
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:科学出版社  作者:杨维芳,韩惠,闫浩文 编著  页数:272  


  Geomatics is an inter-discipline science and technology, closely related tosurveying and Mapping, Geography, Image Processing, Computer Science etc.,and it is reported that Geomatics is developing in unprecedented accelerationworld widely presently and will still be developing in acceleration in the future.On the other hand, most of the new devices, instruments, technology andmethods used in Geomatics have been invented in English speaking countries anddirectly introduced taking English as the major language. So it sounds necessaryfor professionals in Geomatics in non-English speaking countries to systematicallylearn professional terminology and interpretation skills in Geomatics in English.This is the initial drive and ob.iective of writing this book.


测绘学是在测绘科学、地理科学、信息科学与技术基础上发展起来的一门交叉学科,在国际、国内发展势头强劲。因此,我国过百所大学在本科阶段设置了测绘学专业,并开设该专业的专业英语课程。针对近年该专业英语课程开设过程中课本建设存在内容陈旧、知识面覆盖不足的问题,本书主要分为3个部分:测量技术、摄影测量与遥感、地理信息系统,每部分精选和编撰了当前国际著名高校所用专业教材的内容。为了方便本科层次学生阅读,每篇文章之后对主要词汇、重点语句进行了详解。考虑到我国学生专业翻译和英语论文写作能力的欠缺,又特别增加了第四部分——科技论文写作和翻译技巧。    本书可供测绘、地理、遥感、土木工程、地质等专业教师进行专业英语教学使用,亦可作为相关专业高年级本科生和研究生的教学参考用书,或供相关领域的科技工作者参阅。


PrefacePart Ⅰ   Basic Knowledge of Geomatics Chapter 1  Geomatics Chapter 2  Differential Leveling Chapter 3  Angle and Direction Measurement Chapter 4  Distance Measurement Chapter 5  Total Station Chapter 6  Error, Accuracy and Precision in Measurement Chapter 7  The Law of Error Propagation Chapter 8  Global Positioning System Chapter 9  Geodetic Networks Chapter 10  Construction Layout Chapter 11  Deformation Monitoring of Engineering StructuresPart Ⅱ   Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Chapter 12  What is Remote Sensing Chapter 13  Principles.of Remote Sensing Chapter 14  Electromagnetic Spectrum Chapter 15  Remote Sensors and Digital Imagery Chapter 16  Image Processing Chapter 17  PhotogrammetryPart Ⅲ   Cartography and Geographic Information Systems Chapter 18  An Introduction of Maps Chapter 19  Map Projections and Gauss-Kruger Projection Chapter 20  Subdivisions and Numbering of Topographic Maps Chapter 21  Map Symbols Chapter 22  An Introduction of GIS Chapter 23  Spatial Data Collection, Transformation and Visualization Chapter 24  Spatial Data Models Chapter 25  Spatial Topological Relations and Spatial Analysis Chapter 26  The Digital Earth: Understanding Our Planet in the 21st CenturyPart Ⅳ  Writing and Translation Techniques Chapter 27  How to Write A Scientific Paper in English Chapter 28  Translation Methods of English for Science and Technology Chapter 29  Academic CommunicationReferenceAppendix  Terminology of Geomatics


  Geomatics Engineering is an emerging information technology in the 21stCentury. Geomatics is fairly new, the term was apparently coined by BernartDubuisson (French expert on geodesy and photogrammetry) in 1969 from thecombination of geodesy and geoinformatics terms. Geomatics is the science andtechnology of gathering, analyzing, interpreting, distributing and usinggeographic information. It encompasses a broad range of disciplines that can bebrought together to create a detailed but understandable picture of the physicalworld and our place in it. It includes the tools and techniques used in landsurveying, remote sensing, cartography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS),Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, COMPASS),photogrammetry, and related forms of earth mapping. Originally used in Canada,because it is similar in French and English, the term geomatics has been adoptedby the International Organization for Standardization, and many otherinternational authorities, although some (especially in the United States) haveshown a preference for the term geospatial technology.



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