
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:(瑞士)普雷奇 等编著  页数:433  


IR, UV/Vis和质谱数据以及相对应各自的化合物的结构特征。除了光谱使用的常规溶剂,还包含了标准试剂、MALDI 和 FAB


作者:(瑞士)普雷奇(Erno Pretsch) 等


1 Introduction
1.1 Scope and Organization
1.2 Abbreviations and Symbols
2 Summary Tables
2.1 General Tables
2.1.1 Calculation of the Number of Double Bond Equivalents from the
Molecular Formula
2.1.2 Properties of Selected Nuclei
2.2 BC NMR Spectroscopy
2.3 IH NMR Spectroscopy
2.4 IR Spectroscopy
2.5 Mass Spectrometry
2 5.1 Average Masses of Naturally Occurring Elements with Masses
and Representative Relative Abundances of lsotopes
2.5.2 Ranges of Naturall sotope Abundances of Selected
2.5.3 Isotope Patterns ofNaturally Occurring Elements
2.5.4 Calculationoflsotope Distributions
2.5.5 Isotopic Abundances of Various Combinations of Chlorine,
Bromine,Sulfur,and Silicon
2.5.6 Isotope Pattems of Combinations of Cland Br
2.5.7 Indicators of the Presence of Heteroatoms
2.5.8 Rules for Determining the Relative Molecular Weight
2.5.9 Homologous Mass Series aslndications of StructuralType
2.5.10 Mass Correlation Table
2.5.11 References
2.6 UV/Vis Spectroscopy
3 Combination Tables
3.1 Alkanes,Cycloalkanes N
3.2 Alkenes,Cycloalkenes N
33 Alkynes
3.4 Aromatic Hydrocarbons
3.5 Heteroaromatic Compounds
3.6 Halogen Compounds
3.7 Oxygen Compounds
3.7.1 Alcohol; and Phenols
3.7.2 Ethers
3.8 Nitrogen Compounds
3.8.1 Amines
3.8.2 Nitro Compounds
3.9 Thiols and Sulfides
3.10 Carbonyl Compounds
3.10.1 Aldehydes
3.10.2 Ketones
3.10.3 CarboxylicAcids
3.10.4 Esters and Lactones
3.10.5 Amides and Lactams
4 13C NMR Spectroscopy
4.1 Alkanes
4.1.1 Chemical Shifts
4.1.2 Coupling Constants
4.1.3 References
4.2 Alkenes
4.2.1 Chemical Shifts
4.2.2 Coupling Constants
4.2.3 References
4.3 Alkynes
4.3.1 Chemical Shifts
4.3.2 Coupling Constants
4.3.3 References
4.4 Alicyclics
4.4.1 Chemical Shifts
4.4.2 Coupling Constants
4.5 Aromatic Hydrocarbons
4.5.1 Chemical Shifts
4.5.2 Coupling Constants
4.5.3 References
4.6 Heteroaromatic Compounds
4.6.1 Chemical Shifts
4.6.2 Coupling Constants
4.7 Halogen Compounds
4.7.1 Fluoro Compounds
4.7.2 Chloro Compounds
4.7.3 Bromo Compounds
4.7.4 Iodo Compounds
4.7.5 References
4.8 Alcohols,Ethers,and Related Compounds
4.8.1 Alcohols
4.8.2 Ethers
4.9 Nitrogen Compounds
4.9.1 Amines
4.9.2 Nitro and Nitroso Compounds
4.9.3 Nitrosamines and Nitramines
4.9.4 Azo and Azoxy Compounds
4.9.5 Imines and Oximes
4.9.6 Hydrazones and Carbodiimides
4.9.7 Nitriles and lsonitriles
4.9.8 Isocyanates,Thiocyanates,andlso thiocyanates
4.10 SulfurCompounds
4.10.1 Tluols
4.10.2 Sulfides
4.10.3 Disulfides and Sulfonium Salts
4.10.4 Sulfoxides and Sulfones
4.10.5 Sulfonic and Sulfinic Acids and Derivatives
4.10.6 Sulfurous and Sulfuric Acid Derivatives
4.10.7 Sulfur-Containing CarbonylDerivatives
4.11 CarbonyICompounds
4.11.1 Aldehydes
4.11.2 Ketones
4.11.3 CarboxylicAcids
4.11.4 Esters and Lactones
4.11.5 Amides and Lactams
4.11.6 Miscellaneous Carbonyl Derivatives
4.12 Miscellaneous Compounds
4.12.1 Compounds with GroupIV Elements
4.12.2 Phosphorus Compounds
4.12.3 Miscellaneous Organometallic Compounds
5 H NMR Spectroscopy
6 Heteronuclear NMR Spectroscopy
7 IR Spectroscopy
8 Mass Spectrometry
9 UV/Vis Spectroscopy
Subject Index







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