
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:科学  作者:金利 编  页数:220  






Chapter 1 Gilmore Girls
Now you're kidding.
I think we should set them up.
Keep your pants on.
I'll make a mental note.
On the count of three.
I've been up for hours.
What's with you?
Don't sweat it.
You're making a mess.
I had no choice.
You're in a good mood.
It will never happen again.
I'm so sick of her.
It's not too late to back out.
Chapter 2 The O. C.
Make yourself comfortable.
That's my point exactly.
I'll handle it.
Can I try this on?
What's on the agenda?
No way.
You want to hang out sometime?
Clear the air.
It's a band aid for a bullet wound.
Sorry to just pop in.
I'll find another way to get by.
No more digs at my dad.
Speak of the devil and the devil he does appear.
Chapter 3 The Vampire diaries
I predict this year is gonna be kick ass.
So not getting in the middle.
Fly free.
I rock.
She talks more than I can listen.
You almost got me.
I've been kind ofm.i.a. ...
In lieu of any other options.
I'm not that evolved.
His trip is open-ended.
It can't be to just catch up.
Cut her some slack.
His eyes are so blue.
You're letting your jealousy get the best of you.
I'm not going to put up with the drama.
That's not stabbing you in the back.
Mason was a catch.
I'm not living up to my best self.
There is no us.
The girl's got heart.
Like you had a choice.
Elijah is old school.
I was looking out for myself.
I wasn't thinking straight.
Desperate Housewives
Chapter 4 Ease up.
Your mother is quite the card shark
What brings you here?
It's my call.
It makes sense.
You just had to cut me off.
Suck it up.
You're not bailing on me?
That's big of you.
It puts a crimp in your plans.
You put us in a really awkward position.
Count me in.
I won't say a word.
For better or for worse.
You' 11 keep the thought to yourself.
You just have to stick your nose into other people's business.
Take a load off.
Do you mind if I steal Tom for a sec?
Let me give it a shot.
There's no point.
Chapter 5 Gossip Girls
That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard.
You must have your own wing.
It's a long story.
I'm working on it.
Where are you headed?
Fortunately, Yale is out of her reach.
It wrapped up sooner than expected.
No time for oxygen.
We are going to blow them away.
What a lovely surprise.
It's no one's fault.
It's the big day.
I know something's going on.
I'm losing her.
It's not a big deal.
The entire thing was a scam.
Maybe you'll learn something.
You're free to see other people, too.
Who do you work for? Speak it.
Chapter 6 One Tree Hill
This is personal.
What's going on with you?
Everything turned out okay.
I want your life to be good.
So what does this dress say to you?
You just took 10 years offmy life.
Move your ass.
You ready for round two?
You're one to talk.








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  •   收到书后稍稍浏览了一下,又听了几段附赠光盘的内容就先来评论了。总体说来,至少是买了绝对不会后悔的书籍,个人评价:物有所值。书的排版不像教学类的,基本按剧集为大类,然后分章节(选段),然后每章是按“台词(先英后中,将需要学习的语法或习惯用语加粗或标记红色)-名词解释-就场景直观分析-扩展出现的习惯用语的其他表达方式”的顺序写的,至少我很适应。看了几处,也无错字、漏字、排版、印刷之类的错误。附赠光盘里每部剧集为一个MP3,一个MP3也就包含了多段场景对话。对话是美剧的直接COPY,还算清晰,但因为没有做任何声音处理,优点是“原汁原味、拷贝不走样”,缺点是部分“公共场合的场景”不免略显嘈杂,不过毕竟POINT不一样,声音还挺大声的,也就罢了。想到可以放到手机里在路上听,就觉得很不错了,学英语,语言环境很重要:)
  •   配光盘挺好的准备看完一遍美剧再学习里面的内容。
  •   每部剧都只有一个音频,每个音频里包含该书收录的每个剧的对白,特别紧凑,不喜欢!我是冲着六部电视剧的视频文件去的,哪怕只是对话的那一段也行啊!结果什么都没有,伤心……
  •   口语纯正 非常实用
  •   有的剧情没有看过,但是可以猜出来,质量很好,相信当当,现在书上已经密密麻麻都是笔记了
  •   不错 学口语不错 看了书再看一次电影效果很好滴
  •   光碟包好了夹在书里面,能够使用
  •   希望每天可以坚持阅读
  •   是练习听力的好教材。
  •   就是内容太少了。。
  •   看着孩子津津有味的在看,一定很好看吧,呵呵
  •   是在书店看中的一本书,然后**当买的。挺不错的
  •   非常好,内容不错,纸质也很好
  •   书很好,还有讲解,能学到不少英语知识,书中还附赠光盘。当时主要是因为它介绍了《吸血鬼日记》和《绝望的主妇》才买的,书中只是选取了电视剧里的几个片段的对话,加以翻译和讲解,要是有很全的英文对白就更好啦~~
  •   搜集了美剧中的片段,看过美剧的人会很有熟悉感,能从中学会很多地道的表达
  •   学习一些地道的英语
  •   可以通过此书练习口语,书中有很多俚语,可以帮忙理解美国文化,方面与外国人交流。
  •   可能我要求有点高这类书也只能这么出了公正地说 还是很不错的
  •   it is worthy re*****.if there is a video attached to it, it will be perfect.
  •   书的作用很大,解释很详细,收获很多,而且比书店便宜了很多。发货速度是一如既往的快。
  •   里边收录的美剧都是我的大爱,希望通过学习,可以慢慢脱离字幕,自己独立剧。 我只能说太经典了,既练了口语又练了听力,虽然购买时间不长,但我能感觉到自己的进步。
  •   学了十几年英语,但口语还是很差,说得也不地道,连着读了看美剧两本书,感觉茅塞顿开,原来英语口语竟是这样说的!
  •   现在学英语已经换路数了,直接听美剧,还有书做助教,非常好!学了不少了,进步挺大的!
  •   大家可以慢慢品,很有意思
  •   这个系列的学习书都很实用
  •   朋友说上面的内容简单,达不到他练口语的要求。初级学者可以试试
  •   还没看内容,但是好在有附光盘,可以听又可以跟读,不算……
  •   说实话,没有我想象中的好。就我所试听的那一点当中,居然都少了一两句录音~

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