
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:科学出版社  作者:胡春雨  页数:359  




List of Abbreviations
List of LINDSEI Transcriptions
Chapter I Introduction
1.1 Research Orientation
1.2 Rationale
1.3 The Scope of Inquiry
1.4 Theoretical Considerations
1.5 Organization of the Book
Chapter 2 The Acquisition of Modality
2.1 Modality
2.1.1 Definition and Classification
2.1.2 The English Modal System
2.1.3 The Chinese Modal System
2.2 L1 Acquisition of Modality
2.2.1 Naturalistic Longitudinal Studies
2.2.2 Experimental Studies
2.3 L2 Acquisition of Modality
2.3.1 Longitudinal Studies
2.3.2 Learner Corpus Studies
2.3.3 Experimental Studies
2.4 Limitations of Previous Studies
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 The NS Corpus Study
3.2.1 Introduction
3.2.2 Corpora Used in This Study
3.2.3 Data Analysis
3.3 The Pedagogic Corpus Study
3.3.1 Introduction
3.3.2 The Pedagogic Corpus Used in This Study
3.3.3 Data Analysis
3.4 The Learner Corpus Study
3.4,1 Introduction
3.4.2 Corpora Used in This Study
3.4.3 Data Analysis
3.5 The Experimental Study
3.5.1 Introduction
3.5.2 Participants
3.5.3 Instruments and Materials
3.5.4 Data Collection Procedures
3.5.5 Data Analysis
Chapter 4 Modality in Contemporary English, Textbooks and
Learners' Language
4.1 Modality in Contemporary English
4.1.1 General Findings
4.1.2 Modal Expressions of Epistemic Possibility
4.1.3 Modal Expressions of Root Necessity
4.1.4 Modal Expressions of Volition and Prediction
4.1.5 Summary
4.2 Modality in the Textbooks
4.2.1 General Findings
4.2.2 Modal Expressions of Epistemic Possibility
4.2.3 Modal Expressions of Root Necessity
4.2.4 Modal Expressions of Volition and Prediction
4.2.5 Summary
4.3 Modality in Learners' Language: Deviation from the Norm.
4.3.1 General Findings
4.3.2 Modal Expressions of Epistemic Possibility
4.3.3 Modal Expressions of Root Necessity
4.3.4 Modal Expressions of Volition and Prediction
4.3.5 Summary
4.4 Modality in Learners' Language: Modal Development
4.4.1 General Findings
4.4.2 Modal Expressions of Epistemic Possibility
4.4.3 Modal Expressions of Root Necessity .
4.4.4 Modal Expressions of Volition and Prediction
4.4.5 Summary
4.5 Modality in Learners' Language: Individual Differences
4.5.1 General Findings
4.5.2 Modal Expressions of Epistemic Possibility
4.5.3 Modal Expressions of Root Necessity
4.5.4 Modal Expressions of Volition and Prediction
4.5.5 Summary
Chapter 5 Constructing the IL Modal System
5.1 The Inherent Complexity of the English Modality
5.2 The Role of Instruction
5.2.1 Instructional Input
5.2.2 Instructional Support
5.2.3 Summary
5.3 Learner Factors
5.3.1 L1 Influence
5.3.2 Universal Constraints
5.3.3 L2 Proficiency
5.3.4 Learner Needs and Learner Agency
5.3.5 Learner Awareness
5.3.6 The Role of Output Practice
5.4 The Dynamic Interaction of Contributing Factors
5.4,1 The Acquisition and Use of the Epistemic Markers
5.4.2 The Acquisition and Use of the Root Necessity Modals
5.4.3 The Acquisition and Use of the Volition and Prediction
Modals (I)
5.4.4 The Acquisition and Use of the Volition and Prediction
Modals (II)
5.5 Towards a General Understanding of L2 Modal Acquisition
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Summary of Major Findings
6.2 Theoretical and Methodological Implications
6.2.1 Usage-Based Model vs. Corpus-Based Analysis
6.2.2 Group Data vs. Ifldividual Data
6.2.3 Oral Data vs. Written Data
6.2.4 Production Data vs. Other Types of Data
6.3 Implications for Modal Instruction
6.3.1 Providing Better Modal Input
6.3.2 Providing More Input-Processing Tasks and Focus-on-Form
6.3.3 Providing More Effective Explicit Instruction
6.3.4 Teaching Modals When Learner Are Developmentally Ready.
6.3.5 Providing More Awareness-Raising Activities
6.3.6 Providing Opportunity for Practice
6.4 Suggestions for Future Research
6.5 Concluding Remarks
Appendix I Materials Used in CASEC
Appendix 2 A Pilot Study
Appendix 3 Topics in the Writing Task
Appendix 4 Topics in the Oral Task
Appendix 5 The Translation Test
Appendix 6 The Discourse Completion Test
Appendix 7 The Acceptability Judgment Test
Appendix 8 The Opened Questionnaire
Appendix 9 Participants' 256 Essays (Sample)
Appendix 10 Participants' Sixteen Conversations (Sample)
Appendix 11 Participants' Performance in the Translation Test
Appendix 12 Participants' Performance in the Discourse
Competition Test
Appendix 13 Participants' Performance in the Acceptability
Judgment Test
Appendix 14 Participants' Answers to Questions in the Opened
Appendix 15 Sample of Interviews
Appendix 16 Post-experiment Investigations (Sample)



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