
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:王松良 等编著  页数:264  字数:400000  




Agroecology: A Discipline for Our Time
Part I Theoretical Framework
Unit 1 Context of Agroecology
 Chapter 1 Agriculture and its anthropocentric sciences
 1.1 What are agriculture, ecology and agroecology?
 1.2 Natural ecosystems versus people-centric ecosystems and
 1.3 "Making money and respecting the environment"
 1.4 What we produce is determined by what we consume: Rethinking
therole of the modern supermarketLiteratures cited in this
 Chapter 2 Agroecology: Science of synthesis of ecology and
 2. 1 Agroecology: Bridging ecology and agronomy
 2.2 Agroecology: The ecology of food systems
 2.3 Global food system: Two case analyses of basic
agroecologyLiteratures cited in this chapter
Unit 2 Basic Analysis of Agroecosystems
 Chapter 3 Agroecosystem and its analysis
 3.1 What is an agroecosystem?
 3.2 The hierarchies of agroecosystems
 3.3 The properties of agroecosystems
 3.4 Agroecosystem analysis ,Literatures cited in this
 Chapter 4 Energy flow and matter cycle in agroecosystems
 4. 1 Energy flow and matter cycle in a natural ecosystem
 4. 2 Energy flow in agroecosystems
 4. 3 Matter cycle in agroecosystems
 Literatures cited in this chapter
 Chapter 5 Agroclimate and agriculture's roles in global climate
 5. 1 Climate change, global warming and its trends
 5. 2 Agroclimate and climate change related to agriculture
 5.3 Adaptation and mitigation to the climate change in
 Literatures cited in this chapter
 Chapter 6 Water in agroecosystems
 6. 1 Water resources in the global ecosystem
 6.2 Water in agroecosystems
 6.3 Aspects of water management in agroecosystems
 Literatures cited in this chapter
 Chapter 7 Cultivated soils and soil organisms
 7. 1 Formation, classification and functions of soils
 7. 2 Soil nutrient cycling
 7.3 Soil management in agricultureLiteratures cited in this
 Chapter 8 Agrobiodiversity and agroecosystem stability
 8. I Biodiversity
 8.2 Biodiversity in agroecosystems
 8.3 Regenerating biodiversity in agroecosystems
 Literatures cited in this chapter
Unit 3 Agroecosystematic Processes and TheirAnthropocentric
 Chapter 9 Land preparation
 9.1 The functions of land preparation
 9.2 The procedures of land preparation
 9.3 Tillage system
 Literatures cited in this chapter
 Chapter 10 Erosion and soil degradation: "Keep your soil
 10. 1 Soil erosion
 10.2 Land degradation
 10.3 Keep your soil covered
 Literatures cited in this chapter
 Chapter 11 Resources and wastes in agroceosystems
 11.1 What are resources and wastes in agroecosystems7
 11.2 Animal and plant manures
 11.3 Compost: Making and using it
 Literatures cited in this chapter
 Chapter 12 Natural capital accounting: Ecological footprint and
emergy analysis -.
 12. 1 Ecological footprint (EF) : concept and calculation
 12.2 Emergy analysis
 12.3 Modified method of natural capital accounting
 Literatures cited in this chapter
Unit 4 Sustainable Production Systems
 Chapter 13 Domestic livestock systems
 13. 1 Domestication and evolution of agriculture
 13.2 Animal production and products
 13.3 Efficiency in animal production
 Literatures cited in this chapter
 Chapter 14 Aquaculture systems
Unit 5 Agroecosystem Management: Issues,Problems and
Part II Practical Teaching



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