
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:科学出版社  作者:(英)利迪亚德 等主编  页数:332  




本书是目前国外畅销的优秀教材Instant Notes in Immunology的导读版。全书包括免疫系统组成、免疫发展机制、免疫系统功能和免疫技术等内容,以简洁的形式提供核心的免疫学知识,既全面地概括了基本理论,又突出介绍了学科发展的前沿动态。  本书的编写形式与国内大多数教科书不同,风格独特、取材新颖;文字通俗易懂、简明扼要;插图简练、便于记忆;每个部分列出要点,重点和主线明确。本书为免疫学及有关生命科学专业的大学生设计,对初学的学生和高年级的学生都非常有用,是指导学生快速掌握免疫学基础知识的优秀教材。此外,本书对于相关专业的科研人员也具有较大的参考价值。


编者:(英国)利迪亚德(Peter Lydyaard) (英国).Alex Whelan (英国)Michael Fanger


前言缩略词细胞符号的图解A 免疫系统概论 A1 须知 A2 外部防御 A3 免疫防御 A4 抗原 A5 血细胞生成——血细胞的发育B 固有免疫系统的细胞和分子 B1 固有免疫系统的细胞 B2 固有免疫系统的分子 B3 固有免疫系统识别微生物 B4 固有免疫和炎症C 适应性免疫系统  C1 淋巴细胞  C2 淋巴器官和淋巴组织  C3 黏膜相关淋巴样组织  C4 淋巴细胞运输和再循环  C5 出生时的适应性免疫D 抗体  D1 抗体结构  D2 抗体类别  D3 多样性的产生  D4 同种异型和独特型  D5 单克隆抗体  D6 抗原一抗体复合物(免疫复合物)  D7 免疫测定  D8 抗体的功能E 抗体应答 E1 B细胞受体复合物、辅助受体和信号发送 E2 B细胞活化 E3 抗体应答的细胞基础 E4 不同组织中的抗体应答F T细胞应答——细胞介导免疫 F1 T细胞在免疫应答中的作用 F2 抗原的T细胞识别 F3 T细胞库的形成 F4 T细胞活化 F5 克隆扩增与效应功能的发展 F6 细胞介导的免疫的前后关系G 免疫应答的调节 G1 概论 G2 中枢耐受和外周耐受 G3 获得性耐受 G4 抗原和抗体的调节 G5 基因、T辅助细胞、细胞因子和神经内分泌系统H 感染免疫 H1 微生物世界 H2 对不同生物的免疫 H3 病原体的防御策略I 疫苗接种 11 接种原理 12 免疫接种 13 抗原制备 14 病原体和肿瘤疫苗J 免疫缺陷——免疫系统不健全  J1 免疫系统的缺陷  J2 原发性/先天性(遗传性)免疫缺陷  J3 继发性(获得性)免疫缺陷  J4 免疫缺陷的诊断和治疗K 超敏反应——免疫系统过度反应  K1 定义和分类  K2 IgE-介导的(工型)超敏反应——变态反应  K3 IgG和IgM-介导的(Ⅱ型)超敏反应  K4 免疫复合物一介导的(Ⅲ型)超敏反应  K5 迟发型(IV型)超敏反应L 自身免疫和自身免疫疾病  L1 自身免疫的病谱及流行  L2 促进自身免疫病发生的因素  L3 自身免疫病——发生的机制  L4 疾病的发病机理——效应机制  L5  自身免疫病的诊断和治疗M 移植  M1 移植问题  M2 移植抗原  M3 排斥机制  M4 移植排斥的预防N 肿瘤免疫学 N1 肿瘤的起源和宿主抗瘤防御 N2 肿瘤抗原 ……O 性别和免疫系统P 老化和免疫系统(免疫衰老)进一步阅读的文献附录1—选出的CD分子附录2—主要的细胞因子术语汇编索引


插图:Different antibody molecules produced in response to a particular antigenicdeterminant may vary considerably in their tightness of binding to that deter-minant (i.e., in their affinity for the antigenic determinant). The higher thebinding constant the less likely the antibody is to dissociate from the antigen.Clearly, the affinity of an antibody population is critical when the antigen is atoxin or virus and must be neutralized by rapid and firm combination withantibody. Antibodies formed soon after the injection of an antigen are generallyof lower affinity for that antigen whereas antibodies produced later havedramatically greater affinities (association constants 1000 times higher).The valence of an antibody is the maximum number of antigenic determinantswith which it can react. For example, IgG antibodies contain two Fab regionsand can bind two molecules of antigen or two identical sites on the same parti-cle, and thus have a valence of two. Valence is important for binding affinity, ashaving two or more binding sites for an antigen can dramatically increase thetightness of binding of the antibody to antigens  on a bacteria or virus. Thiscombined effect, avidity, results from synergy of the binding strengths of eachbinding site. Avidity is the firmness of association between a multideterminantantigen and the antibodies produced against it. Determining the avidity of an antibody population is very difficult, since itinvolves evaluating some function of the group interactions of a large numberof different antibodies with a large number of different antigenic determinants.Even so, the importance of avidity can be demonstrated both mathematicallyand biologically. For example, as a result of working together (being on thesame molecule) two IgG binding sites are 10-100 fold more effective at neutral-izing a virus than two unassociated binding sites, and if the antibody has morebinding sites, as in the case of IgM (Topic D2), it may be a million times moreeffective (Fig. 2). This can be visualized by considering antibodies with one ortwo binding sites for a particular antigenic determinant on a microorganism.The antibody with one site can bind to, but can also dissociate from, a determi-nant on the organism. When it comes off, it can diffuse away. However, theantibody with two sites can bind two identical determinants on the organism(each organism has many copies of each protein or carbohydrate). If one bind-ing site dissociates, the other is probably still attached and permits the first siteto reform its association with the organism. It therefore follows that the largerthe number of binding sites per antibody molecule, the larger the number ofbonds formed with an organism, and the less likely it will be to dissociate.Thus, an antibody with a poor intrinsic affinity for an antigenic determinantcan, as a result of a large number of combining sites per molecule, be extremelyeffective in neutralizing a virus or complexing with a microorganism.





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  •   作教学参考书买的,好书一本
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  •   一定注意内容是英文版的,具体内容我没有看,不过当当的服务还是不错的,已经选择退书了
  •   The content is many, but without a good organization.
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  •   质量不错,比较适合初级阶段的学习
  •   质量不行。。。内容还可以,请卓越打击盗版
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