
出版时间:2009-2  出版社:科学出版社  作者:徐久芳 主编  页数:128  字数:156000  


  近年来,随着中等职业教育的大发展,各类中职学校招生规模的不断扩大,大部分学生入学时英语基础比较薄弱,而英语又是中职学校一门必修的文化基础课程。为了适应这一新的需求,科学出版社组织一批具有丰富教学经验的中等职业学校一线优秀教师,在广泛听取了来自各方面的意见的基础上,编写了一套中等职业学校通用的英语教材,以适应新形势对中职英语教学改革的紧迫需要。  本套教材依据中等职业教育“以就业为导向,以服务为宗旨,以能力为本位,以岗位为目标”的办学新理念和《中等职业学校英语教学新大纲》的基本要求,把握“以实际应用为目的,简单够用为尺度”的基本原则,全面更新教学观念、体系和内容。教材把培养学生实际使用英语处理工作和生活中的涉外交际活动的能力作为最终目标,改变英语教学中学用结合不密切的低效率局面,突出英语教学为改革开放服务的实用方向。编者力求为改进中职英语教学现状,提高教学质量尽最大的努力。  本套教材具有如下几个方面的特色:  1.适用范围广。本套教材在内容上考虑与普通初中英语教学衔接的同时,更突出降低起点和要求,以符合当前绝大多数中职学生的实际英语水平,适用于各类中等职业学校。  2.话题贴近生活,训练方式灵活多样。选题内容主要是围绕II常生活中最经常涉及的有关学习、工作、衣食住行等话题。每个单元围绕一个话题设计各种灵活多样的听说读写任务展开教学,分热身、听说、读写、语法应用、趣味英语和文化点滴等环节。  3.选材内容充分体现了实用性、时代感、知识性和趣味性,兼顾语言的规范性。听说部分所选用的语言材料和情景,力求符合实际交际的需要。把语言基本技能训练与实际涉外活动结合起来,培养学生实际交际能力。阅读题材和文化点滴的知识性使学生开拓眼界,了解文化差异,增强世界意识,进一步提高语感和交际能力,为学生自主学习创造充分的条件。书面表达只涉及一些简单、容易操作的训练任务,重点突出实际应用。


中等职业学校通用教材《英语》共两册,分两个学期使用,每周安排4学时。也可以根椐各校的具体教学情况及学生的专业特点自行安排教学进度。本书是该套书的第二册。    本书共有10个单元,内容结合学生的学习生活和今后的工作环境设计。每个单元围绕一个话题,设计灵活多样的任务展开听、说、读、写技能训练。每单元由六个模块组成:准备、听说、读写、语法、兴趣英语和文化交流。    本书配有电子教案,为授课提供课堂教学的基本框架,明确单元教学目标,教学重点和语言训练的方法、途径和手段。同时,提供配套练习册和听力部分录音光盘等教学资料,以满足教师课堂教学和学生课后自主学习的需要。    本书适合作为中等职业学校的教材。


The Structure of the BookUnit 1  Travel by Air  Warming Up  Listening & Speaking  Reading & Writing  Grammar  Interesting English  Cultural NotesUnit 2  I Want to Book a Room for Tonight  Warming Up  Listening & Speaking  Reading & Writing  Grammar  Interesting English  Cultural NotesUnit 3  Commodity Fair  Warming Up   Listening & Speaking  Reading & Writing  Grammar  Interesting English  Cultural NotesUnit 4  Go Sightessing  Warming Up  Listening & Speaking  Reading & Writing  Grammar  Interesting English  Cultural NotesUnit 5  Do You Have a Bank Account  Warming Up  Listening & Speaking  Reading & Writing  Grammar  Interesting English  Cultural NotesUnit 6  At a Factory  Warming Up  Listening & Speaking  Reading & Writing  Grammar  Interesting English  Cultural NotesUnit 7  Would You Like to Have Your Own Car?  Warming Up  Listening & Speaking  Reading & Writing  Grammar  Interesting English  Cultural NotesUnit 8  Are You Often Online?  Warming Up  Listening & Speaking  Reading & Writing  Grammar  Interesting English  Cultural NotesUnit 9  How Do People Communicate with Each other?  Warming Up  Listening & Speaking  Reading & Writing  Grammar  Interesting English  Cultural NotesUnit 10  Ler's Protect Our Planet  Warming Up  Listening & Speaking  Reading & Writing  Grammar  Interesting English  Cultural NotesAppendix  International Phonetic Symbols  Irregular Verbs  Common English Names  Words and Expressions in Each Unit  Vocabulary


  There are various ways through which wecommunicate with each other. These may be calledas the means of communication. In face-to-facecommunication we use different parts of our bodyor we directly talk to others while communicating our message. Where face-to-facecommunication is not possible, we take the help of some other means through whichwe usually convey our messages. For example, we may use letters to convey writtenmessages; talk to others over telephones; send telegrams and use various othermodem machines like computers, fax machine, etc. to communicate our messages.The means to be used in our communication process depend upon the purposeof communication. For example, to send any urgentmessage we generally use telephone; for any importantmatter for which a written document is required, we useletter, telegram, fax, etc. Nowadays, modem technologyhas given us a wide option to choose the meansaccording to our requirement and liking.



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