出版时间:2010-3 出版社:科学 作者:田雅文 页数:208
新托福考试,即TOEFLiBT(Internet-BasedTest),将听、说、读、写四部分有机地结合在一起,全面考查考生的语言技能和沟通能力。要训练和提高这些能力,考生必须首先掌握好听、说、读、写四方面最重要的语言点。而这些听、说、读、写的重要语言点正是“新托福考试必备”丛书所要重点论述的。抓住了必备关键的语言点,也就抓住了新托福考试的命脉,抓住了成功。 本书作者根据自己多次参加新托福考试的实战经验,以及从事新托福的教学实践和对新托福考试的深入研究,在成功培养社会各界考生,包括广大高中生、大学生、社会考生等众多考生留学海外名校的基础上,将多年新托福培训经验和亲身实战经验整理出书、希望有志留学深造者能借助此套丛书“战胜”新托福考试(IBeatTOEFL),为未来的事业插上腾飞的翅膀。 本丛书包括听、说、读、写四个分册,即《新托福听力集训》、《新托福口语集训》、《新托福阅读集训》、《新托福写作集训》。
本书提供了新托福阅读的十大阅读题型、阅读策略及十大类真题阅读范畴关键词链接、实战演练;提供了最近几年新托福阅读真题考经;提供了最近几年新托福阅读真题高频词汇及易混淆词汇。 本书提供了新托福考试真题考经,使考生如亲临考场一样,获得亲身体验和提高。所有新托福真题考经均为作者根据新托福多次实战经历和多年教学实践经验精心打造而成。 本书的实战演练及真题考经,均提供了专业打造的满分答案,供考生自我测评,做好充分准备,从而在考场上使自身水平发挥得更加完美。
前言Unit 1 如何进行新托福阅读 一、新托福阅读考试程序 二、十大阅读题型解析 三、三大阅读策略归纳Unit 2 新托福阅读十大真题类型 一、天文类 二、地理类 三、地质类 四、考古类 五、生态、能源类 六、气象类 七、动物类 八、植物类 九、文艺类 十、历史发展类Unit 3 新托福阅读考经 一、新托福阅读考经(一) 二、新托福阅读考经(二) 三、新托福阅读考经(三) 四、新托福阅读考经(四) 五、新托福阅读考经(五) 六、新托福阅读考经(六) 七、新托福阅读考经(七) 八、新托福阅读考经(八)参考答案参考文献附录1 新托福阅读高频同义词附录2 新托福阅读易混淆词汇
Although different plants have varying environmental requirements because ofphysiological differences, there are certain plant species that are found associatedwith relatively extensive geographical areas. The distribution of plants dependsupon a number of factors among which are (1) length of daylight and darkness,(2) temperature means and extremes, (3) length of growing season, and (4) precipitationamounts, types, and distribution. Daylight and darkness are the keys by which a plant regulates its cycle. It is notalways obvious how the triggering factor works, but experiments have shown daylength to be a key. A case in point is that many greenhouse plants bloom only in thespring without being influenced by outside conditions other than light. Normally, theplants keyed to daylight and darkness phenomena are restricted to particular latitudes. In one way or another, every plant is affected by temperature. Some species arekilled by frost; others require frost and cold conditions to fruit. Orange blossomsare killed by frost, but cherry blossoms will develop only if the buds have beenadequately chilled for an appropriate time. Often the accumulation of degrees or thedirection of temperatures above or below a specific figure critically affects plants. Plantdistributions are often compared with isotherms to suggest the temperature limits andranges for different species. The worlds great vegetation zones are closely aligned withtemperature belts. Different plant species adjust to seasonal changes in different ways, Some makethe adjustment by retarding growth and arresting vital functions during winter. Thismay result in the leaf fall of middle latitude deciduous trees. Other plants disappearentirely at the end of the growing season and only reappear through their seeds. Theseare the annuals, and they form a striking contrast to the perennials, which live from oneseason to another.