tool for Predicting
Genes in DNA-Sequences of Metagenome Projects