出版时间:2009-10 出版社:科学出版社 作者:Kaixian Chen;Qishui Lin;Jiarui Wu 著 页数:62
Public health is tightly related to the national economic development and social progress, and is an important base for a harmonic society. The rapid development in science and technology exerts an unprecedented influence upon the field of public health. Progress made in the life science allows traditional medicine to develop into biomedicines. In the 21st century, life science, material science, information science, cognition science, complexity science and so on will all be integrated to breed major scientific breakthrough, thus bringing about important changes in the field of public health. As a country with the largest population, China will still emphasize "birth control" measures as its basic national population policy. In terms of birth control,the present contraception methods alone are not good enough. Thus, we have to strengthen the basic research on reproductive medicine and further improve Chinas research system of reproductive science and reproductive health.
Abstract 1 Trends and National Needs of China's Public Health 1.1 Current Status and Characteristic on China's Public Health 1.2 Influence of the Modern Science and Technology and the Trends on Public Health 1.3 The Needs of China's Public Health 2 Overview of the China's S&T Roadmap on Public Health to 2050 2.1 General Strategies of the Roadmap 2.2 Overview of the Roadmap 3 Biomedical Innovative System 3.1 Goals 3.2 Tasks 3.3 Technologies 3.4 Roadmap 4 Population Control and Reproductive Health 4.1 Goals 4.2 Tasks 4.3 Technologies 4.4 Roadmap ……5 Nutrition and Food Safety6 Chonic Non-communicable Disease Control and Healthcare Management7 Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control8 Cognitive Neuroscience and Mental Health 9 Innovative Drugs and Biomedical Engineering 10 Regenerative MedicineReferences