
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:科学出版社  作者:(美)卡门,海克 著  页数:644  




作者:(美国)卡门(Edward W.Kamen) (美国)海克(Bonnie S.Heck)


CHAPTER 1 Fundamental Concepts
1.1 Continuous-Time Signals
1.2 Discrete-Time Signals
1.3 Systems
1.4 Examples of Systems
1.5 Basic System Properties
1.6 Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 2 Time-Domain Models of Systems
2.1 Input/Output Representation of Discrete-Time Systems
2.2 Convolution of Discrete-Time Signals
2.3 Difference Equation Models
2.4 Differential Equation Models
2.5 Solution of Differential Equations
2.6 Convolution Representation of Continuous-Time Systems
2.7 Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 3 The Fourier Series and Fourier Transform
3.1 Representation of Signals in Terms of Frequency Components
3.2 Trigonometric Fourier Series
3.3 Complex Exponential Series
3.4 Fourier Transform
3.5 Spectral Content of Common Signals
3.6 Properties of the Fourier Transform
3.7 Generalized Fourier Transform
3.8 Application to Signal Modulation and Demodulation
3.9 Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 4 Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals
4.1 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
4.2 Discrete Fourier Transform
4.3 DFT of Truncated Signals
4.4 FFT Algorithm
4.5 Application to Data Analysis
4.6 Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 5 Fourier Analysis of Systems
5.1 Fourier Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems
5.2 Response to Periodic and Nonperiodic Inputs
5.3 Analysis of Ideal Filters
5.4 Sampling
5.5 Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems
5.6 Application to Lowpass Digital Filtering
5.7 Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 6 The Laplace Transform and the Transfer Function
6.1 Laplace Transform of a Signal
6.2 Properties of the Laplace Transform
6.3 Computation of the Inverse Laplace Transform
6.4 Transform of the Input/Output Differential Equation
6.5 Transform of the Input/Output Convolution Integral
6.6 Direct Construction of the Transfer Function
6.7 Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 7 The z-Transform and Discrete-Time Systems
7.1 z-Transform of a Discrete-Time Signal
7.2 Properties of the z-Transform
7.3 Computation of the Inverse z-Transform
7.4 Transfer Function Representation
7.5 System Analysis Using the Transfer
Function Representation
7.6 Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 8 Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems
by Use of the Transfer Function
8.1 Stability and the Impulse Response
8.2 Routh-Hurwitz Stability Test
8.3 Analysis of the Step Response
8.4 Response to Sinusoids and Arbitrary Inputs
8.5 Frequency Response Function
8.6 Causal Filters
8.7 Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 9 Application to Control
9.1 Introduction to Control
9.2 Tracking Control
9.3 Root Locus
9.4 Application to Control System Design
9.5 Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 10 Design of Digital Filters and Controllers
10.1 Discretization
10.2 Design of IIR Filters
10.3 Design of IIR Filters Using MATLAB
10.4 Design of FIR Filters
10.5 Design of Digital Controllers
10.6 Chapter Summary
CHAPTER 11 State Representation
11.1 State Model
11.2 Construction of State Models
11.3 Solution of State Equations
11.4 Discrete-Time Systems
11.5 Equivalent State Representations
11.6 Discretization of State Model
11.7 Chapter Summary
Appendix A Brief Review of Complex Variables
Appendix B Brief Review of Matrices


版权页:插图:The background required for reading the book consists of the usual freshman/sophomore courses in calculus and elementary differential equations. It is also helpful, butnot necessary, to have had some exposure to physics. The book is also intended to be usedfor self-study. Both authors have been teaching the material in the book to electrical engi-neering juniors for many years, and Bonnie Heck has been actively involved in the use of the Web for enhancing education in the fields of signals, systems, and controls.As noted, key features of the text include the use of online demos on the text-book website and the downloading of data from the Web in order to carry out dataanalysis. In many of the demos, students may change various values to see what results.For example, the frequencies making up a signal can be changed with the resulting ef-fect on the signal displayed, and the parameters of a system's frequency response func-tion (or transfer function) can be changed with the effect on system performancedisplayed. In some of the demos, the students can hear the sounds that correspond tothe signals being considered. There is also a demo on a mass-spring-damper systemthat provides an animation of the output response resulting from the application ofvarious inputs. Via this demo, students can actually see the characteristics of the re-sponse to an impulsive input, step input, and sinusoidal input. The reference to a demoin the text is given by an icon in the left-hand margin, as illustrated here.






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