
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:科学出版社  作者:张晖 等编著  页数:339  


  《环境科学与工程专业英语》(第一版)自2004年5月出版以来,承蒙众多高校师生的厚爱,反映较为良好。尽管如此,本书选用的原版教材、专著和其他文献资料近年来已经再版或更新。并且,通过这几年的教学实践,我们日益感到有修订再版的必要。在科学出版社和武汉大学资源与环境科学学院的关心和支持下,本书人选普通高等教育“十一五”国家级教材规划,这使得修订工作得以付诸实施。  在保持原教材结构、内容和特点的基础上,我们进行了以下修订:①增加“Unit18 Noise Control”和“Unit 20 How to Write A Scientific Paper”两个单元;②更换部分单元的内容(Unit 1 Reading Material B,Unit 2 Reading Material A、Reading Material B,Unit 3 Reading Material A、Reading Material B,Unit 4 Reading Material A、Reading Material B,Unit 5 Reading Material A、Reading Material B,Unit 6 Reading Material B,Unit 9 Reading Material A、Reading Material B,Unit 1 7,Unit 1 9 (含Reading Material A);③更新部分单元的内容(Unit 1、Unit 3、Unit 4、Unit 6 Reading Material A、Unit 7 Reading Material A、Unit 8 Reading Material A、Unit 10 (含Reading Material A)、Unit 11 Reading Material A、Unit 14、Unit 15、Unit 16(含 Reading Material A)。




前言Unit 1  Introduction of Environmental Engineering and Science  Reading Material A  What is Environmental Research?  Reading Material B  Environmental Engineering: Training for the Next RoundUnit 2  Finding Solutions for Tough Environmental Problems  Reading Material A  Meeting China's Water Shortage Crisis: Current Practices and  Challenges  Reading Material B  Nanoscale Environmental Science and Technology: Challenges and  OpportunitiesUnit 3  Climate Change and the Greenhouse Effect  Reading Material A  Climate Change and Air Quality--Measures with Co-Benefits in  China  Reading Material B  Speech on World Petroleum Congress Sustainability Luncheon about  Climate ChangeUnit 4  Overview on Ecological Restoration  Reading Material A  Opportunities for Integrating Ecological Restoration & Biological  Conservation within the Ecosystem Approach  Reading Material B  Biodiversity Challenges in 2007Unit 5  Environmental Security: An Evolving Concept  Reading Material A  Global Stressors on Water Quality and Quantity  Reading Material B  PFOA in PeopleUnit 6  Environmental Modeling  Reading Material A  Oxygen Sag Model  Reading Material B  Gaussian ModelUnit 7  The Process of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)  Reading Material A  Risk Assessment  Reading Material B  Environmental Management in the 21 st CenturyUnit 8  Introduction to Environmental Information Systems (EIS)  Reading Material A  Remote Sensing  Reading Material B  The Challenge of Predicting Nonpoint Source PollutionUnit 9  International Standards for Environmental Management Systems ISO 14000  Reading Material A  Assessing Environmental Impacts in A Life-Cycle Perspective  Reading Material B  Quantifying Industrial SymbiosisUnit 10  Overview of Environmental and Resource Economics as A Subdiscipline in  Economics  Reading Material A  An Evaluation of the Emission Trading Programs in the United States ...  Reading Material B  Taking Stock of Green Tax Reform InitiativesUnit 11  Environmental Analytical Chemistry  Reading Material A  Chemical Oxygen Demand  Reading Material B  Techniques for Gas AnalysisUnit 12  Wastewater Treatment...  Reading Material A  Coagulation  Reading Material B  Biological TreatmentUnit 13  Advanced Wastewater Treatment  Reading Material A  Membrane Processes  Reading Material B  Advanced Oxidation ProcessesUnit 14  Control of Pollutant Particles  Reading Material A  Particulate Matter  Reading Material B  Characterizing Fine, Airborne Particulate MatterUnit 15  Control of Gaseous Pollutants  Reading Material A  Types and Sources of Gaseous Air Pollutants  Reading Material B  Microbes and Fungi Help Clean the AirUnit 16  Incineration  Reading Material A  Hazardous Materials Legislation  Reading Material B  Managing the Health Impacts of Waste IncinerationUnit 17  Disposal of Unprocessed Refuse in Sanitary Landfills  Readin~ Material A  Altemative Treatment Processes for Landfill Leachate  Reading Material B  Tracking Mercury in Landfill GasUnit 18  Noise Control  Reading Material A  Light Pollution  Reading Material B  Electromagnetic Radiation and HealthUnit 19  Planning and Realization of Soil Remediation  Reading Material A  Bioremediation Techniques in Situ  Reading Material B  In Situ Chemical OxidationUnit 20  How to Write A Scientific Paper  Reading Material A  The Ignoble Art of Cheating in Scientific Publications  Reading Material B  How to Prepare A Manuscript -- Taking Water Research for  ExampleAppendix A  Environmental Science and Engineering Resources in IntemetAppendix B  Selected Journals of Environmental Science and EngineeringAppendix C  Glossarial Word-BuildingAppendix D  Glossary


  In the U.S. EPA Needs Assessment Survey, the total treatment plant design capacity is projected to increase by about 15 percent over the next 20 to 30 years. During this period, the U.S. EPA estimates that approximately 2,300 new plants may have to be built, most of which will be providing a level of treatment greater than secondary. The design capacity of plants providing greater than secondary treatment is expected to increase by 40 percent in the future. Thus, it is clear that the future trends in wastewater treatment plant design will be for facilities providing higher levels of treatment.  Some of the innovative treatment methods being utilized in new and upgraded treatment facilities include vortex separators, high rate clarification, membrane bioreactors, pressure-driven membrane filtration (ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis), and ultraviolet radiation (low-pressure, low- and high-intensity UV lamps, and medium-pressure, high-intensity UV lamps). Some of the new technologies, especially those developed in Europe, are more compact and are particularly well suited for plants where available space for expansion is limited.  In recent years, numerous proprietary wastewater treatment processes have been developed that offer potential savings in construction and operation. This trend will likely continue, particularly where alternative treatment systems are evaluated or facilities are privatized. Privatization is generally defined as a public-private partnership in which the private partner arranges the financing, design, building, and operation of the treatment facilities. In some cases, the private partner may own the facilities. The reasons for privatization, however, go well beyond the possibility of installing proprietor processes. In the United States, the need for private financing appears to be the principal rationale for privatization; the need to preserve local control appears to be the leading pragmatic rationale against privatization.  (Adapted from: Metcalf & Eddy Inc. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc, 2003)



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  •   书质量部错,里面有外文文献文献,对学习英语和提高专业素质有一定的帮助!
  •   正版,内容还可以,满意
  •   这本书是同学推荐的,很实用。
  •   这本书挺好的,内容涵盖了环境科学与工程的各个不同研究方向。
  •   书是不错的。20单元,每单元1篇精读,有单词,有思考题。2篇泛读。内容不是很旧。自主学习也很适合。书的质量也很好。
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  •   买的时候就是没注意了。全是英文啊,对于我来说很是有压力的·····

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