出版时间:2009-1 出版社:科学出版社 作者:Wu Fengchang,Xing Baoshan 著 页数:325
PrefacePart Ⅰ Characterization of Natural Organic Matter (NOM)Chapter 1 Dissolved Organic Matter in the Aquatic EnvironmentChapter 2 Detection of a DNA-like Material in Suwannee River Fulvic AcidChapter 3 Multi-dimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Parafac for Dissolved Organic Matter CharacterizationChapter 4 Studying Organic Matter and Water in Soils by NMR: Cautions and InsightsPart Ⅱ Interactions Between NOM and ContaminantsChapter 5 Model Prediction of the Speciation, Toxicity and Bioavailability of Trace Metals in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter (NOM)Chapter 6 An Investigation of Lead Distribution and Lead Complexed to Soil-Derived Humic Acids From a Shooting RangeChapter 7 Effects of Condensed Organic Matter on Sorption of Organic Contaminants in Soils and SedimentsChapter 8 Sorption Properties of Organic Compounds by KerogenChapter 9 Sorption and Sequestration of Organic Contaminants in Soils and SedimentsChapter 10 Sorptive Behavior of Plant Cuticular MaterialsPart Ⅲ Environmental Impacts of NOMChapter 11 Characterization of Phosphorus Associated With Natural Organic MatterChapter 12 Sorption of Human and Veterinary Antibiotics to SoilsChapter 13 Role of Soils and Soil Management for Mitigating Greenhouse Effects
1.2 Origin and Specification of Autochthonous DOM in the Aquatic Environment Autochthonous DOM can practically define as any new organic substance usually originated in the aquatic media by any natural processes. A rough estimation showed that an increase in autochthonous DOC contents is 0-88% in lakes, and 0-194% in oceans (Table 1.2). This estimation of autochthonous input of DOM was very rough, as photodegradation effects as well as microbial consumption on mineralization of DOM at epilimnion were not taken into consideration here. However, microbial consumption was supposed to be very little effective as it might simultaneously occur in both epilimnion and hypolimnion. The DOC concentra- tions started to increase in the early summer season and continued to increase until the win- ter prior when vertical mixing occurred in lake waters. For example, in Lake Biwa during winter-spring seasons (January-April), DOC was uniformly distributed throughout the entire water column due to vertical mixing, an increase in DOC concentrations started on May and reached a maximum in the summer season (July-September) when water temperature was highest (26.5-28.4~C) during the period of 1999-2001 (Mostofa et al., 2005b and unpub- lished data). Therefore, high autochthonous production might be a vital observable factor which may control the dynamics and cycling of DOM in natural lake and oceanic environ- ment. 1.2.1 Mechanism of autochthonous input of DOM in the aquatic environment It is a fundamental question about the mechanism of autochthonous DOM in the aquatic en- vironments as confusion is frequently revealed, arguing DOM is produced either by photosynthesis during summer season (Takahashi et al., 1995; Anderson and Williams, 1998; Marafibn et al., 2004) or by direct release from Chlaor phytoplankton (Kirchman et al., 1995; Carrillo et al., 2002; Rochelle-Newall and Fisher, 2002; Nieto-Cid et al., 2006) or bacterial metabolism of plankton biomass (Hart et al., 2000; Nelson et al., 2004; Medina-S~nchez et al., 2006). Therefore, the major processes associated with the origin of autochthonous input of DOM in natural waters can be discriminated as: photosynthesis, @ biological ac- tivities, and @ photo-induced generation of DOM from particulate organic matter. Photosynthesis The most important source of autochthonous DOM is the photosynthesis process where carbohydrates are formed by the reaction of CO2 and H202 in the aquatic environments. Both CO2 and H2O2 are simultaneously produced by the photodegradation of DOM in waters (Eq. 1; Moran and Zepp, 1997; Gao and Zepp, 1998; OSullivan et al., 2005; Mostofa et al., 2008). Besides those, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), low molecular-weight (LMW) DOM, and thermal energy, E (_+), are sequentially formed at the same time during photode- gradation (Mopper et al., 1991; Amon and Benner, 1994; Moran and Zepp, 1997; Gao and Zepp, 1998).