出版时间:2011-6 出版社:科学出版社 作者:张新颖 页数:229
Chapter I Introduction
1.1 Literature Review
1.2 Between Psychoanalysis and Tennessee Williams
1.3 Method of Application
Chapter 2 Tennessee Williams" SelfPortrait as a Homosexual Artist
2.1 Female Characters as His Emotional Root
2.1.1 Lauraa poetic fragile otherworldly beauty
2.1.2 Blanchea surrealistic sexually perverted spirit
2.1.3 Almaan allegorical figure struggling to come out
2.2 Mythical Figures onthe Sacred Mission
2.2.1 Valentine XavierWilliams' first'attempt to save the
2.2.2 Sebastian VenableWilliams' Conversion to the Cruel God
2.2.3 ShannonWilliams' seeking for his allloving God
2.3 Younger Personae on the Journey of Selfpursuit
2.3.1 Felicethe last effort to regain his artistic identity
2.3.2 Writerrevisiting his lost muses
2.3.3 Augustrecalling his old love
Chapter 3 Living on the Social Margin
3.1 Ostracism and Isolation
3.1.1 Family
3.1.2 Community
3.1.3 Social Circle
3.2 Escape
3.2.1 Fleeing and Writinga temporary escape
3.2.2 Deatha permanent escape
3.2.3 Succumbing to the Heterosexual Conventionsa non
alternative escape
3.3 Imprisoned in Loneliness
3.3.1 Solitude in the Closet
3.3.2 Lonesome on Fugitive Journey
Chapter 4 Envisioning an Ideal World
4.1 Communion of Spirit and Flesh
4.1.1 The Split of Spirit and Flesh
4.1.2 The Battle of Spirit and Flesh
4.1.3 The Reconciliation of Spirit and Flesh
4.2 Boundary of Sexes Blurred
4.2.1 The Passive Female Characters
4.2.2 The Awakening Female Characters
4.2.3 The Androgynous Female Characters
4.3 Harmony with Nature
4.3.1 Longing for Nature in the Urban Area
4.3.2 The Reminiscence of the Innocent Old South
4.3.3 A Natural Paradise Far From the Civilized World
Chapter 5 Braving Mainstream Discourse
5.1 A Language Full of Ambiguity
5.1.1 The Coded Words
5.1.2 The Incomplete Expression
5.1.3 The Shrouded Subjects
5.2 A Language of Awakening
5.2.1 An Ideal Homosexual Couple
5.2.2 The Alienated Homosexual
5.2.3 The Degraded Heterosexual
5.3 Beyond Comingout" Narrative
5.3.1 Spotlight Confessions
5.3.2 Dramatic Structure as the Mirror of Inner Psyche
5.3.3 Setting Speaks
Chapter 6 Conclusion
摆在读者面前的学术专著《田纳西·威廉斯剧作的边缘主题研究》是张新颖博士在其博士学位论文《边缘上的变奏——田纳西·威廉斯剧作中同性恋维度的精神分析》的基础上推出的科研新成果。 通过精神分析法来研究美国剧作家田纳西·威廉斯作品中的同性恋主题似乎是个显见的选题,但张新颖博士所做的发掘与同类研究相比显得更深入、更全面、更有新意。如张新颖博士明确指出,威廉斯的戏剧想象力源自于他边缘的性取向,因此将同性恋作为对威廉斯剧作研究的对象可以帮助我们更深层次地挖掘威廉斯剧作中丰富的思想内涵,而且通过威廉斯剧作来探讨他的边缘思想在当下这个多元化的时代具有重大的现实意义。张新颖博士的专著以弗洛伊德的个体心理学、弗洛姆的社会心理学、荣格的分析心理学以及拉康的后现代精神分析为理论框架,从社会、文化、政治等方面入手对威廉斯各个时期的剧作(包括其长期被忽视的后期作品)进行全面、多层次的解读,并始终关注与其边缘的性身份紧密相关的边缘思想,从而为国内威廉斯研究展现了一个新的平台。