出版时间:2012-3 出版社:科学出版社 作者:(美)菲利普斯 著 页数:784
作者:(美国)Charles L.Phillips (美国)John M.Parr
PrefaceCHAPTER 1 Introduction1.1 The Control Problem1.2 Examples of Control Systems1.3 Short History of ControlReferencesCHAPTER 2 Models of Physical Systems2.1 System Modeling2.2 E1ectrical Circuits2.3 Block Diagrams and Signal F1ow Graphs2.4 Mason's Gain Formula2.5 Mechanical Translational Systems2.6 Mechanical Rotational Systems2.7 Electromechanical Systems2.8 Sensors2.9 Temperature-Control System2.10 Analogous Systems2.11 Transformers and Gears2.12 Robotic Control System2.13 System Identification2.14 Linearization2.15 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 3 State-Variable Models3.1 State-Variable Modeling3.2 Simulation Diagrams3.3 Solution of Stare Equations3.4 Transfer Functions3.5 Similarity Transformations3.6 Digital Simulation3.7 Controls Software3.8 Analog Simulation3.9 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 4 System Responses4.1 Time Response of first-Order Systems4.2 Time Response of Second-Order Systems4.3 Time Response Specifications in Design4.4 Frequency Response of Systems4.5 Time and Frequency Scaling4.6 Response of Higher-Order Systems4.7 Redneed-Order Models4.8 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 5 Control一System Characteristics5.1 Closed-Loop Control System5.2 Stability5.3 Sensitivity5.4 Disturbance Rejection5.5 Steady-State Accuracy5.6 Transient Response5.7 Closed-Loop Frequency Response5.8 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 6 Stability Analysis6.1 Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion6.2 Roots of the Characteristic Equation6.3 Stability by Simulation6.4 SummaryProblemsCHAPTER 7 Root-Locus Analysis and Design7.1 Root-Locus Principles7.2 Some Root-Locus Techniques7.3 Additional Root-Locus Techniques7.4 Additional Properties of the Root Locus7.5 other Configurations7.6 Root-Locus Design7.7 Phase-Lead Design7.8 Analytical Phase-Lead Design7.9 Phase-Lag Design7.10 PID Design7.11 Analytical PID Design7.12 Complementary Root Locus7.13 Compensator Realization7.14 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 8 Frequency-Response Analysis8.1 Frequency Responses8.2 Bode Diagrams8.3 Additional Terms8.4 Nyquist Criterion8.5 Application of the Nyquist Criterion8.6 Relative Stability and the Bode Diagram8.7 Closed-Loop Frequency Response8.8 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 9 Frequency-Response Design9.1 Control-System Specifications9.2 Compensation9.3 Gain Compensation9.4 Phase-Lag Compensation9.5 Phase-Lead Compensation9.6 Analytical Design9.7 Lag-Lead Compensation9.8 PID Controller Design9.9 Analytical PID Controller Design9.10 PID Controller Implementation9.11 Frequency-Response Software9.12 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 10 Modern Control Design10.1 Pole-Placement Design10.2 Ackermann's Formula10.3 State Estimation10.4 Closed-Loop System Characteristics10.5 Reduced-order Estimators10.6 Controllability and observability10.7 Systems with Inputs10.8 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 11 Discrete-Time Systems11.1 Discrete-Time System11.2 Transform Methods11.3 Theorems of the z-Transform11.4 Solution 0f Difference Equations11.5 Inverse z-Transform11.6 Simulation Diagrams and Flow Graphs11.7 State Variables11.8 Solution of State Equations11.9 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 12 Sampled-Data Systems12.1 Sampled Data12.2 Ideal Sampler12.3 Properties 0f the Starred Transform12.4 Data Reconstruction12.5 Pulse Transfer Function12.6 Open-Loop Systems Containing Digital Filters12.7 Closed-Loop Discrete-Time Systems12.8 Transfer Functions for Closed-Loop Systems12.9 State Variables for Sampled-Data Systems12.10 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 13 Analysis and Design of Digital Control Systems13.1 Two Examples13.2 Discrete System Stability13.3 Jury's Test13.4 Mapping the s-Plane into the z-Plane13.5 Root Locus13.6 Nyquist Criterion13.7 Bilinear Transformation13.8 Routh-Hurwitz Criterion13.9 Bode Diagram13.10 Steady-State Accuracy13.11 Design 0f Digital Control Systems13.12 Phase-Lag Design13.13 Phase-Lead Design13.14 Digital PID Controllers13.15 Root-Locus Design13.16 Emulation Design Methods13.17 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 14 Pole-Assignment Design and State Estimation for Discrete-Time Systems14.1 Introduction14.2 Pole Assignment14.3 State Estimtion14.4 Reduced-Order observers14.5 Current Observers14.6 Controllability and Observability14.7 Systems with Inputs14.8 SummaryReferencesProblemsCHAPTER 15 Nonlinear System Analysis15.1 Nonlinear System Definitions and Properties15.2 Review of the Nyquist Criterion15.3 Describing Function15.4 Derivations of Describing Functions15.5 Use of the Describing Function15.6 Stability Of Limit Cycles15.7 Design15.8 Application to other Systems15.9 Linearization15.10 Equilibrium States and Lyapunov Stability15.11 State Plane Analysis15.12 Linear-System Response15.13 SummaryReferencesProblemsAPPENDICESA MatricesB Laplace TransformC Laplace Transform and z-Transform TablesD MATLAB®Commands Used in This TextE Answers to Selected ProblemsIndex