出版时间:2011-12 出版社:科学出版社 作者:刘莹 页数:209
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research motivation
1.2 Definition of phonological awareness rPA)
1.3 Phonological awareness and L2 word reading
1.4 English word reading in the Chinese context
1.5 Key research questions
Chapter 2 Phonological Skills and English Word Reading
2.1 Research background
2.1.1 English word reading and English reading
2.1.2 Models for development of English word reading skills
2.1.3 Phonological skills and English word reading
2.2 Issues in PA and English word reading
2.3 Issues in English word reading
2.4 MethodolcIgical matters
2.4.1 Classic PA tasks
2.4.2 Cognitive dimension
2.4.3 Linguistic dimension
2.4.4 Orthographic dimension
2.5 Theoretical accounts for the connection
2.5.1 Cognitive view
2.5.2 Emergentist view
2.5.3 RePresentational view
2.5.4 Multiconnections account for English word reading
Chapter 3 Reconsidering the Issues in EFL Context
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Linguistic differences theory
3.1.2 Linguistic differences and reading skills
3.1.3 Linguistic differences and PA
3.2 Chinese mainland EFL learning context
3.3 Research rationale
3.3.1 Introduction
3.3.2 Syllable structure of Chinese
3.3.3 Chinese writing system
3.3.4 Structure of Chinese pinyin
3.3.5 Problems with pinyin system
3.3.6 Role of pinyin in learning to read
3.4 Methodological considerations in Chinese EFL context
3.4.1 English word reading tests
3.4.2 CPA tasks
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Experimental Studies
4.0 Research questions
4.1 Participants
4.2 Chinese and English PA tests
4.2.1 Method for PA tests
4.2.2 PA task selection
4.2.3 CPA tests
4 2 4 EPA tests
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion
Chapter 6 General Discussion and Conclusion
版权页:插图:ln this section,we analyzed the relation between four sets ofvariables.The first finding is that both English phoneme deletion andvocabulary are able to predict English word reading,although Englishvocabulary plays a stronger role in G5 children.Second,CPA skillspredict Chinese character reading.Third,Chinese and English dele-tion skills predict English nonword reading for G3 children whereasChinese and English detection skills do for G5. The finding that English PA skills are related to English word andnonword reading skills supports the universality of EPA in predictingEnglish word reading,even for Chinese children who learn English asa foreign language in China’S mainland.One point of difference is therole played by foreign language proficiency.For Grade 3 children,English phoneme deletion predicts English word reading even aftercontrolling for the effect of vocabulary.However,for Grade 5 children,English phoneme deletion is not able to predict English word reading,after controlling for the effect of English vocabulary.To recapitulate,EPA plays an important role in English word reading of Chinese EFLchildren,but the relation is mediated by English vocabulary level.5.3 English nonword reading There are two purposes for the following analyses.First,regard-ing the use of CV and VC sound units in reading,if Chinese childrenmake use of the CV predominance in Chinese syllables,they shouldfind it easier to read nonwords sharing CV part than VC part with aknown word.To answer this question,GLM repeated measuresanalyses were run.Second,we intend to find out whether PA skillsget transferred from oral to written mode.Two steps lead the way.
中国儿童英汉语音意识、拼音技能和英语单词认读能力研究 PDF格式下载