出版时间:2010-4 出版社:科学出版社 作者:兰天,时敏,叶富国 主编 页数:276
科技革命迅猛发展,知识更替日新月异,国际竞争日趋激烈。从国际经济环境看,跨国投资飞速发展,世界各国和地区间的经济依赖程度不断加深,区域经济集团化和世界经济全球化趋势不断加强,国际经济协调日显重要,经济集团内部以及经济集团之间的合作与竞争日益成为关注的焦点。从国内经济环境看,社会主义市场经济体制的建立与不断完善改善了我国企业参与国际竞争的条件,经济发展方式的转变和对外开放程度的加深提高了我国企业迎接机遇和挑战的速度。 为了培养熟悉国际经济运行规则、符合社会主义市场经济建设需要的人才,优化人才的知识结构,我们组织东北财经大学国际经济贸易学院的专业骨干教师编写了国际经济与贸易专业本科系列教材。东北财经大学国际经济与贸易专业系辽宁省示范专业,国际贸易学是辽宁省重点学科。 这套教材结合教师多年教学的经验,尽可能地反映本学科领域最新的研究成果和最新的发展趋势。我们深知,教材从写出的那一天起就已经“过时”了,这就需要教师在讲授过程中不断充实、调整有关授课内容,我们也根据国内外经济环境的变化适时修订本系列教材。 本系列教材是为国际经济与贸易专业本科生课程编写的,同时也适用于其他经济类专业和有兴趣学习、更新国际经济与贸易知识的人士使用。 由于作者学识和资料所限,本系列教材难免有不足之处,敬请广大读者批评指正。
本书主要包括两部分。第一部分的第一章系统地介绍了英文商务信函写作的基本知识,第二至第十二章遵循外贸常规流程,依次介绍了业务关系的建立、资信调查、询盘及回复、报盘、还盘和接受,支付方式、包装、保险、装运、索赔与理赔,代理等内容。第二部分是附录部分,内容包括各个章节的样信、对话的译文及练习答案。本书的特色是,以两个具体的模拟公司的一单生意,从建立外贸业务关系开始一直到索赔及代理,为主要线索,以外贸操作过程的各个环节所涉及的样信为具体内容,两个公司对一单电子产品完整的贸易过程贯穿整本书,使读者置身于一个业务操作环境中,对外贸信函的特点、实际运用过程有更透彻、更深刻的理解,具有实用性。同时,本书的练习题内容全面,题型多样,突出各个章节的重点。 本书可供高等院校国际经济与贸易专业、外贸英语专业及其他相关专业师生使用,也可供社会读者,尤其是从事外贸商务活动的读者参考。
前言 Chapter 1 Business Letters Writing Learning focus Section one Common letters and business letters Section two The layout of business letters Section three Format of a business letters Section four Writing principles on business letters section five Exercises Chapter 2 Establishment of Business Relations Learning focus Section one Introduction Section two Useful sentences Section three Specimen letters Section four Dialogue practice Section five Exercises Chapter 3 Inquiry Learning focus Section one Introduction Section two Useful sentences Section three Specimen letters Section four Dialogue practice Section five Exercises Chapter 4 Quotations and Offer Learning focus Section one Introduction Section two Useful sentences Section three Specimen letters Section four Dialogue practice Section five Exercises Chapter 5 Counter-offer Learning focus Section one Introduction Section two Useful sentences Section three Specimen letters Section four Dialogue practice Section five Exercises Chapter 6 Order and Acceptance Learning focus Section one Introduction Section two Useful sentences Section three Specimen letters Section four Dialogue practice Section five Exercises Chapter 7 Terms of Payment Learning focus Section one Introduction Section two Useful sentences Section three Specimen letters Section four Dialogue practice Section five Exercises Chapter 8 Payment by Letter of Credit Learning focus Section one Introduction Section two Useful sentences Section three Specimen letters Section four Dialogue practice Section five Exercises Chapter 9 Commodity Inspection, Insurance and Arbitration Learning focus Section one Introduction Section two Useful sentences Section three Specimen letters Section four Dialogue practice Section five Exercises Chapter 10 Packing and Shipment Learning focus Section one Introduction Section two Useful sentences Section three Specimen letters Section four Dialogue practice Section five Exercises Chapter 11 Claims and Complaints Learning focus Section one Introduction Section two Useful sentences Section three Specimen letters Section four Dialogue practice Section five Exercises Chapter 12 Agency Learning focus Section one Introduction Section two Useful sentences Section three Specimen letters Section four Dialogue practice Section five Exercises 参考文献 附示 样信、对话的译文及练习参考答案 Chapter 1 Business Letters Writing Chapter 2 Establishment of Business Relations Chapter 3 Inquiry Chapter 4 Quotations and Offer Chapter 5 Counter-offer Chapter 6 Order and Acceptance Chapter 7 Terms of Payment Chapter 8 Payment by Letter of Credit Chapter 9 Commodity Inspection,Insurance and Arbitration Chapter 10 Packing and Shipment Chapter 11 Claims and Complaints Chapter 12 Agency
We learn from your letter of May 18,in which you think that our price for thesubject article is found to be on the high side. Much as we would like to cooperate with you in expanding sales, we are re-gretful that we just cannot see our way clear to entertain your counter-offer,as the price we quoted is quite realistic and your counter-offer is under ourcost, because the raw material itself has been increased very much. As a mat-ter of fact, we have received a lot of orders from various sources at our level.Moreover, after investigation to your market, we trust that it will not be dif-ficult for our products to get a footing in your local market if you should man-age to do some marketing work. If you see any chance to do better, please let us know. On account of a limit-ed supply available at present, we would ask you to act quickly.In the meantime, please keep us posted of developments at your end. Pleaserest assured that we would always do our best to help you and promote thesales of our goods in your area.
《外贸英语函电》特点:系统介绍外贸函电的特点及写作知识,重点介绍外贸实际操作过程中的函电写作,样信贯穿了国际贸易的一个完整的业务流程,种类丰富、代表性强,练习覆盖面广、题型灵活多样,富于知识性、创新性、实践性,配有相关章节的口语训练.操练力度深,富于实用性、挑战性。 本系列教材配有多媒体教学课件.选用本教材的教师可通过以下联系方式与出版社取得联系,以获得相关支持。