
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:科学出版社  作者:谢元花  页数:321  




二语学习者是如何建立这类独特的连接规则的?这一过程受哪些因素的影响?如何解释学习者的习得行为?     本书通过买证研究,发现了造成此类动词难学的主要原因,这些发现对于提升动词的课堂教学有重要的启示,值得广大英语教师参者。


序Acknowledgements前言AbstractChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Conceptualizing the Acquisition of English Predicates—Theoretical FoundationsChapter 3 The Linguistic Features of English Raising PredicatesChapter 4 Cross-linguistic Analysis of English and Chinese Raising PredicatesChapter 5 Theories on Verb Acquisition in L1 and L2Chapter 6 An Integrated Parsing Model of L2 English Raising Predicate AcquisitionChapter 7 Research Design,Instrumentation,Data Collection and Data AnalysisChapter 8 Result of Research Hypothesis TestingChapter 9 Results of Online Parsing Processes of Raising ConstructionsChapter 10 General DiscussionChapter 11 Conclusions,Implications,Limitations and Recommendations for Future ResearchReferncesAppendix


  Chapter 4 focuses on a comparison between English and Chineseraising predicates,through which the similarities and differences inthe constructions of raising predicates between the two languages arerevealed.It is concluded that English raising predicates are more re-strictive in syntax than Chinese counterparts.  Chapter 5 first reviews the theories on L1 and L2 verb acquisition.More particularly,the Semantic Bootstrapping Hypothesis,the SyntacticBootstrapping Hypothesis,and the Reconciliation Model are discussedand commented on.This is followed by a review of the few previousstudies on English raising predicates,which justifies the need to explain the acquisitional behaviors of English raising predicate acquisi-tion to shed more light on the underlying mechanisms for the acquisi-tion of English raising predicates. Chapter 6 develops an Integrated Parsing Model on the basis ofthe fine-grained linguistic analysis conducted in Chapter 3,thecross-linguistic findings made in Chapter 4 and the patterns of verbparsing assumed in the related literature as discussed in Chapter 5.Through a detailed description of the general procedures supposedlyto be followed by Chinese L2 learners in their acquisition of Englishraising predicates,this model posits how the linguistic knowledge isemployed to acquire the semantics and syntax interface of En~ishraising predicates.



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