
出版时间:2009-10  出版社:科学出版社  作者:张蕾 编  页数:227  


  随着我国汽车工业的发展,汽车新技术的不断更新,以及国外各类车型涌入我国市场,对汽车行业人才的专业外语水平要求也相应提高,要求从业人员能够快速阅读国外的各类汽车资料,掌握国外汽车的最新应用技术。而现有的教材已不适应目前教学的需要,原有的课程设置和教学内容也过于陈旧,所培养的学生已经不能适应目前汽车行业对外语能力的需要。  为了帮助汽车工程及其相关专业的学生以及汽车服务与维修人员全面系统地掌握汽车发动机、底盘、汽车车身、电气系统、汽车电子控制装置及相关系统的构造、工作原理的英语知识和词汇,适应汽车新技术发展的需要,作者根据多年的教学实践、科学研究,并参阅大量的文献资料,编写了《汽车专业英语》教材,力求全面系统地介绍有关汽车专业英语的词汇、理论知识的表达方式、电子控制技术的英文表述。本书注重系统性、实用性、通俗性、新颖性。书中将对最先进的汽车技术,包括电控发动机、自动变速器、主动悬架等内容进行介绍,学习相应的英语词汇和语言表达方式。  本书由天津工程师范学院张蕾担任主编。第1~4章由天津工程师范学院董恩国编写,第5~11章由天津工程师范学院张蕾编写,第12、13章由天津工程师范学院杜慧起编写,第14、15章由江阴职业技术学院庞敬礼编写。  由于编者水平所限,教材存在一些缺点和错误,诚望读者批评和指正。


本书详细介绍了汽车类专业及其相关专业必须掌握的现代汽车英语知识和词汇,内容涉及发动机、底盘、汽车车身、电气系统、电子控制系统的构造、工作原理以及汽车检修知识。主要包括:汽油发动机、柴油发动机、手动变速器、自动变速器、离合器、防抱死制动系统主动悬架、转向系统、自适应巡航控制、中央门锁和防盗系统、计算机控制等内容。    本书可作为高等院校汽车专业及其相关专业的教材,也可作为高职高专、成人教育等汽车工程类专业教材及其相关专业的教材,并可供相关工程技术人员和汽车服务业、维修业人员阅读参考。


Unit 1  Automotive TechnologyUnit 2  Gasoline Engine  2.1  How Car Engines Work  2.2  Gasoline EngineUnit 3  Diesel EngineUnit 4  Manual TransmissionUnit 5  Automatic TransmissionsUnit 6  Clutches and Torque Converters  6.1  How Clutches Work  6.2  How Torque Converters WorkUnit 7  DifferentialUnit 8  Car SuspensionUnit 9  Car Steering SystemUnit 10  Brake SystemUnit 11  Seatbelt and Air bag  11.1  How Seatbelts Work  11.2  How Airbags WorkUnit 12  Additional Equipments  12.1  How Power Door Locks Work  12.2  How Power Windows Work  12.3  How Windshield Wipers Work  12.4  How Car Alarms WorkUnit 13  Cruise Control SystemUnit 14  Instrument Panel  14.1  How Fuel Gauges Work  14.2  How Odometers Work  14.3  How Speedometers WorkUnit 15  Car Computers


  4)In an engine the linear motion of the pistons is converted into rotational motion by the crankshaft.  5)The ignition system produces a high-voltage electrical charge and transmits it to the spark plugs via ignition wires.  6)Water circulates through passages around the cylinders and then travels through the radiator to cool it off.  7)In most cars, oil is sucked out of the oil pan by the oil pump, run through the oil filter to remove any grit, and then squirted under high pressure onto bearings and the cylinder walls.  8) In a fuel-injected engine, the right amount of fuel is injected individually into each cylinder either right above the intake valve (port fuel injection) or directly into the cylinder (direct fuel injection).  5. Translate the following into Chinese.  The Wankel engine (rotary engine) does not have piston strokes so it is more properly called a "four-phase"-rather than a four-stroke engine. It operates with the same separation of phases as the four-stroke engine with the phases taking place in separate locations in the engine. While it is true that three power strokes typically occur per rotor revolution due to the 3/1 revolution ratio of the rotor to the eccentric shaft, only one power stroke per shaft revolution actually occurs : this engine provides three power strokes per revolution per rotor giving it a greater power-to-weight ratio than piston engines.  Mazda has been a pioneer in developing production cars that use rotary engines. The RX-7, which went on sale in 1978, was probably the most successful rotary- engine-powered car. But it was preceded by a series of rotary-engine cars, trucks and even buses, starting with the 1967 Cosmo Sport. The last year the RX-7 was sold in the United States was 1995, but the rotary engine is set to make a comeback in the near future.  The Mazda RX-8, a new car from Mazda, has a new, award winning rotary engine called the RENESIS. Named International Engine of the Year 2003, this naturally aspirated two-rotor engine will produce about 250 horsepower.



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