
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:科学出版社  作者:科学出版社 编  


《环境科学与技术进展(第3卷)(英文版)》内容简介:The papers are grouped into 10 sections: Ecosystem Restoration; Environmental Toxicology; Environmental Chemistry;, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Air Pollution and Air Quality Control; Water Pollutionand Water Quality Control; Soil Pollution and Remediation; Waste Solid Pollution and Remediation; Waste Disposal and Comprehensive Utilization; Miscellaneous. The contents of the proceedings have also been recorded in electronic form and provided on CDROM in color. I believe that the proceedings will benefit not only the participants of the meeting but also all of colleagues engaging in the research and development of environmentalscience and technology.



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