出版时间:2009-11 出版社:孙艺平、 邹原 科学出版社 (2009-11出版) 作者:孔世平,邹原 编 页数:134
《医学机能实验学(英文版)》为机能学实验的英文教材,全书共分为五章,主要包括生理学、病理生理学、药理学实验中常见的、经典的实验内容,另外还涉及了相关的实验仪器、动物实验的基本操作技术等,内容较为详尽,图文并茂,通俗易懂。 本教材可作为国内医学院校留学生机能学实验教学的教材,也可作为国内医药院校、综合性大学等相关专业学生学习机能学实验的英文教材及教师和相关人员的教学参考书。
Introduction: Medical Functional ExperimentsSection 1: Common Apparatus Used in Functional ExperimentsI. BL-420 Biological Data Acquisition and Analysis SystemII. 721 Type SpectrophotometerIII. LD4-2 Type Low Speed Centrifuge Section 2: Basic Techniques of Operation in Animal ExperimentsI. Commonly Used Surgical Instruments and Their UsagesII. Species and Selection of Experimental AnimalsIII. Experimental Animal Handling MethodsIV. Experimental Animal NumberingV. Anesthesia of Experimental AnimalsVI. Fixation of Experimental AnimalVII. The Ways to Execute the Experimental AnimalsVS. Surgical Operation Methods Most in Use in Animal ExperimentsIX. Physiological Parameters of Some Experimental AnimalsX. Compositions and Uses of Several Kinds of Physiological SalineSection 3 : Physiology ExperimentsExperiment 1 Recording of the Electrical Signal of Toad's Sciatic NerveI. Preparation of the Sciatic Nerve——Gastrocnemius Muscle SampleII. Generation of the Action Potential of Nexve TrunkIII. Conduction Velocity Determination of the Action Potential in the Sciatic NerveIV. Refractory Period Determination of the Action Potential in the Sciatic NerveExperiment 2 Muscle Contraction Experiments with Toad's Sciatic Nerve-gastrocnemiusMuscle SampleI. Influences of Different Stimulus Intensity on the Muscle ContractionII. Influences of Different Stimulation Frequencies on the Muscle ContractionExperiment 3 Premature Contraction and Compensatory Pause of Toad'sCardiac MuscleExperiment 4 Effects of Chemical Substances on the Activity of the Isolated Toad HeartExperiment 5 The Human Body ExperimentsI. Measurement of the Arterial Blood Pressure of the Human BodyII. ABO Blood Group System and its IdentificationIII. Human ECG RecordingsExperiment 6 Digestion Experiment of RabbitExperiment 7 Respiration Experiment of RabbitExperiment 8 Regulation of Artery Blood PressureExperiment 9 Factors Influencing Urine FormationExperiment l0 Experiment of Center Nervous SystemI. Analysis of the Reflex Arc ~II. Observation of Decerebellar AnimalsIII. Semi-Crosscut and Complete-Crosscut of the Mouse's Spinal CordSection 4: Pathophysiology ExperimentsExperiment 1 HypoxiaI. The Analysis of Cause and Condition in DiseaseII. Several Types of HypoxiaExperiment 2 The Effect of the Alternation of Plasma Osmotic Pressure and CapillaryPermeability on the EdemaExperiment 3 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)Experiment 4 Hemorrhagic Shock in RabbitExperiment 5 Experimental Acute Right Heart FailureExperiment 6 Experimental Pulmonary EdemaExperiment 7 The Effects of Ammonia on the Patbogenesis of Rabbit HepaticEncephalopathyExperiment 8 Acute Renal FailureSection 5: Pharmacology ExperimentsExperiment 1 Effects of Phenobarbital Sodium and Cblorampheniccol on HypnosisInduced by PentobarbitalExperiment 2 Organophosphates Intoxication and DetoxificationExperiment 3 Anticonvulsive Effects of Phenobarbital on Convulsion Inducedby NikethamideExperiment 4 Observation of Analgesic Effects of Dolantin by Abdominal Stretching(Abdominal) MethodExperiment 5 Effects of Autonomic Drugs on the Isolated Rabbit IleumExperiment 6 The Diuretic Effect of Furosemide on Rabbits
插图:Inbred strains can only be aquired after breeding for 20 generations continuously if starts from hybrids. After 20 generations, individual variance is very small as their genes have been purified. Inbreeding coefficient (F) is often used to represent swain purity. First generation of sibling inbreeding can reduce heterozygosis by 19%, which means homozygosis is increased by 19%. Inbreeding coefficient could reach 98.6% in theory within 20 generations However, more methods to examine the genetic homozygosis are needed to determine strain purity in addition to inbreeding coefficient. Inbred strains are used to be called 'pure strains'. There have been 250 inbred strains for albino mice till 1980. Development of inbred strains for experimental animals like albino rats and albino mice have greatly promoted biological and medical experimental research, especially tumor research.(2) Mutant strains: Mutant strains can be established by mutation of individual gene, introduction of certain gene or multiple backcross to keep the genetic features. These individuals have same genetic defect or pathosis, such as dwarf, atrichia, obesity, amyotrophy, caligo lentis and retina degeneration.Currently avaible mutant strains with certain diseases are listed: anaemia mouse, tumor mouse, leukaemia mouse, diabetic mouse, hypertension mouse and athymic mouse, etc.(3) F1 hybrid: The first generation offsprings of two inbred strains is called F1 hybrid. It has both the features of inbred strains and the hybrid ascendancy. F1 hybrid has merits like vigorous vitality, high reproductive rate, fast growth, strong body constitution and disease resistance. It has same experimental effects as inbred animals. F1 hybrid is also call systemic hybrid animals.(4) Closed population: It is the population relatively maintaining the same blood relationship developed by random breeding within one strain for more than 5 years.In our country, closed populations of New Zealand albino rabbit and cyanochroia blue rabbit have been bred in a great quantity and can be used in teaching and research experiments.(5) Impure strain: It is the hybrid annimals by random breeding. Hybrid animals have vigorous vitality, strong adaptability, high reproductive rate, grow fast and are easy to be taken care of. Reproducibility of experimental results with these animals is not good due to big individual variances and irregular responses. Impure strains are suitable for screening experiments as there are the most sensitive and insensitive individuals at the two extreme ends. They are als0 economic and most often used in teaching experiments.2. Classification according to biological features(1) Abiotic animals (germfree animals): Abiotic animals are the experimental animals free of microorganisms and parasites in any parts on the body surface or in corpore (including the skin, fur, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, genital system, hematological system, circulation system and the brain). These animals are taken out by uterine-incision delivery and bred under aseptic conditions at constant temperature and humidity with aseptic food and drinking water.