
出版时间:2009-12  出版社:科学出版社  作者:江伊莉,古方 著  页数:403  字数:775000  


本书首次全面披露了美国博物馆所藏中国早期玉器,以图为主,图文并茂,释文及研究内容视角独到,反映了玉器专业学者对美国所藏中国早期玉器的认识和研究现状。本书为读者了解海外藏中国玉器的来源、收藏及保存状况提供了准确资料,是国内外文物工作者、玉器研究者、爱好者和收藏家的必备工具书。     本书是国内外文物工作者、玉器研究者、爱好者和收藏家的必备工具书。书中首次全面披露了美国博物馆所藏中国早期玉器,以图为主,图文并茂,释文及研究内容视角独到,反映了玉器专业学者对美国所藏中国早期玉器的认识和研究现状。     本书适合从事相关研究工作的人员参考阅读。






插图:四节小玉琮高12.1、上下直径各6.6厘米新石器时代晚期或历史时代早期龙山文化(齐家或陶寺文化)(公元前2600~前1700年)佛罗里达西棕榈滩诺顿艺术博物馆藏,诺顿赠送;器物编号:50.31这件是良渚文化墓葬中很常见的小型玉琮,代表着一个长达千年的古老文化传统的末期。在它的四个原本是用来雕刻神人兽面纹的方形节的四面,我们看到的不是由简化的头饰、眼睛和嘴组成的人面纹,而是由四条水平长线和两条水平短线组成的极端退化的几何形“面纹”,看上去更像是几何纹而不是人兽面纨同时,圆筒形中心孔的直径也很均匀,与过去的上端大于下端不同,并且中间也没有两端对钻形成的毛碴。它的用途可能是做装饰品而不是礼器,与后来一些文化中仿照良渚玉琮制作的器物一样。后来的这些文化,例如中原的龙山和二里头文化,西北的齐家和陶寺文化,继续制作良渚传统类型的玉器,但它们风格截然不同并且富有地方特色。这件玉琮可以与甘肃静宁后柳沟村出土的两件尺寸相近的玉琮相比较:它们也有与这件玉琮相似的由线条构成的“面纹”布满整个器物。Cong prismatic cylinder with 4 tiers of imageryJadeH.12.1 x D. 6.6 (top and bottom) cmLate Neolithic/early historic period, Northwest Longshan, Qijia or Taosi culture,ca.2600-1700BCENorton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida. Gift ofR. H. Norton, 50.31This small cong, typifying a jade popular in Liangzhu tombs, reflects the stylistic end of a thousand-year-old cultural tradition of representation. The four tiers of imagery are not characterized by representational images of the human face with headdress, eyes, and mouth but rather are defaced versions, simplified geometrically as four horizontal lines crowning two shorter lines, a statement on geometry rather than imagery. Also characteristic of the denouement of a once robust tradition is the tendency toward creating a cylinder that is uniform in breadth from top to bottom, no longer wider at top and smaller at the bottom, and no longer characterized by a middle ridge created by the use of a biconical drill. The cong appears decorative rather than as a ritually charged work of art and may be compared with tendencies of a subsequent culture that sought to simulate Liangzhu jade cong. The latter-Longshan and Erlitou cultures, known regionally as Qijia and Taosi in northwest China-continued to produce jades in the tradition of Liangzhu but with a distinctly different and local cast. The Norton cong may be compared with two similar sized cong with remnant lines, shadowing the once crisp cartouches of registers layered up and down cong. The latter two derive from the Gansu site of Houliugoucun in Jingning county (Gu 2005.15: Color Plates 35, 36).






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