出版时间:2011-6 出版社:科学 作者:金利 编 页数:214
Chapter 1 Big Bang Theory 《生活大爆炸》
01 Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?
02 I’m such a mess. 我这么乱七八糟的。
03 Get lost. 滚蛋!
04 Been there. 我可是过来人。
05 Fair enough. 很公平,有道理。
06 Damn it. 够了!
07 I’ll give you a hint. 我给你点暗示。
08 You are on fire! 你真行。
09 Get off my case. 别再唠叨了。
10 What’s the occasion? 今天是什么大日子么?
11 Here’s the deal. 事情是这样的。
12 You can count on us. 我们会不负所托的。
13 Fire away. 开始发问吧。
14 What’s going on with you? 你到底怎么了?
15 Do you have a second? 你有空吗?
16 There, there. 好啦,好啦。
17 Help me out here. 帮我说句话啊。
18 Are you insane? 你疯了吧?
19 Here’s the thing. 事情是这样的。
20 I owe you an apology. 我得向你道歉。
21 For God’s sake 看在上帝的份上
22 with all due respect… 恕我直言……
23 I don’t want to screw it up. 我不想搞砸了。
24 I cannot catch a break. 我真是倒霉。
Chapter 2 How I Met Your Mother 《老爸老妈的浪漫史》
01 This is crazy! 这简直就是疯了!
02 What’s taking so long? 怎么那么慢啊?
03 You blew it. 你搞糟了。
04 This is an outrage! 这实在是太过分了!
05 You don’t say. 不说也知道。
06 Take it easy. 放轻松。
07 I don’t get it. 我搞不懂。
08 That was beyond my wildest dreams. 我做梦都没有想到。
09 It’s really not such a big deal. 这真没什么大不了的。
10 You are so dead. 你死定了。
Chapter 3 Drop Dead Diva 《美女上错身》
01 Look on the bright side. 往好的方面想吧。
02 between you and me… 跟你说个秘密……
03 I’m on your side. 我站在你这边。
04 Are you whining? 你在抱怨吗?
05 Let me get this straight. 让我弄清楚。
06 Are you stalking me now? 你在跟踪我吗?
07 You set me up. 你陷害我。
08 We are going to kick their ass! 我们要给他们点颜色看看!
Chapter 4 Two and A Half Men 《好汉两个半》
01 Geez. 天哪。
02 You stay out of this. 你别管这件事。
03 I mean it. 我是认真的。
04 Maybe some other time. 改天吧。
05 What are you talking about? 你胡说什么呢?
06 Give me a break! 饶了我吧!
07 I can’t do this anymore. 我受够了。
08 Grow up. 成熟点吧。
09 I think that is really nice of you. 你真是太好了。
10 I have a confession. 我必须向你坦白。
11 Don’t take it personally. 别放在心上。
12 Oh crap. 糟糕。
13 I’m on it. 我马上去办。
14 It’s driving you crazy. 这快要把你逼疯了。
15 What night is good for you? 你们哪天有时间?
16 You’ll get over him. 你会忘了他的。
17 What’s up? 怎么了?
18 Not really a big fan. 我并不那么喜欢她/他。
19 That sounds swell. 太棒了。
20 I thought you two hit it off. 我还以为你们两个很合得来呢。
21 You with me? 你懂吗?
22 None of your business. 不关你的事。
23 That’s not the point. 这不是重点。
24 You are really starting to piss me off. 你现在开始让我反感了。
25 Forget it. 别管它了。
26 There is no light at the end of the tunnel. 人生真是无望啊。
Chapter 5 Friends 《老友记》
01 Big time! 绝对地!
02 Give her a break. 饶了她吧。
03 I have had it. 我受够了。
04 She’s out of my league. 我追不上她。
05 This is so typical. 事情总是这样的。
06 Nice going. 干得好。
07 I see where this is going. 我知道这是怎么回事儿了。
08 It’s textbook. 这很典型。
09 That that’s ridiculous! 这简直太荒谬了。
10 We had a deal! 我们说好了的。
11 You take your time. 你慢慢来。
12 Ross is so crazy about you. 罗斯疯狂地喜欢你。
13 It couldn’t have been worse. 简直糟透了。
14 Don’t toy with me. 你别想糊弄我。
15 Easy for you to say. 你说得倒轻巧。
16 Would you let it go? 能别提这个了吗?
17 Not that I know of. 据我所知并非如此。
18 Let me just get this straight. 让我把事情弄清楚。