
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:科学出版社  作者:闫浩文,杨维芳 编著  页数:318  字数:401000  


Our aim of publishing such a book is mainly for Chinese undergraduates ma-joring in surveying and mapping, civil engineering, geography, geology, urbanplanning,and some other relevant studies. In addition,this book can be used as areference by postgraduates, instructors and researchers of relevant communities. To give an up-to-date and concise treatment of the subject, some publishedpapers and books that have been used in foreign universities are referenced~ addi-tionally, a great deal of new material from internet has also been adopted. Thesereferences have been listed in the book, which may provide useful clues for read-ers who are interested in further research. The book is divided into two parts. The first part discusses conventionalsurveying principles and the second part discusses new surveying techniques andprinciples.


本书主要研究如何测定和记录地面点的位置、高程,以及如何确定地球的形状大小。全书分为两部分:传统测量学原理和当代测量学原理。第一部分论述运用传统仪器进行测量工作的技术和手段;第二部分论述地理信息系统、全球定位系统、摄影测量等的基本原理。    形式上,本书全文以英文撰写;内容上,尽量吸收国外同行先进的理念和方法,力求思想的“国际性”,但在具体方法的应用上又以我国的标准、规范为依据,以便国内读者的使用。    本书可供测绘、地理、遥感、土木工程、地质等专业的高年级本科学生使用,亦可作为相关专业研究生的教学参考用书,或供相关领域的科技工作者参阅。


PrefacePart 1  Conventional Surveying Chapter 1  Introductory  1.1  Basic concepts of surveying  1.2  Basic principles in surveying  1.3  Survey references  1.4  Methods used in point locations  1.5  History of surveying  1.6  Exercises Chapter 2  Leveling  2.1  Definition and principles of leveling  2.2  Elements of the surveyors' level  2.3  Types of instruments used in leveling  2.4  Methods of leveling  2.5  Accuracy in leveling  2.6  Mistakes in levleing  2.7  Suggestions for instrument and rod work  2.8  Exercises Chapter 3  Angles and Directions-Theories  3.1  Reference directions for vertical angles  3.2  Horizontal angles  3.3  Three north directions  3.4  Azimuths and bearing  3.5  Exercises Chapter 4  Instruments for Angles and Directions Surveying  4.1  Theodolites and transits  4.2  Magnetic azimuth (bearing) surveying:magnetic compass  4.3 True azimuth(bearing)surveying  4.4  Exercises Chapter 5  Distance Measurement  5.1  Methods for distance determination  5.2  Taping  5.3  Electromagnetic distance measurement  5.4  Summary of distance measurement methods  5.5  Exercises Chapter 6  Traverse Surveying  6.1  An introductory to traverses  6.2  Field work in traverse surveying  6.3  Office work in traverse surveying  6.4  Exercises Chapter 7  Error Theories  7.1  Introduction  7.2  Relevant definitions  7.3  Law of errors propagation  7.4  The method of least square and its application  7.5  Calculation of standard deviation by true errors  7.6  Several examples using the law of errors propagation  7.7  Exercises Chapter 8  Topographic Maps  8.1  Concepts of map and topographic map  8.2  Map scales and scale precisions  8.3  Map grids  8.4  Gauss-Krtuger projection  8.5  Subdivisions and numbering of topographic maps  8.6  Map symbols  8.7  Application of topographic maps  8.8  Exercises Chapter 9  Topographic Surveying  9.1  Background  9.2  Topographic control framework  9.3  Methods for detail surveys  9.4  Procedures of conventional topographic surveys  9.5  Digital mapping techniques  9.6   ExercisesPart 2  Modern Surveying Chapter 10  GIobaI Positioning Systems  …… Chapter 11  Geographic Information Systems Chapter 12  PhotogrammetryReferenced BibliographiesReferenced Internet ResourcesAppendix: Math Foundation


插图:(1) Every 20m.(2) Points at which the gradient changes, such as the top and bottom ofbanks.(3) Edges of natural features such as ditches and ponds.(4) In sections that cross roads~ at the back of the footpath, on the kerb,in the gutter, and on the centre of the road. In the example shown in Figure 2.37, the survey was closed acceptably toBM2. Had there been no benchmark at the end of the profile survey, the survey-or would have looped back and closed into the initial benchmark. The ISs in Table 2.7 are shown in a separate column, and elevations at theintermediate sights show the same number of decimals as are shown in the rodreadings. Rod readings taken on intermediate points are usually taken to the clo-sest 0. 01m. The sections are usually plotted to a distorted scale, a common one for roadwork being 1/500 scale horizontal and 1/100 vertical. Works of narrow width such as sewers and pipelines require only one line oflevels along the centre line of the proposed trench, because there will generallybe little change of the ground surface level over the proposed width. Widerworks, however, such as roads, railway, embankments and large tanks, willnecessitate the use of ground on either side of the centre line, and informationregarding relative ground levels is obtained by taking cross-section at right an-gles to the centre line. The width of these must be sufficient to cover the pro-posed works (15m either side of the centre line or a normal road, see Figure2.39).





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