
出版时间:2009-3  出版社:科学出版社  作者:伊科诺毛  页数:477  


  对于国内的物理学工作者和青年学生来讲,研读国外优秀的物理学著作是系统掌握物理学知识的一个重要手段。但是,在国内并不能及时、方便地买到国外的图书,且国外图书不菲的价格往往令国内的读者却步,因此,把国外的优秀物理原著引进到国内,让国内的读者能够方便地以较低的价格购买是一项意义深远的工作,将有助于国内物理学工作者和青年学生掌握国际物理学的前沿知识,进而推动我国物理学科研和教学的发展。  为了满足国内读者对国外优秀物理学著作的需求,科学出版社启动了引进国外优秀著作的工作,出版社的这一举措得到了国内物理学界的积极响应和支持,很快成立了专家委员会,开展了选题的推荐和筛选工作,在出版社初选的书单基础上确定了第一批引进的项目,这些图书几乎涉及了近代物理学的所有领域,既有阐述学科基本理论的经典名著,也有反映某一学科专题前沿的专著。在选择图书时,专家委员会遵循了以下原则:基础理论方面的图书强调“经典”,选择了那些经得起时间检验、对物理学的发展产生重要影响、现在还不“过时”的著作(如狄拉克的《量子力学原理》)。反映物理学某一领域进展的著作强调“前沿”和“热点”,根据国内物理学研究发展的实际情况,选择了能够体现相关学科最新进展,对有关方向的科研人员和研究生有重要参考价值的图书。这些图书都是最新版的,多数图书都是2000年以后出版的,还有相当一部分是当年出版的新书。因此,这套丛书具有权威性、前瞻性和应用性强的特点。由于国外出版社的要求,科学出版社对部分图书进行了少量的翻译和注释(主要是目录标题和练习题),但这并不会影响图书“原汁原味”的感觉,可能还会方便国内读者的阅读和理解。  “他山之石,可以攻玉”,希望这套丛书的出版能够为国内物理学工作者和青年学生的工作和学习提供参考,也希望国内更多专家参与到这一工作中来,推荐更多的好书。


The main part of this book is devoted to the simplest kind of Green's functions, namely the solutions of linear differential equations with a delta function source. It is shown that these familiar Green's functions are a powerful tool for obtaining relatively simple and general solutions of basic quantum problems such as scattering and bound-level information. The bound-level treatment gives a clear physical understanding of "difficult" questions such as superconductivity, the Kondo effect, and, to a lesser degree, disorder-induced localization. The more advanced subject of many-body Green's functions is presented in the last part of the book.


Part Ⅰ Green's Functions in Mathematical Physics  1  Time-Independent Green's Functions  1.1  Formalism    1.2  Examples   1.2.1  Three-Dimensional Case (d = 3)   1.2.2  Two-Dimensional Case (d = 2)   1.2.3  One-Dimensional Case (d = 1)   1.2.4  Finite Domain (2    1.3  Summary   1.3.1  Definition   1.3.2  Basic Properties   1.3.3  Methods of Calculation   1.3.4  Use   Further Reading    Problems 2  Time-Dependent Green's Functions  2.1  First-Order Case   2.1.1  Examples    2.2  Second-Order Case   2.2.1  Examples    2.3  Summary   2.3.1  Definition   2.3.2  Basic Properties   2.3.3  Definition     2.3.4  Basic Properties   2.3.5  Use    Further Reading    ProblemsPart Ⅱ Green's Functions in One-Body Quantum Problems 3 Physical Significance of G.Application to the Free-Particle Case  3.1  General Relations  3.2  The Free-Particle (Ho = p2/2m) Case      3.2.1  3-d Case      3.2.2  2-d Case      3.2.3  1-d Case  3.3  The Free-Particle Klein Gordon Case  3.4  Summary  Further Reading  Problems 4 Green's Functions and Perturbation Theory  4.1  Formalism      4.1.1  Time-Independent Case      4.1.2  Time-Dependent Case  4.2  Applications      4.2.1  Scattering Theory (E > 0)      4.2.2  Bound State in Shallow Potential Wells (E < 0)      4.2.3  The KKR Method for Electronic Calculations in Solids.  4.3  Summary  Further Reading  Problems 5 Green's Functions for Tight-Binding Hamiltonians  5.1  Introductory Remarks  5.2  The Tight-Binding Hamiltonian (TBH)  5.3  Green's Functions      5.3.1  One-Dimensional Lattice      5.3.2  Square Lattice      5.3.3  Simple Cubic Lattice        5.3.4  Green's Functions for Bethe Lattices (Cayley Trees)   5.4  Summary  Further Reading  Problems 6 Single Impurity Scattering  6.1  Formalism  6.2  Explicit Results for a Single Band      6.2.1  Three-Dimensional Case      6.2.2  Two-Dimensional Case       6.2.3  One-Dimensional Case ……Part Ⅲ Green's Functions in Many-Body Systems






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