出版时间:2012-1 出版社:科学出版社 作者:巴尔斯 页数:653
作者:(美国)巴尔斯(Bernard J.Baars) (美国)Nicole M.Gage
第1章 心智与脑
第2章 学科框架
第3章 神经元及其神经连接
第4章 研究工具:活体的脑成像
第5章 脑
第6章 视觉
第7章 听觉与言语
第8章 意识和注意
第9章 学习和记忆
第10章 思维与问题解决
第11章 语言
第12章 目标、执行控制与行动
第13章 情绪
第14章 社会认知:感知他人的心理状态
第15章 发育
第16章 认知的基因和分子基础
版权页: 插图: One example of this approach concerns the ability to discriminate speech-relevant sounds such as pho-nemes (see Chapter 7). Each human language has a set of sounds that map onto individual phonemes, which typically are conscripted within slashes: /p/, for example, to reflect the sounds (phones) that map onto the phoneme/p/. Recall the 'lack of invariance' prob-lem discussed in Chapter 7: the differing phonemes that are articulated before and after the articulation of /p/affect its acoustic features. Thus, there is not a sin-gle invariant physical property that uniquely defines /p/. Rather, the representation of the phoneme /p/must rely on some abstract (not just physical) features.This aspect of human speech has been exploited in speech perception studies where phonemes that differ in a single feature are prepared using speech synthe-sizing software to create a series of sounds that differ in graded steps between, for example, the phonemes /b/and/p/, which differ only in their initial voicing (vocal chord vibration). As English-speaking adults, if we were to listen to a graded phonetic transition from speech sounds 'ba'to 'pa', we would perceive the intermediates between /ba/and/pa/as being either one or the other. In other words, we show a categorical boundary between the two. Behavioral experiments have revealed that young babies also show enhanced (categorical) discrimination at phonetic boundaries used in speech such as /ba//pa/. That is, a graded phonetic transition from/ba/to/pa/is also perceived as a sudden categorical shift by infants. These observations initially caused excite-ment as evidence for a human speech perception-specific detection mechanism in humans. However,more recent research has shown that other species,such as chinchillas, show similar acoustical discrimi-nation abilities.
《神经科学研究与进展·认知、脑与意识:认知神经科学导论(全彩色版)(原著第2版)(导读版)》特点 全面、及时更新各章节相关的最新进展 针对读者反馈进行完善和修订 新增一章:认知的基因与分子生物学 前沿栏目介绍领域内知名研究者及其课题